PSLmodels / OG-Core

An overlapping generations model framework for evaluating fiscal policies.
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Incorporate memory limit into dask number of workers calculation #562

Closed rickecon closed 4 months ago

rickecon commented 4 years ago

This issue highlights the need to create a memory criterion, in addition to the CPU count criterion, in OG-USA's determination of how many workers to use in its Dask parallelization.

OG-USA and its use of parallelism through Dask has been the source of occasional errors. A common one is when OG-USA is run on a machine with a small number of processors and/or memory. In line 22 of the template []() script, we try to choose the optimal number of workers based on the CPU count availability of the local machine.

num_workers = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), 7)

However, one can run into errors if there is not enough memory to support the load on each of those processors. This has been the case on my 40-core Linux desktop machine. And it has also been the case on machines with older hardware.

To do this, we need to know how much memory OG-USA requires on each worker, and we need to know the memory capacity of each worker.

cc: @jdebacker @hdoupe

rickecon commented 4 years ago

The Dask documentation has some helpful entries.

Dask/Worker/Memory Management It looks like the memory-limit= argument is helpful here. That is, we can load in a limit per worker that looks like the limit should be about 60% or 65% of the total memory available per worker.

Worker Resources Gives some examples of how to set the resources.

The Managing Memory section was not as relevant.

jdebacker commented 4 years ago

This is also happening on Travis CI after we have started using a Dask client in the unit tests. I've seen it twice now - both failures were on Python 3.7 (after all tests passed on 3.6) and happened on parallelized tasks handing the Tax-Calculator Calculator object. e.g.,

ogusa/tests/[Reform] Running with current law as reform
2444Running with current law as reform
2445distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.15 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.18 GB
2446distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.15 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.18 GB
rickecon commented 4 years ago

It looks like we should probably calculate the total amount of RAM available to the cores, divide that by the number of cores, and then try to stay under 60% of that on each core.

rickecon commented 4 years ago

I am going to try to institute a routine to calculate the number of workers based on the maximum memory needed per worker being under 60% of the maximum memory per worker as calculated by the total RAM of a local chipset or a cluster, divided by the number of workers. This can be done using Python's psutil library.

import psutil

# Get named tuple for RAM stats and compute total available RAM in GB
RAM_stats = psutil.virtual_memory()
RAM_total_bytes =
RAM_total_GB = RAM_total_bytes /  1073741824

The number of workers N should to maximize N subject to the constraint that the necessary memory per worker be 60% of the total memory per worker. The total memory per worker (mem_per_wkr_tot) is the following.

mem_per_wkr_tot = RAM_total_GB / N

Define the total memory needed per parallelized process as mem_per_wkr_proc, and define the total number of available workers as N_max and the minimum number of workers as 1. The optimal number of workers should be:

N = np.minimum(N_max, int(np.floor((0.6 * RAM_total_GB) / mem_per_wkr_proc))))

the biggest N such that mem_per_wkr_proc <= 0.6 * mem_per_wkr_tot and N <= N_max.

rickecon commented 4 years ago

@jdebacker. I just ran the script as is on my MacBook Pro Catalina (v10.15.4) with two Quad-Core Intel Core i7 processors and 16GB of RAM. So the number of workers in the run was 7. The steady-state and time path of the baseline ran efficiently and successfully in 35.6 minutes. But then the tax function estimation in the reform (which was not run in the baseline) started throwing the following dask distributed memory errors, finally ending in error with distributed.nanny - WARNING - Restarting worker.

making dir:  /Users/richardevans/Documents/Economics/OSE/OG-USA/run_examples/OUTPUT_REFORM/SS
making dir:  /Users/richardevans/Documents/Economics/OSE/OG-USA/run_examples/OUTPUT_REFORM/TPI
In runner, baseline is  False
path for tax functions:  None
Using reform policy tax parameters from  /Users/richardevans/Documents/Economics/OSE/OG-USA/run_examples/OUTPUT_REFORM/TxFuncEst_policy_example.pkl
BW =  11 begin year =  2020 end year =  2030
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
TYPE <class 'dict'>
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

