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All images should have optional caption and credit #97

Open kookster opened 9 years ago

kookster commented 9 years ago

piece_images table has them, series and account tables don't.

in general, based on working on the PMP and other systems, I think functionally we should support credits on any image, and caption isn't bad either.

2 ways I could see fixing it-

1) consolidate into a single table, which can't happen while v3 is live, and has issues with fixing id collisions

2) add missing columns to series and account_images, and any other image tables I am forgetting.

cqr commented 9 years ago

@kookster re 1) I actually think we can probably make this happen with a migration that merges everything but uses single table inheritance (which can I just say has the worst acronym) so that the models remain unaffected. The IDs would be updated but since the relations are on the image records themselves we don't need to worry about ID collision since we won't be relying on them.