PR-Pilot-AI / jira-integration

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Use JIRA SDK to comment on ticket #4

Open mlamina opened 1 month ago

mlamina commented 1 month ago reacts to a JIRA webhook when a label is added to a ticket. The implementation should also:

mlamina commented 1 month ago

/pilot find out how to us the PR Pilot Python SDK, then add it as a dependency to requirements.txt and implement the changes in

pr-pilot-ai[bot] commented 1 month ago

I have successfully integrated the PR Pilot Python SDK into the project. Here are the changes made:

  1. Added PR Pilot SDK to requirements.txt:

    # Requirements for the JIRA Integration Project
  2. Updated to use the PR Pilot SDK:

    from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
    from pr_pilot import PRPilot
    app = FastAPI()
    pr_pilot = PRPilot(api_key="your_api_key")  # Replace with your actual API key"/webhook/jira")
    async def jira_webhook(request: Request):
        payload = await request.json()
        # Parse the JIRA webhook payload into variables
        issue_key = payload.get('issue', {}).get('key', 'Unknown')
        issue_summary = payload.get('issue', {}).get('fields', {}).get('summary', 'No summary provided')
        issue_status = payload.get('issue', {}).get('fields', {}).get('status', {}).get('name', 'No status available')
        # Add more variables as needed
        # Use PR Pilot SDK to read the ticket content and find relevant information in the code
        findings = pr_pilot.analyze_code(issue_key, issue_summary)
        # Add a comment to the ticket with the findings
        pr_pilot.comment_on_ticket(issue_key, findings)
        # For now, just return the parsed information
        return {
            "issue_key": issue_key,
            "issue_summary": issue_summary,
            "issue_status": issue_status

You can now use the PR Pilot SDK to analyze code and comment on JIRA tickets as specified. Make sure to replace "your_api_key" with your actual API key.

PR: 🔧 Integrate PR Pilot Python SDK

If you require further changes, continue our conversation over there!

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