Year:  2021
Year:  2020
Year:  2030
Year:  2025
Year:  2022
Year:  2027
Year:  2024
Year:  2028
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.03 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.08 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.21 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.35 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - gc.collect() took 1.247s. This is usually a sign that some tasks handle too many Python objects at the same time. Rechunking the work into smaller tasks might help.
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 80% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.45 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.45 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 45% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 1.95 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.14 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.34 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.33 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.38 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.38 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.40 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.42 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 80% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.46 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.46 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 79% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 3.40 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.40 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.29 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.30 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.27 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.29 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.11 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.38 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.02 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.04 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.11 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.20 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.14 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.05 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.04 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.05 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.21 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.07 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.08 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.10 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.13 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.05 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.04 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.03 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.11 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.05 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.35 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.09 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.05 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.11 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.01 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.13 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.14 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.13 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.19 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.12 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.04 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.16 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.05 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.04 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.03 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.06 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.18 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.05 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.18 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.15 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.18 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.17 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.09 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.12 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.05 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.17 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.17 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.19 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.12 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.10 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.08 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.03 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.30 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.38 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.37 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

distributed.worker - WARNING - gc.collect() took 1.131s. This is usually a sign that some tasks handle too many Python objects at the same time. Rechunking the work into smaller tasks might help.
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 82% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.54 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.54 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 65% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 2.82 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
Year:  2023
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 83% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.59 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 43% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 1.89 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

Year:  2026
Year:  2029
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.22 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.03 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 86% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.72 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.72 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 61% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 2.63 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.31 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.24 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 90% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.89 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.89 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 4.01 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 61% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 2.63 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 85% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.66 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.66 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 58% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 2.51 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.39 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 93% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 4.00 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 4.00 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 4.09 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 62% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 2.70 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.09 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 88% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.79 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.79 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 59% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 2.56 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 82% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.52 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.52 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.67 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker exceeded 95% memory budget. Restarting
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Restarting worker
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

Year:  2028
Year:  2024
Year:  2029
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.06 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.19 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.29 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.41 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.43 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 80% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.46 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.46 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.64 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.67 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.91 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 4.07 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker exceeded 95% memory budget. Restarting
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Restarting worker
Year:  2023
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 80% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.47 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.72 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.72 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 76% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 3.28 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.28 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.03 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 81% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.51 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.51 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 58% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 2.52 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.35 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 88% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.81 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.81 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 61% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 2.62 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 81% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.49 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.49 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.16 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 56% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 2.43 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.38 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 90% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.88 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.88 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.94 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 61% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 2.64 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
Year:  2020
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.40 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 89% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.85 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.85 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.89 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 4.03 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 4.07 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 62% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 2.68 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 80% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.47 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.47 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.66 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 53% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 2.31 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.06 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 84% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.65 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.65 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.77 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.96 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker exceeded 95% memory budget. Restarting
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Restarting worker
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

Year:  2029
Year:  2021
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.22 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.30 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.34 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.37 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.09 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.09 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.40 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.40 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.12 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.19 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.35 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.35 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.23 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.24 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.30 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.33 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.13 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

Year:  2024
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 83% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.58 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.58 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.60 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.29 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 79% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 3.42 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.42 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.18 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.23 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.14 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.01 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.05 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.02 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
Year:  2020
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.40 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 88% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.79 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.79 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.98 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 4.01 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 30% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 1.32 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.07 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.06 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.04 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.24 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 83% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.57 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.57 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.57 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.67 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
Year:  2027
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.80 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.79 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.79 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.47 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 79% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 3.40 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.40 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.40 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.14 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.02 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.04 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.05 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.08 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.01 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.05 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.24 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.34 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.44 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 81% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.51 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.51 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 77% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 3.31 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.31 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.34 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.21 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.16 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.10 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.20 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.09 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.32 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.19 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.38 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.28 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.39 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.32 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 81% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.50 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.50 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 77% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 3.34 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.34 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 80% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.46 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.46 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.60 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.62 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.33 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.65 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.94 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 61% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 2.62 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.06 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.43 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 82% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.55 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.55 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.56 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.67 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.75 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.74 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.90 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker exceeded 95% memory budget. Restarting
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Restarting worker
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.12 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.21 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.30 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.33 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.38 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.37 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.37 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.38 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.41 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.31 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.29 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.30 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.32 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.33 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.32 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.31 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.33 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.34 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 80% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.45 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.45 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 85% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.68 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.68 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.98 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker exceeded 95% memory budget. Restarting
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker exceeded 95% memory budget. Restarting
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 4.18 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Restarting worker
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Restarting worker
Year:  2022
Year:  2028
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.20 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.30 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.31 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.37 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.38 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.39 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.39 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.30 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.28 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.31 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.36 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.40 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 89% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.82 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.82 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.92 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
TYPE <class 'dict'>
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker exceeded 95% memory budget. Restarting
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

distributed.nanny - WARNING - Restarting worker
Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

