PSLmodels / Tax-Brain

Tax-Brain is an integrator model for PSL tax models
MIT License
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Convert table function #157

Closed jdebacker closed 3 years ago

jdebacker commented 3 years ago

The report_utils.convert_table() function is said to convert a DataFrame to markdown.

Why not just use pd.DataFrame.to_markdown()?

andersonfrailey commented 3 years ago

I'm blanking on the exact details, but I think I ran into some issue with pandoc not converting the tables properly when I used to_markdown(). But I ran into enough pandoc issues that I could be mixing them up now. I do know that we use the convert_table() function for converting more than just DataFrames though and I wanted all of that to be handled with just one function.

jdebacker commented 3 years ago

we use the convert_table() function for converting more than just DataFrames though and I wanted all of that to be handled with just one function.

Ah - got it! Closing issue.