PSLmodels / Tax-Brain

Tax-Brain is an integrator model for PSL tax models
MIT License
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WIP: Create individual calculators in Compute Studio runs #95

Open andersonfrailey opened 4 years ago

andersonfrailey commented 4 years ago

This PR implements the idea @hdoupe proposed in issue #94. I've modified the run function of the TaxBrain object to accept a new argument cs_run that will change when calculator objects are created in compute studio. Right now the tests are failing, but I'm hoping to get that fixed soon.

I'm not sure what the best way to profile memory usage/speed in order to compare performance. Any ideas, @hdoupe?

hdoupe commented 4 years ago

@andersonfrailey This looks like the right idea. I'm inclined to offer something like a generic run_parallel argument instead of cs_run that users (including c/s) can take advantage of if they have the compute resources.

I'll have time to test #95 out this afternoon/early tomorrow and will report back.

hdoupe commented 4 years ago

@andersonfrailey I refactored some of the changes you made in this PR so that functions were passed to dask instead of methods on Taxbrain. For some reason, distributed doesn't work very well when large Python objects like TaxBrain or taxcalc.Calculator are passed to it. To get around this, I moved the methods _cs_run, _cs_static_run, and _cs_dynamic_run to functions in, and I passed the new utils._cs_run function and its arguments to the dask workers. With 4 workers, each with 6 GB RAM, finished in about 30 seconds. Here's the branch with the changes:

(I made these changes mostly to figure out what the bottleneck was, but if you think they are helpful, I'm happy to help clean them up/re-think how they could better fit with Tax-Brain's API)

I ran into the initial issue with passing large python objects to the dask workers again when this code was run in cs_config/

I re-wrote these lines so that they didn't use dask since I wasn't sure how to run them without passing the TaxBrain object:

With all of these changes, the total run time is about 150 seconds. This is about the same as the simulation times that we get on Compute Studio now. However, if we can get the table creation code parallelized, then I think we could get the run time down significantly. Without dask, it takes about 9 seconds/year to create the outputs. If we can parallelize that, maybe we can get it down to 30-45 seconds instead of 90 seconds.

I measured this via the cs-config test:

py.test cs-config/cs_config/tests/ -s -v

I set up the dask workers by opening three terminal tabs:

  1. Terminal to run the tests.
    conda activate taxbrain-dev
    py.test py.test cs-config/cs_config/tests/ -s -v
  2. Terminal for the distributed schedulers
    conda activate taxbrain-dev 
  3. Terminal for the workers (2 processes, 2 threads per process, 12 GB per process):
    conda activate taxbrain-dev
    dask-worker --nprocs 2 --nthreads 2 --memory-limit 12G
hdoupe commented 4 years ago

After looking at the run time for in serial in, it looks like the parallel version of is slower than the serial version by about 10 seconds. I still think we can see some speed ups if we can create the outputs without passing the TaxBrain object through dask. I think this is the case because we'd be able to run the simulations and create the ouputs for a given year without having to serialize the initial results on the workers, bring it back into the main process, and then serialize it and send it back to the workers to create the outputs.