Reform policy is:  {'CPI_offset': {2017: 0.0025}, 'II_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'II_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'II_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'II_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'II_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'II_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'II_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'II_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'II_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'II_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'II_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'II_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'II_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_rt1': {2018: 0.1}, 'PT_brk1': {2017: [9325, 18650, 9325, 13350, 18650]}, 'PT_rt2': {2018: 0.15}, 'PT_brk2': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'PT_rt3': {2018: 0.25}, 'PT_brk3': {2017: [91900, 153100, 76550, 131200, 153100]}, 'PT_rt4': {2018: 0.28}, 'PT_brk4': {2017: [191650, 233350, 116675, 212500, 233350]}, 'PT_rt5': {2018: 0.33}, 'PT_brk5': {2017: [416700, 416700, 208350, 416700, 416700]}, 'PT_rt6': {2018: 0.35}, 'PT_brk6': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'PT_rt7': {2018: 0.396}, 'PT_qbid_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_thd': {2018: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'PT_qbid_taxinc_gap': {2018: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}, 'PT_qbid_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_w2_wages_rt': {2018: 0}, 'PT_qbid_alt_property_rt': {2018: 0}, 'STD': {2017: [6350, 12700, 6350, 9350, 12700]}, 'II_em': {2017: 4050}, 'CTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'CTC_ps': {2018: [75000, 110000, 55000, 75000, 75000]}, 'ACTC_c': {2018: 1000}, 'ACTC_Income_thd': {2018: 3000}, 'ODC_c': {2018: 0}, 'AMT_em': {2017: [54300, 84500, 42250, 54300, 84500]}, 'AMT_em_ps': {2017: [120700, 160900, 80450, 120700, 160900]}, 'AMT_em_pe': {2017: 249450}, 'ALD_BusinessLosses_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ALD_AlimonyPaid_hc': {2019: 0}, 'ALD_AlimonyReceived_hc': {2019: 1}, 'ALD_DomesticProduction_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_prt': {2018: 0.03}, 'ID_crt': {2018: 0.8}, 'ID_Charity_crt_all': {2018: 0.5}, 'ID_Casualty_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_AllTaxes_c': {2018: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_hc': {2018: 0}, 'ID_Medical_frt': {2017: 0.1}, 'ALD_Dependents_Child_c': {2017: 0}, 'ALD_Dependents_Elder_c': {2017: 0}, 'II_em_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'STD_Dep': {2017: 1050}, 'STD_Aged': {2017: [1550, 1250, 1250, 1550, 1550]}, 'II_credit': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'II_credit_nr_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_Medical_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_StateLocalTax_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_RealEstate_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_InterestPaid_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Charity_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Casualty_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_Miscellaneous_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'ID_ps': {2017: [261500, 313800, 156900, 287650, 313800]}, 'ID_BenefitSurtax_em': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'ID_c': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'AMT_CG_brk1': {2017: [37950, 75900, 37950, 50800, 75900]}, 'AMT_CG_brk2': {2017: [418400, 470700, 235350, 444550, 470700]}, 'AMT_CG_brk3': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'CG_ec': {2017: 0}, 'AMT_child_em': {2017: 7500}, 'AMT_brk1': {2017: 187800}, 'EITC_c': {2017: [510, 3400, 5616, 6318]}, 'EITC_ps': {2017: [8340, 18340, 18340, 18340]}, 'EITC_ps_MarriedJ': {2017: [5600, 5600, 5600, 5600]}, 'EITC_InvestIncome_c': {2017: 3450}, 'ETC_pe_Single': {2017: 66}, 'ETC_pe_Married': {2017: 132}, 'CTC_new_ps': {2017: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_lo': {2017: [1000000.0, 1000000.0, 500000.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0]}, 'FST_AGI_thd_hi': {2017: [2000000.0, 2000000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2000000.0]}, 'AGI_surtax_thd': {2017: [9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99, 9e+99]}, 'UBI_u18': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_1820': {2017: 0}, 'UBI_21': {2017: 0}}
TYPE <class 'dict'>
CTC_c was redefined in release 1.0.0

