PR2 / pr2_simulator

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Simulated Kinect - depth map encoding #112

Open ZdenekM opened 8 years ago

ZdenekM commented 8 years ago

I tried to use simulated PR2 and Object Recognition Kitchen. There is some problem with encoding of depth map (topic /head_mount_kinect/depth/image_raw). Not sure if it's problem of the PR2 simulator or ORK (or Gazebo?) so I'm also reporting it here. ORK issue: I worked with depth maps in ROS/Gazebo long time ago and I remember there were some difficulties with encodings.

ZdenekM commented 8 years ago

Ok, I probably found problem. Encoding of depth/image_raw changes. See following:

rostopic echo /head_mount_kinect/depth/image_raw | grep encoding
encoding: mono8
encoding: 32FC1
encoding: 32FC1
encoding: mono8
encoding: 32FC1
encoding: 32FC1
encoding: mono8
ZdenekM commented 8 years ago

I commented out this kinect plugin and now I'm getting correct encoding (only 32FC1).