Right now Kali creates custom reports: pulls from Adzerk, deletes silent ads, house campaigns and test ads, totals up by campaign, sorts by zone. Then separates those out into one report for PMM (old advertising agency) and one report for PRX.
Would be nice first step if Adzerk added:
creating subtotals by column(s) she specified (usually campaign), so she wouldn't have to do that herself
filtering reporting by salespeople
specify ads to ignore in reporting -- would save Kali from deleting manually everything that should be ignored
Takes 2-3 hours of her time per month, so: not a big roadblock yet, but probably won't scale well. Plus, room for human error (though she is superhuman).
Right now Kali creates custom reports: pulls from Adzerk, deletes silent ads, house campaigns and test ads, totals up by campaign, sorts by zone. Then separates those out into one report for PMM (old advertising agency) and one report for PRX. Would be nice first step if Adzerk added:
Takes 2-3 hours of her time per month, so: not a big roadblock yet, but probably won't scale well. Plus, room for human error (though she is superhuman).