PR2 / pr2_common

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Gazebo Integration #221

Closed davetcoleman closed 7 years ago

davetcoleman commented 11 years ago

I managed to fix the PR2 URDF enough to get it to launch in Gazebo again, but there are still a lot of issues that need to be fixed:

Warning [] No <sdf> element in file[data-string]
Warning [] multiple inconsistent <gravity> exists due to fixed joint reduction overwriting previous value [true] with [false].
Warning [] multiple inconsistent <gravity> exists due to fixed joint reduction overwriting previous value [false] with [true].
Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[head_mount_kinect_ir_optical_frame] has no inertia, parent joint [head_mount_kinect_ir_optical_frame_joint] ignored
.Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[head_mount_kinect_ir_optical_frame] has no inertia, not modeled in sdf
Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[head_mount_kinect_rgb_optical_frame] has no inertia, parent joint [head_mount_kinect_rgb_optical_frame_joint] ignored
.Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[head_mount_kinect_rgb_optical_frame] has no inertia, not modeled in sdf
Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[head_mount_prosilica_optical_frame] has no inertia, parent joint [head_mount_prosilica_optical_frame_joint] ignored
.Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[head_mount_prosilica_optical_frame] has no inertia, not modeled in sdf
Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[narrow_stereo_l_stereo_camera_optical_frame] has no inertia, parent joint [narrow_stereo_l_stereo_camera_optical_frame_joint] ignored
.Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[narrow_stereo_l_stereo_camera_optical_frame] has no inertia, not modeled in sdf
Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[narrow_stereo_r_stereo_camera_optical_frame] has no inertia, parent joint [narrow_stereo_r_stereo_camera_optical_frame_joint] ignored
.Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[narrow_stereo_r_stereo_camera_optical_frame] has no inertia, not modeled in sdf
Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[narrow_stereo_optical_frame] has no inertia, parent joint [narrow_stereo_optical_frame_joint] ignored
.Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[narrow_stereo_optical_frame] has no inertia, not modeled in sdf
Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[wide_stereo_l_stereo_camera_optical_frame] has no inertia, parent joint [wide_stereo_l_stereo_camera_optical_frame_joint] ignored
.Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[wide_stereo_l_stereo_camera_optical_frame] has no inertia, not modeled in sdf
Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[wide_stereo_r_stereo_camera_optical_frame] has no inertia, parent joint [wide_stereo_r_stereo_camera_optical_frame_joint] ignored
.Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[wide_stereo_r_stereo_camera_optical_frame] has no inertia, not modeled in sdf
Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[wide_stereo_optical_frame] has no inertia, parent joint [wide_stereo_optical_frame_joint] ignored
.Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[wide_stereo_optical_frame] has no inertia, not modeled in sdf
Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[l_forearm_cam_optical_frame] has no inertia, parent joint [l_forearm_cam_optical_frame_joint] ignored
.Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[l_forearm_cam_optical_frame] has no inertia, not modeled in sdf
Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[l_gripper_led_frame] has no inertia, parent joint [l_gripper_led_joint] ignored
.Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[l_gripper_led_frame] has no inertia, not modeled in sdf
Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[l_gripper_l_finger_tip_frame] has no inertia, parent joint [l_gripper_joint] ignored
.Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[l_gripper_l_finger_tip_frame] has no inertia, not modeled in sdf
Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[l_gripper_tool_frame] has no inertia, parent joint [l_gripper_tool_joint] ignored
.Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[l_gripper_tool_frame] has no inertia, not modeled in sdf
Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[r_forearm_cam_optical_frame] has no inertia, parent joint [r_forearm_cam_optical_frame_joint] ignored
.Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[r_forearm_cam_optical_frame] has no inertia, not modeled in sdf
Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[r_gripper_led_frame] has no inertia, parent joint [r_gripper_led_joint] ignored
.Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[r_gripper_led_frame] has no inertia, not modeled in sdf
Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[r_gripper_l_finger_tip_frame] has no inertia, parent joint [r_gripper_joint] ignored
.Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[r_gripper_l_finger_tip_frame] has no inertia, not modeled in sdf
Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[r_gripper_tool_frame] has no inertia, parent joint [r_gripper_tool_joint] ignored
.Warning [] urdf2sdf: link[r_gripper_tool_frame] has no inertia, not modeled in sdf
Warning [] parse from urdf.
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/Black] for Geometry[pr2::base_footprint::base_footprint_visual_base_bellow_link. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/caster_texture] for Geometry[pr2::bl_caster_rotation_link::bl_caster_rotation_link_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/caster_texture] for Geometry[pr2::br_caster_rotation_link::br_caster_rotation_link_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/caster_texture] for Geometry[pr2::fl_caster_rotation_link::fl_caster_rotation_link_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/caster_texture] for Geometry[pr2::fr_caster_rotation_link::fr_caster_rotation_link_visual. Object will appear white
 WARN ros.gazebo_plugins: gazebo_ros_camera_ simulation does not support non-zero distortion parameters right now, your simulation maybe wrong.
 WARN ros.gazebo_plugins: gazebo_ros_camera_ simulation does not support non-zero distortion parameters right now, your simulation maybe wrong.
 WARN ros.gazebo_plugins: gazebo_ros_camera_ simulation does not support non-zero distortion parameters right now, your simulation maybe wrong.