Year:  2020
Year:  2025
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.29 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.35 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.40 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.42 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.42 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.31 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.33 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
Year:  2024
Year:  2030
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.43 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
Year:  2023
Year:  2027
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.41 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 80% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.46 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.46 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 79% memory usage. Resuming worker. Process memory: 3.40 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.40 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.09 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.02 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.13 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.31 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.41 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 83% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.59 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.59 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.73 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.98 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker exceeded 95% memory budget. Restarting
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Restarting worker
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.11 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.24 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 86% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.69 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.69 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 82% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.55 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.55 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.66 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.89 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker exceeded 95% memory budget. Restarting
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 4.09 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker exceeded 95% memory budget. Restarting
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Restarting worker
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 125, in <module>
  File "", line 93, in main
  File "/Users/richardevans/Documents/Economics/OSE/OG-USA/ogusa/", line 71, in runner
    spec.get_tax_function_parameters(client, run_micro, tax_func_path)
  File "/Users/richardevans/Documents/Economics/OSE/OG-USA/ogusa/", line 317, in get_tax_function_parameters
  File "/Users/richardevans/Documents/Economics/OSE/OG-USA/ogusa/", line 1197, in get_tax_func_estimate
    client=client, num_workers=num_workers)
  File "/Users/richardevans/Documents/Economics/OSE/OG-USA/ogusa/", line 962, in tax_func_estimate
    data=data, client=client, num_workers=num_workers)
  File "/Users/richardevans/Documents/Economics/OSE/OG-USA/ogusa/", line 116, in get_data
    results = client.gather(futures)
  File "/Users/richardevans/opt/anaconda3/envs/ogusa-dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/distributed/", line 1967, in gather
  File "/Users/richardevans/opt/anaconda3/envs/ogusa-dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/distributed/", line 816, in sync
    self.loop, func, *args, callback_timeout=callback_timeout, **kwargs
  File "/Users/richardevans/opt/anaconda3/envs/ogusa-dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/distributed/", line 347, in sync
    raise exc.with_traceback(tb)
  File "/Users/richardevans/opt/anaconda3/envs/ogusa-dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/distributed/", line 331, in f
    result[0] = yield future
  File "/Users/richardevans/opt/anaconda3/envs/ogusa-dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tornado/", line 735, in run
    value = future.result()
  File "/Users/richardevans/opt/anaconda3/envs/ogusa-dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/distributed/", line 1826, in _gather
    raise exception.with_traceback(traceback)
distributed.scheduler.KilledWorker: ('taxcalc_advance-1579e28e-a65c-46fd-afe3-0c936322c838', <Worker 'tcp://', name: 1, memory: 0, processing: 2>)
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Restarting worker
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Restarting worker
distributed.nanny - WARNING - Restarting worker
jdebacker commented 4 years ago

@rickecon Yes, the tax function estimation is the bottleneck as the data requirements are the largest there (you have a Calculator object at each of the cores + other data). Can you tell what the memory demand is of that task? I think it's close to 4GB...

rickecon commented 4 years ago

@jdebacker. The warning and error output from the 7-worker output above suggest that the memory footprint per worker from the Calculator object is between 3.4 and 3.8 GB. with a limit of 4.29GB. We want to be under 60% for optimal performance.

I am running this now with 4 workers. It throws some of the same errors.

distributed.worker - WARNING - Worker is at 85% memory usage. Pausing worker.  Process memory: 3.69 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB
distributed.worker - WARNING - Memory use is high but worker has no data to store to disk.  Perhaps some other process is leaking memory?  Process memory: 3.69 GB -- Worker memory limit: 4.29 GB

However, Dask seems to be able to manage the memory and get past it in this 4-worker case. In particular, the tax function estimation starts to run smoothly after Dask autonomously decides the following.

