PSLmodels / plot-concepts

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Standard deduction expansion, itemizers, avg tax, and mtrs #2

Open MattHJensen opened 7 years ago

MattHJensen commented 7 years ago

Concept: Several prominent policy proposals include modifications to the standard deduction, including Donald Trump's tax plan and the House Republican's tax plan. This vizualization allows the user to explore many effects of those reforms. [More coming soon]

Sketch: scan 1

Technical notes:

Matt Jensen (

MattHJensen commented 7 years ago

We won't be able to do the Standard deduction repeal until the middle of August due to TaxData limitations. For now, I think it is best to develop this widget without that option. Eliminating that option will also eliminate this wrinkle:

There is a wrinkle in this plot in that the effects of repealing the standard deduction and the effects of increasing the standard deduction have different signs. Some of the text will need to change based on the direction of the sign.