 INFO ros.gazebo_plugins: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: head_mount_kinect_ir. New rate: 2.00
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/RollLinks] for Geometry[pr2::l_wrist_roll_link::l_wrist_roll_link_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/RollLinks] for Geometry[pr2::l_forearm_roll_link::l_forearm_roll_link_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/RollLinks] for Geometry[pr2::l_upper_arm_roll_link::l_upper_arm_roll_link_visual. Object will appear white
 INFO ros.gazebo_plugins: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: head_mount_kinect_rgb. New rate: 2.00
 INFO ros.gazebo_plugins: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: prosilica_camera_1mb. New rate: 2.00
 INFO ros.gazebo_plugins: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: prosilica_camera_1mb_sim_pcd. New rate: 2.00
 INFO ros.gazebo_plugins: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: narrow_stereo/left. New rate: 2.00
 INFO ros.gazebo_plugins: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: narrow_stereo/right. New rate: 2.00
 INFO ros.gazebo_plugins: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: wide_stereo/left. New rate: 2.00
 INFO ros.gazebo_plugins: trigger_mode trigger_mode streaming
 INFO ros.gazebo_plugins: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: wide_stereo/right. New rate: 2.00
 INFO ros.gazebo_plugins: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: prosilica. New rate: 2.00
 INFO ros.gazebo_plugins: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: l_forearm_cam. New rate: 2.00
 INFO ros.gazebo_plugins: bayer simulation maybe computationally expensive.
 WARN ros.gazebo_plugins: The <focal_length>[320.000105] you have provided for camera_ [wide_stereo_l_stereo_camera_sensor] is inconsistent with specified image_width [640] and HFOV [1.570800].   Please double check to see that focal_length = width_ / (2.0 * tan(HFOV/2.0)), the explected focal_lengtth value is [319.998825], please update your camera_ model description accordingly.
 INFO ros.gazebo_plugins: bayer simulation maybe computationally expensive.
 WARN ros.gazebo_plugins: The <focal_length>[320.000105] you have provided for camera_ [wide_stereo_r_stereo_camera_sensor] is inconsistent with specified image_width [640] and HFOV [1.570800].   Please double check to see that focal_length = width_ / (2.0 * tan(HFOV/2.0)), the explected focal_lengtth value is [319.998825], please update your camera_ model description accordingly.
 INFO ros.gazebo_plugins: trigger_mode trigger_mode streaming
 WARN ros.gazebo_plugins: The <focal_length>[320.000000] you have provided for camera_ [l_forearm_cam_sensor] is inconsistent with specified image_width [640] and HFOV [1.570800].   Please double check to see that focal_length = width_ / (2.0 * tan(HFOV/2.0)), the explected focal_lengtth value is [319.998825], please update your camera_ model description accordingly.
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/RollLinks] for Geometry[pr2::r_wrist_roll_link::r_wrist_roll_link_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/RollLinks] for Geometry[pr2::r_forearm_roll_link::r_forearm_roll_link_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/RollLinks] for Geometry[pr2::r_upper_arm_roll_link::r_upper_arm_roll_link_visual. Object will appear white
 INFO ros.gazebo_plugins: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: r_forearm_cam. New rate: 2.00
 WARN ros.gazebo_plugins: The <focal_length>[320.000000] you have provided for camera_ [r_forearm_cam_sensor] is inconsistent with specified image_width [640] and HFOV [1.570800].   Please double check to see that focal_length = width_ / (2.0 * tan(HFOV/2.0)), the explected focal_lengtth value is [319.998825], please update your camera_ model description accordingly.
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/RollLinks] for Geometry[pr2::r_wrist_roll_link::r_wrist_roll_link_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/RollLinks] for Geometry[pr2::l_wrist_roll_link::l_wrist_roll_link_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/RollLinks] for Geometry[pr2::r_forearm_roll_link::r_forearm_roll_link_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/RollLinks] for Geometry[pr2::l_forearm_roll_link::l_forearm_roll_link_visual. Object will appear white
[spawn_urdf-3] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/dave/.ros/log/3e4bb68a-f574-11e2-9120-10bf4885b91f/spawn_urdf-3*.log
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/RollLinks] for Geometry[pr2::l_upper_arm_roll_link::l_upper_arm_roll_link_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/RollLinks] for Geometry[pr2::r_upper_arm_roll_link::r_upper_arm_roll_link_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/Black] for Geometry[pr2::base_footprint::base_footprint_visual_base_bellow_link. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/caster_texture] for Geometry[pr2::bl_caster_rotation_link::bl_caster_rotation_link_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/caster_texture] for Geometry[pr2::br_caster_rotation_link::br_caster_rotation_link_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/caster_texture] for Geometry[pr2::fl_caster_rotation_link::fl_caster_rotation_link_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/caster_texture] for Geometry[pr2::fr_caster_rotation_link::fr_caster_rotation_link_visual. Object will appear white
Error [Plugin.hh:127] Failed to load plugin cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Error [Plugin.hh:127] Failed to load plugin cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 INFO ros.gazebo_plugins: f3d plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to world
 INFO ros.gazebo_plugins: f3d plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to world

This is for the new Gazebo 1.9 and gazebo_ros_pkgs

@hsu @nkoenig @caguero

ahendrix commented 11 years ago

@danepowell has been making a number of fixes to the groovy URDF (groovy-devel branch). I suspect a few of them may help out here.

danepowell commented 11 years ago

These are exactly the kinds of warnings and errors that I've been seeing (although in Gazebo 1.5), and I've been slowly chipping away at them. I'd appreciate any help.

davetcoleman commented 11 years ago

I'm afraid I'm focused on other robots being integrated into Gazebo, but I did add the PR2 to the gazebo_ros_pkgs tutorials so your fixes are very much appreciated!