PRNicovich / ClusDoC

Repository associated with Clus-DoC clustering and degree of colocalization analysis
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Error in bulk processing of ClusDoC #4

Closed Ejdrup closed 4 years ago

Ejdrup commented 5 years ago

When processing data in bulk with the full ClusDoC tool I get the following message after the program finnishes DBSCAN on the first channel and is supposed to move on to the next:

DoC exited with errors
Matrix index is out of range for deletion.

Error in ExportDBSCANDataToExcelFiles (line 8)
    cellROIPair(cellfun('isempty', A), :) = []; % filter out empty ones

Error in DBSCANonDoCResults (line 139)
        ExportDBSCANDataToExcelFiles(cellROIPair, ResultCell, strcat(Path_name, '\DBSCAN Results'), Ch);

Error in ClusDoC>DoC_All (line 2515)
            [ClusterTableCh1, ClusterTableCh2, clusterIDOut, handles.ClusterTable] =
            DBSCANonDoCResults(handles.CellData, handles.ROICoordinates, ...

Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.
Ejdrup commented 5 years ago

The issue seems to resolve by changing line 8 in ExportDBSCANDataToExcelFiles from

cellROIPair((~cellfun('isempty', A)), :) = [];


cellROIPair = cellROIPair((~cellfun('isempty', A)), :);