/Users/richardevans/opt/anaconda3/envs/ogusa-dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/distributed/ UserWarning: Large object of size 38.34 MB detected in task graph: 
  (2029,         mtr_labinc  mtr_capinc  age   total ... Functions', 12)
Consider scattering large objects ahead of time
with client.scatter to reduce scheduler burden and 
keep data on workers

    future = client.submit(func, big_data)    # bad

    big_future = client.scatter(big_data)     # good
    future = client.submit(func, big_future)  # good
  % (format_bytes(len(b)), s)
Year= 2022 Age= 21
Year= 2020 Age= 21
Year= 2024 Age= 21
Year= 2023 Age= 21

We probably need to scatter the Calculator object ahead of time so this will run more smoothly. I didn't post all the output, but it is running great now and looks like it will successfully complete.

rickecon commented 4 years ago

@jdebacker And, I think we will want a different Client open for the tax function estimation with a different number of workers than we use with the time path estimation. We probably want to adjust the tax function estimation number of workers based on the higher memory requirements and then have an increased number of workers (new Client) for the time path computation.

jdebacker commented 4 years ago

We probably need to scatter the Calculator object ahead of time so this will run more smoothly. I didn't post all the output, but it is running great now and looks like it will successfully complete.

Sounds good and looks easy enough to do. Do we still have the same total memory limits with this?

And, I think we will want a different Client open for the tax function estimation with a different number of workers than we use with the time path estimation. We probably want to adjust the tax function estimation number of workers based on the higher memory requirements and then have an increased number of workers (new Client) for the time path computation.

Yes - agree we should do this.

rickecon commented 4 years ago

In a recent run of OG-USA, we received a very helpful Dask warning with a suggestion.

/Users/richardevans/opt/anaconda3/envs/ogusa-dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/distributed/ UserWarning: Large object of size 38.34 MB detected in task graph: 
  (2026,         mtr_labinc  mtr_capinc  age   total ... Functions', 12)
Consider scattering large objects ahead of time
with client.scatter to reduce scheduler burden and 
keep data on workers

    future = client.submit(func, big_data)    # bad

    big_future = client.scatter(big_data)     # good
    future = client.submit(func, big_future)  # good
  % (format_bytes(len(b)), s)

I need to incorporate this into PR #556.

rickecon commented 4 years ago

Python code for memory setting and open and close of client.

num_workers_max_sys = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
RAM_stats = psutil.virtual_memory()
RAM_total_bytes =
RAM_total_GB = RAM_total_bytes /  1073741824
mem_per_wkr_tot = RAM_total_GB / num_workers_max_sys
num_workers_max = min(num_workers_max_sys, 7)
# NUM_WORKERS = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), 7)
NUM_WORKERS = np.minimum(num_workers_max,
                         int(np.floor((0.6 * RAM_total_GB) /
print('Max num workers=', num_workers_max, ', and NUM_WORKERS=', NUM_WORKERS)

def dask_client():
    cluster = LocalCluster(n_workers=NUM_WORKERS, threads_per_worker=2)
    client = Client(cluster)
    yield client
    # teardown
rickecon commented 4 years ago

@hdoupe found that the psutil library does not behave exactly as intended in Docker containers. Issue #1011 in the psutil repository notes that psutil reports the host statistics and not the container (potentially different) statistics. Each Compute.Studio instance of OG-USA runs in a Docker container with 6 CPUs and 23GB of RAM, but psutil returns 8 CPUs and 30GB or RAM, which is the size of the host server.

@hdoupe reports

The easiest and probably most accurate way to get the memory and CPU stats is just to query the C/S API which will tell you how much CPU and RAM are allocated for OG-USA: Screenshot from 2020-08-20 08-37-41 Also, we can edit the CPU and memory allocations on the OG-USA publish page any time and those changes will take effect immediately.

hdoupe commented 4 years ago

@rickecon psutil sounds like a great way to choose sane defaults for most usage. C/S usage should be OK as long as you can override the CPU/memory defaults with more accurate values. However, this doesn't solve the more general problem of getting the available compute resources when in a containerized environment.

As far as making the CPU and memory values more accessible, I could add a function to cs-kit (which is already installed in the C/S base environment) that gets them from the REST API for you. Maybe something like this:

from cs_kit import ComputeStudio

cs = ComputeStudio("PSLmodels",  "OG-USA")
memory, cpu = cs.server_resources()

Hope this is helpful.

jdebacker commented 6 months ago

@rickecon do we think this issue is still relevant? I haven't seen these exact warnings in while, but have been running the model on pretty high end hardware. Should we keep the issue open?

jdebacker commented 4 months ago

Thanks to the help of @talumbau we've improved memory management considerably in the last few months. Closing.