PRBonn / bonnetal

Bonnet and then some! Deep Learning Framework for various Image Recognition Tasks. Photogrammetry and Robotics Lab, University of Bonn
MIT License
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GPU stops working when running inference #22

Closed duda1202 closed 4 years ago

duda1202 commented 4 years ago


I am using a GeForce RTX 2060 with bonnetal and it is crashing the GPU. I get the error:

Unable to determine the device handle for GPU 0000:01:00.0: GPU is lost. Reboot the system to recover this GPU

In this case, i am using my own code for ROS which uses the user.infer. This is the code:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Futures
from __future__ import print_function

import sys
import time
import argparse
import subprocess
import datetime
import os
import shutil

import rospy
import roslib
from sensor_msgs.msg import CompressedImage

# numpy and scipy
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import filters

# OpenCV
import cv2
from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError

# For overlaying images
from PIL import Image

import torch
# check if cuda is activated
cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
if cuda == False:
    print("Model is NOT using GPU")
print ("Cuda:", torch.cuda.is_available())

class BonnetalNode:
    Encapsulates the bonnetal functionality into a ROS node.
    # A ROS subscriber for input images
    img_sub = None
    labelled_img_pub = None
    overlaid_img_pub = None
    # Bonnetal interface
    user = None

    def __init__(self):
        Initializes ROS (pubs and subs) and bonnetal.
        # Initialize ROS
        init =
        # Parameters Config 
        path_model = rospy.get_param("path_model")
        backend = rospy.get_param("backend")
        camera_topic = rospy.get_param("camera_topic")

        # Add path for bonnetal files
        abs_path = rospy.get_param("abs_path")
        print ("Abs path is: ", abs_path)
        sys.path.insert(0, abs_path + "bonnetal/train")

        # Initialize bonnetal
        self.initialize_bonnetal(path=path_model, backend=backend)

        # Initialize publishers and subscribers
        self.overlaid_img_pub = rospy.Publisher("/overlaid_image/compressed",
                CompressedImage, queue_size = 1)
        self.labelled_img_pub = rospy.Publisher("/output_labelled_img/compressed",
                CompressedImage, queue_size = 1)
        # buff size allows callback to get the latest msg instead of queueing them
        self.img_sub = rospy.Subscriber(camera_topic,
                    CompressedImage, self.image_callback,  queue_size = 1, buff_size=2**32)

        rospy.loginfo("Segmentation node initialized in {} seconds!".format(

    def initialize_bonnetal(self, path, backend="native", workspace=8000000000, calib_images=None):
        Initializes bonnetal

        :type path: string
        :param path: full path to pretrained model

        :type backend: string
        :param backend: framework for segmentation task

        :type workspace: int
        :param workspace: max workspace size (only for TensorRT framework)

        :type calib_images: list
        :param calib_images: calibration images, must be a list of images (only for TensorRT framework)
        # create inference context for the desired backend
        if backend == "tensorrt":
            # import and use tensorRT
                print("Using tensorRT")
                from tasks.segmentation.modules.userTensorRT import UserTensorRT
                self.user = UserTensorRT(path, workspace, calib_images)
            except ImportError as e:
                print ("ERROR:", e)
                print('\nERROR:TensorRT needs to use inference model type .onnx. You can make one '
                    'using tasks/segmentation/')
        elif backend == "caffe2":
                # import and use caffe2
                print("Using caffe2")
                from tasks.segmentation.modules.userCaffe2 import UserCaffe2
                self.user = UserCaffe2(path)
            except ImportError as e:
                print ("ERROR:", e)
                print('\nERROR:Caffe2 needs to use inference model type .onnx. You can make one '
                    'using tasks/segmentation/')

        elif backend == "pytorch":
            # import and use pytorch
                print("Using PyTorch")
                from tasks.segmentation.modules.userPytorch import UserPytorch
                self.user = UserPytorch(path)
            except ImportError as e:
                print ("ERROR:", e)
                print('\nERROR:PyTorch needs to use inference model type .pytorch. You can make one '
                    'using tasks/segmentation/')

            # default to native pytorch
            print("Using native PyTorch")
            from tasks.segmentation.modules.user import User
            self.user = User(path)

    def segment_image(self, cv_img):
        Input should be cv image.

        :type cv_img: int
        :param cv_img: max workspace size (only for TensorRT framework)

        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :returns: OpenCV color image with labels of fuel

        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :returns: OpenCV color image from the camera with overlay labels of fuel
        # infer
        # print("Inferring ")
        _, lbl_img = self.user.infer(cv_img, False)
        overlay_img = Image.blend(Image.fromarray(cv_img), Image.fromarray(lbl_img), 0.5)

        return lbl_img, overlay_img

    def unpack_image_msg(self, msg):
        Receives a sensor_msgs/CompressedImage and returns a cv image

        :type msg: CompressedImage
        :param msg: CompressedImage ROS message

        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :returns: OpenCV color image
        np_arr = np.fromstring(, np.uint8)
        cv_img = cv2.imdecode(np_arr, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)

        return cv_img

    def re_pack_image_msg(self, cv_img):
        Packing OpenCV image to ROS message CompressedImage

        :type cv_img: CompressedImage
        :param cv_img: CompressedImage ROS message

        :rtype: CompressedImage
        :returns: CompressedImage ROS message in jpeg format
        #img_msg = cv2_to_imgmsg(cv_img, encoding="bgr8")

        img_msg = CompressedImage()
        img_msg.header.stamp =
        img_msg.format = "jpeg" = np.array(cv2.imencode('.jpg', np.asarray(cv_img))[1]).tostring()

        return img_msg

    def pub_lbl_img(self, cv_img):
        Publishes the labelled (segmented) images.

        :type cv_img: CompressedImage
        :param cv_img: CompressedImage ROS message
        img_msg = self.re_pack_image_msg(cv_img)

    def pub_overlay_img(self, cv_img):
        Publishes the overlaid images.

        :type cv_img: CompressedImage
        :param cv_img: CompressedImage ROS message
        img_msg = self.re_pack_image_msg(cv_img)

    def image_callback(self, msg):
        Receives sensor_msgs/CompressedImage and publishes labelled images.

        :type msg: CompressedImage
        :param msg: CompressedImage ROS message
        cv_img = self.unpack_image_msg(msg)

        lbl_img, overlay_img = self.segment_image(cv_img)


    def run(self):
        Enters the main loop for processing messages.

def main():
    node = BonnetalNode()

if __name__ == "__main__":

Do you know what the issue could be?

tano297 commented 4 years ago

Hi, This is likely a hardware problem. I would suggest 1) to check all of your power supply cables, and 2) checking dmesg for hardware problems. This is, however, nvidia-related, so I will close it here