PR2 / pr2_common

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hard coded calibration offset values in stereo optical frame URDF (ros ticket #3337) #162

Closed ahendrix closed 11 years ago

ahendrix commented 11 years ago

urdf/sensors/stereo_camera.urdf.xacro line 61 contains hardcoded offsets: {{{

}}} specifically, the 0.045 and 0.0305 offsets are causing stereo point clouds to be "wrong" in simulation. Parameters cal_stereo_* appear to be zeros. (Note the rotation is needed here because optical frames are z-forward).

trac data:

ahendrix commented 11 years ago

[watts] The 0.045 and 0.0305 might be offsets from the head plate frame.

ahendrix commented 11 years ago

[hsu] if that's the case, the offset should be moved to within the transform from head_plate_frame to double_stereo links, i.e. line 60 or pr2_description/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro. Offsetting between the camera frame and the camera optical frame does not seem correct.

ahendrix commented 11 years ago

[hsu] patch checked in r28462. Need some user testing.

ahendrix commented 11 years ago

[vpradeep] Looked at stereocam frames in rviz on a pr2 beta robot, and they seem correct, so closing ticket