PRM1691 / blendspace

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Customize Mautic Look and Feel. Use Clean UI Bootstrap template for this purpose #5

Open PRM1691 opened 6 years ago

PRM1691 commented 6 years ago

┆Attachments: contacts.png | dashboard.png | calendar.png | lists.png | lists2.png | campaigns.png

PRM1691 commented 6 years ago

➤ Arvind Mohan commented:

Mautic template files are spread over a lot of files within various folders. There are about 300 files that need to be checked for and changes made to them

PRM1691 commented 6 years ago

➤ Vijay PremKumar commented:

Updating mautic version to the following

PRM1691 commented 6 years ago

➤ Arun Venkat commented:

Can you please provide me with the latest version of clean ui bootstrap template? The version that was provided was 1.7 but checking the web shows that the latest version is 2.1.

PRM1691 commented 6 years ago

➤ Arun Venkat commented:

@petemoulton1 @arvindmohan2

  1. Is billing taking place at user level or company level?
  2. Does every user have to do both the handwriting and voicemails or is that optional?
  3. Is every contact having their own custom note or the notes are generic and just the contact's information is used?
PRM1691 commented 6 years ago

➤ Arun Venkat commented:

Here are the screenshots @petemoulton1 @arvindmohan2 @vijaypremkumar1

PRM1691 commented 6 years ago

➤ Arun Venkat commented:

Only missing section is reports which I am currently working upon.