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test_complete_config_file(FileCreatorTest) & test_quote_text(FileCreatorTest) FAIL (local) #55

Closed jruef closed 13 years ago

jruef commented 13 years ago


1) Failure: test_complete_config_file(FileCreatorTest) [test/unit/file_creatortest.rb:109]: <"/\ HTML ****/ \n// 0=ask, 1=plain, 2=html, 3=both \npref(\"mail.default_html_action\", 2); \n// true=Messages in HTML false=Messages not in HTML \nuser_pref(\"mail.identity.id1.composehtml\", true); \n\n/***** Quotes **_/ \n// 0=reply below 1=reply above 2=select the quote \nuser_pref(\"mail.identity.id1.reply_on_top\", above); \n// enable quoting for replies \nuser_pref(\"mail.identity.id1.autoquote\", true); \n\n/***** Enable Offline Mode *****_/ \nuser_pref(\"mail.server.server1.offlinedownload\", true); \n\n/***** Send Offline Mode ***_/ \n// 1=send all messages whene going online \n// 2=don't send offline messages when going online \nuser_pref(\"offline.send.unsentmessages\", 1); \n\n/***** Save Offline Mode ***_/ \n// 1=save all messages whene going offline \n// 2=do not save messages when going offline \nuser_pref(\"\", 2); \n\n/***** Signature Style *****_/ \n// true=below the quote false=below my reply \nuser_pref(\"mail.identity.id1.sig_bottom\", false); \n// add signatur to replies \nuser_pref(\"mail.identity.id1.sig_onreply\", true); \n\n/***** Signature Text ***/ \n// true=allow html in signature false=don't allow html in signature \nuser_pref(\"mail.identity.id1.htmlSigFormat\", true); \n// this is the part where the signature is saved if it's no file \nuser_pref(\"mail.identity.id1.htmlSigText\", \"This is just a simple signature\"); \n"> expected to be =~ </user_pref("mail.identity.id1.reply_on_top",\ 1);/>.

2) Failure: test_quote_text(FileCreatorTest) [test/unit/file_creatortest.rb:24]: <"\n/\ Quotes **/ \n// 0=reply below 1=reply above 2=select the quote \nuser_pref(\"mail.identity.id1.reply_on_top\", above); \n// enable quoting for replies \nuser_pref(\"mail.identity.id1.auto_quote\", true); \n"> expected to be =~ </mail.identity.id1.reply_on_top._1/>.

zombiecalypse commented 13 years ago

80b6e95500c00b1bebf42826257cc1a19429424a should fix it (it did for me)

jruef commented 13 years ago

Fixed, Reviewed