PSLmodels / plot-concepts

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More specificity about what types of visualizations go in this repo #10

Open jdebacker opened 7 years ago

jdebacker commented 7 years ago

After adding a few concepts to this repo today, I was left with the following question - how can we have users contribute code to make visualizations that are less dynamic (in the sense of using results cached from lots of run of TC or B-Tax), but that are useful to understand a particular run of TC or B-Tax through TaxBrain (or not)?

As an example, I wanted to post a plot concept that was just the skyline chart of MTRs that @MattHJensen and Alex Brill did for an article on middle class tax cuts. I decided not to create an issue with this concept since @MattHJensen has an issue that includes such a chart as part of a larger concept to understand a particular set of reforms. Thus, I thought it was redundant. But I'd like to see a "visualize your output" button (or something) on the TaxBrain output page, where one could get this chart to help them understand that happened under their reform.

And I think we would want users contributing to this area - because we can have the skyline of MTRs, ETRs, pie charts with share of revenue from each bracket, and on and on. It'd be nice to have others contribute to this work as the plot_concepts repo is trying to do for more involved/specific visualizations. But I was discouraged from adding these as plot concept issues because that other items there were so involved that I didn't think they would fit. Should they go there? Is this repo interested in hosting such visualizations?

cc @talumbau

MattHJensen commented 7 years ago

What do you think about having two labels in this repo, one for standalone interactive visualizations and another for visualizations that should be added to one of our web applications? For high priority visualizations, we could also open an issue in webapp-public that says: "implement"