PRBonn / semantic-kitti-api

SemanticKITTI API for visualizing dataset, processing data, and evaluating results.
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assertion error when performing semantic segmentation evaluation on test split #30

Closed amiltonwong closed 4 years ago

amiltonwong commented 4 years ago

Hi, authors,

When I perform the semantic segmentation evaluation on test split as guided: ./ --dataset /data2/kitti_dataset/dataset/ --predictions /media/root/mdata/dataset/lidar-bonnetal_models/predictions/knn_postprocess/darknet53-knn --split test

I got the following assertion error:

(pytorch1.1) root@Lab-PC:/data/code11/semantic-kitti-api# ./ --dataset /data2/kitti_dataset/dataset/ --predictions /media/root/mdata/dataset/lidar-bonnetal_models/predictions/knn_postprocess/darknet53-knn --split test
Data:  /data2/kitti_dataset/dataset/
Predictions:  /media/root/mdata/dataset/lidar-bonnetal_models/predictions/knn_postprocess/darknet53-knn
Backend:  numpy
Split:  test
Config:  config/semantic-kitti.yaml
Limit:  None
Codalab:  None
Opening data config file config/semantic-kitti.yaml
Ignoring xentropy class  0  in IoU evaluation
[IOU EVAL] INCLUDE:  [ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 169, in <module>
    assert(len(label_names) == len(pred_names))

As test split doesn't contain GT labels, thus label_names in line 169 in will be empty list, which conflicts the assertion statement. Is there any mistake in my command? ./ --dataset /data2/kitti_dataset/dataset/ --predictions /media/root/mdata/dataset/lidar-bonnetal_models/predictions/knn_postprocess/darknet53-knn --split test


amiltonwong commented 4 years ago

supplement: I can run the evaluation script for valid split smoothly ./ --dataset /data2/kitti_dataset/dataset/ --predictions /media/root/mdata/dataset/lidar-bonnetal_models/predictions/knn_postprocess/darknet53-knn --split valid

tano297 commented 4 years ago


This is the intended behavior, since you don't have the test set labels available. In order to evaluate your result on the test set you need to make a submission to our benchmark.

amiltonwong commented 4 years ago

Got it. Thanks