PSLmodels / Tax-Brain

Tax-Brain is an integrator model for PSL tax models
MIT License
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CS Release with Tax-Calculator 3.1.0? #163

Closed hdoupe closed 2 years ago

hdoupe commented 3 years ago

@andersonfrailey it might be a good time to do a CS release since TC 3.1.0 fixes some bugs that affect TB users somewhat often. I don't think we necessarily need to do a full release, but I'll defer to you on that.

andersonfrailey commented 3 years ago

@hdoupe, I'm good with that. I don't think we need a full TB release for this. Unless I missed something, most PRs merged since the last release were just for CS, not TBs internals.

hdoupe commented 3 years ago

Thanks @andersonfrailey. I'll do a push tomorrow and will report back when it's live.

hdoupe commented 2 years ago

I'm going to re-open an issue with more current info.