PR-Pilot-AI / pr-pilot

An AI agent for your development workflow that can search and manipulate the code base, browse the internet and interact with Github issues and pull requests
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Document User Journey #57

Open mlamina opened 3 months ago

mlamina commented 3 months ago

What part of the project needs to be documented? The user's journey through the platform:

What is unclear at the moment and would be clarified by the documentation? A clear visualization of how users interact with the platform and how it handles requests

Who is the audience for the documentation? End user

Acceptance Criteria

mlamina commented 3 months ago

/pilot which Mermaid diagram type would best fit this use case? Give an example

pr-pilot-ai[bot] commented 3 months ago

For visualizing the user journey described in Issue 57, a Mermaid sequence diagram would be the most suitable. Sequence diagrams are great for illustrating how different parts of a system interact with each other over time, which aligns well with the need to show the flow of actions from the user issuing a command to the creation of a new PR.

Here's an example of how the sequence diagram could look:

    participant U as User
    participant P as PR Pilot
    participant A as AI Agent
    participant D as Docker Container
    participant G as GitHub

    U->>P: Issues  command
    P->>A: Interprets command
    A->>D: Checks out code & runs task
    D->>G: Creates new PR
    G->>U: Sends response

This diagram starts with the User issuing a `` command, which is then interpreted by PR Pilot. The AI Agent checks out the code and runs the task in a Docker container. Once the task is completed, a new PR is created on GitHub, and a response is sent back to the user.

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mlamina commented 3 months ago

/pilot This is a good technical visualization, but I'm looking for something more simple and eye-catching. It should make it clear that PR Pilot can receive commands from different sources and provide a simplistic overview of how PR Pilot works

pr-pilot-ai[bot] commented 3 months ago

Based on the feedback from mlamina, I understand that a more simplified and visually appealing diagram is needed to illustrate how PR Pilot can receive commands from different sources and provide an overview of its operation. Here's a revised visualization concept that focuses on simplicity and clarity:

graph TD
    A[User] -->|Issues command via<br>Github, Slack, etc.| B(PR Pilot)
    B --> C{Interprets Command}
    C -->|Checks out code| D[Docker Container]
    C -->|Runs task| D
    D --> E[Creates new PR]
    E -->|Response sent to| A

This diagram simplifies the user journey by:

I hope this visualization meets the requirements for simplicity and clarity while effectively conveying the versatility and workflow of PR Pilot.

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