Matlab code of machine learning algorithms in book PRML
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Exercise 03 #4

Closed farnoushfarhadi closed 8 years ago

farnoushfarhadi commented 9 years ago

Answer B-1 (Project Topic):

Timothée and I have decided to form a team. For our project, we would like to implement a facial emotion recognition social application based on facial pictures. This app would work as follows on the user's side :

We found the following page listing a lot of facial recognition oriented databases :

Amongst them, one stood out for us : the Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset. (Database direct link).

There is at leat one associated paper. See page 4 and after for the methodology used.

The software would probably be divided into two main parts :

All operations will probably be made on grayscale version of the picture, maybe compressed for perfommance issues. Notice that both parts of the software can be independently tested and developped, which is a great advantage. Moreover in case we lack the time to finish the whole project, we can at least finish one or two independent parts which are still usefull on their own.

The face database used for classification will most likely be stored on a remote server which will also do at least the intensive computing part and maybe the communication (sending and receiving pictures) too. On the long term this application could enable smartphone companies to monitor their customer's mood based on images of their camera (with their agreement of course). This way, they can adjust the behaviour of their software depending on how their client is feeling. Another way this application could be usefull would be for autist people who have a hard time reading the emotions of people on their face. This could help them interact better with people around them.

Answer B-2:

The first step is to load the packages ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, maps, ggmap and scales. Then, we filter only the longitude and the latitude of the crimes occured in 2015, capture the map from google and generate the scatterplot as follows:

if (Sys.getenv("JAVA_HOME")!="")
ch <- read.table("", sep = "\t", header = T)
## Selecting only crimes of year 2015:
ch$Year[ch$Year != 2015] <- NA
ch <- na.omit(ch)
## Removing empty locations and splitting Location into Latitude and Longitude:
ch$Location[ch$Location == ''] <- NA
ch <- na.omit(ch)
ch <- ch %>% extract(Location, c('Latitude', 'Longitude'), '\\(([^,]+), ([^)]+)\\)')
ch$Longitude <- round(as.numeric(ch$Longitude), 2)
ch$Latitude <- round(as.numeric(ch$Latitude), 2)
lon <- ch$Longitude
lat <- ch$Latitude
mymap = get_map(location = c(mean(lon), mean(lat)),source = "google",zoom=11)

Next, we extract the frequency of crimes happend in each geographical coordinates of chicago, create the heatmap plot and indicate the crimes by colour red in a 2D pichture saved as a png file format in MTH6312 folder on your desktop:

## Get crime locations:
locationCrimes <-$Longitude, ch$Latitude))
names(locationCrimes) <- c('long', 'lat', 'Frequency')
locationCrimes$long <- as.numeric(as.character(locationCrimes$long))
locationCrimes$lat <- as.numeric(as.character(locationCrimes$lat))
locationCrimes <- subset(locationCrimes, Frequency > 0)

## 2D Plotting the location heatmap
png(filename = "C:/Users/User/Desktop/MTH6312/Chicagomap.png", width = 800, height = 600, units = "px")
ggmap(mymap) + geom_tile(data = locationCrimes, aes(x = long, y = lat, alpha = Frequency), fill = "red") + theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(), axis.title.x = element_blank())

The created map is:

Answer B-3:

Here, the univariate density of 2015 crimes over latitude and longitude are given by the following codes:

plot(density(lat),main = "Univariate Density of Lat.")
plot(density(lon),main = "Univariate Density of Lon.")

Answer B-4:

Finally, the 3D plot is generated using the following code:

## 3D Plotting the location heatmap:
z = kde2d(lon, lat, n = 50)
persp(z, xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude", zlab = "Density", phi = 45, shade = 0.35)

All in all, for overlaying the 3D density on the google map directly using the rgl package we have:

mymap2 = as.matrix(mymap)
nx = dim(mymap2)[2]
ny = dim(mymap2)[1]
xmin = min(lon) 
xmax = max(lon) 
ymin = min(lat)
ymax = max(lat)
xc = seq(xmin, xmax, len = ny)
yc = seq(ymin, ymax, len = nx)
colours = matrix(mymap2, ny, nx)
m = matrix(0, ny, nx)
surface3d(xc, yc, m, col = colours)
z = kde2d(lon, lat, n = 50)
z$z = z$z/100
surface3d(z$x,z$y,z$z, col = colours)

sth4nth commented 8 years ago

not related