As mentioned in this comment (which is part of the Tax-Calculator pull request 2732 discussion), future updates of the growfactors.csv file need to use CBO projections of chained CPI-U to compute the ACPIU factor.
Below is a Python script that extracts chained CPI-U values from a downloaded CBO spreadsheet. Feel free to use this code in any way that is helpful in switching over to the new procedures in the taxdata repository.
This script automates the extraction of chained CPI-U values from
the most recent CBO inflation projection.
The CBO (chained-CPI) inflation projection is in the CBO tax
parameter projection spreadsheet, which is a supplement to the CBO
report entitled "The Budget and Economic Outlook." The most recent
supplement is entitled:
CBO Tax Parameters and Effective Marginal Tax Rates | Feb 2024
and is available at this URL:
NOTE: whenever a new spreadsheet becomes available, it should be visually
inspected to see how the CBO_* structure data (see below) need to be updated.
USAGE: % python --help
% python CBO-2024-02-Tax-Parameters.xlsx
2021 144.814090
2022 149.063510
2023 159.840000
2024 168.474670
2025 172.770430
2026 176.567340
2027 180.230100
2028 183.738130
2029 187.305920
2030 190.989090
2031 194.765530
2032 198.642940
2033 202.612840
2034 206.669280
import os
import sys
import argparse
import pandas
import taxcalc
# Data on the expected CBO spreadsheet structure:
CBO_SHEET = 1 # the sheet called "1. Tax Parameters"
CBO_STR_COLS = [0, 1, 2, 3] # expect columns A:D are strings; others numeric
'first': {'year': 2021, 'col': 'E'},
'last': {'year': 2034, 'col': 'R'},
# keys in CBO_ROWS are arbitrary names for parameter in the CBO spreadsheet
'year': {'row': 8, 'label': 'Tax Year'},
# price index ...
'c_cpiu': {'row': 158, 'label': 'Chained consumer price index'},
def rindex(row_number):
Convert spreadsheet row number (1-based) to DataFrame row index (0-based).
return row_number - 1
def cindex(capital_letter):
Convert spreadsheet column letter to DataFrame column index (0-based).
return ord(capital_letter) - ord('A')
def cbo_value(cbodf, name, year):
Return value in specified year of CBO parameter with specified name;
return None if there are any problems.
# check argument values
args_ok = True
if name not in CBO_ROWS:
msg = f'name {name} not in CBO_ROWS data structure'
sys.stderr.write(f'CBO: {msg}\n')
args_ok = False
first_year = CBO_YEAR['first']['year']
if year < first_year:
msg = f'year {year} less than first year {first_year}'
sys.stderr.write(f'CBO: {msg}\n')
args_ok = False
last_year = CBO_YEAR['last']['year']
if year > last_year:
msg = f'year {year} greater than last year {last_year}'
sys.stderr.write(f'CBO: {msg}\n')
args_ok = False
if not args_ok:
return None
# translate name to row number
row = CBO_ROWS[name]['row']
# convert year to column letter
ord_first_year = ord(CBO_YEAR['first']['col'])
letter = chr(ord_first_year + year - first_year)
# get cbo_value from cbodf
val = cbodf.iat[rindex(row), cindex(letter)]
if 'pct' in CBO_ROWS[name]:
return round(0.01 * val, 6)
return val
def check_cbo_year():
Check CBO_YEAR for consistency: return 0 if OK, else return 1.
ydiff = CBO_YEAR['last']['year'] - CBO_YEAR['first']['year']
cdiff = cindex(CBO_YEAR['last']['col']) - cindex(CBO_YEAR['first']['col'])
if ydiff != cdiff:
msg = 'CBO_YEAR contents are inconsistent'
sys.stderr.write(f'STRUCT: {msg}\n')
return 1
return 0
def read_cbo_label(cbolabel, row):
Return string label from cbodf row.
ridx = rindex(row)
for col in CBO_STR_COLS:
label = cbolabel[col][ridx]
if label != 'nan':
return label
return None
def read_check_spreadsheet(fname):
Read spreadsheet in specified fname and check its contents against
the expected structure specified in the CBO_* data structures above.
Function returns a pd.DataFrame except when any check errors are found,
in which case it return None.
# check CBO_YEAR consistency
rcode = check_cbo_year()
if rcode != 0:
return None
# check taxcalc.Policy YEAR constants against CBO_YEAR info
ok_years = True
lky = taxcalc.Policy.LAST_KNOWN_YEAR
valid_lky = range(CBO_YEAR['first']['year']+1, CBO_YEAR['last']['year'])
if lky not in valid_lky:
msg = f'Policy.LAST_KNOWN_YEAR={lky} inconsistent with CBO_YEAR info'
sys.stderr.write(f'STRUCT: {msg}\n')
ok_years = False
lby = taxcalc.Policy.LAST_BUDGET_YEAR
valid_lby = range(CBO_YEAR['first']['year']+2, CBO_YEAR['last']['year']+1)
if lby not in valid_lby:
msg = f'Policy.LAST_BUDGET_YEAR={lby} inconsistent with CBO_YEAR info'
sys.stderr.write(f'STRUCT: {msg}\n')
ok_years = False
if not ok_years:
return None
# read spreadsheet
cbodf = pandas.read_excel(fname, CBO_SHEET, header=None, dtype=object)
except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
msg = f'could not read sheet in {fname} into a DataFrame'
sys.stderr.write(f'READ: {msg}\n')
return None
# extract string columns into cbolabel dictionary containing row lists
cbolabel = {}
for col in CBO_STR_COLS:
cbolabel[col] = [str(obj) for obj in cbodf[col].tolist()]
# check spreadsheet against CBO_ROWS
for cname, cdict in CBO_ROWS.items():
elabel = cdict['label']
alabel = read_cbo_label(cbolabel, cdict['row'])
if not alabel.startswith(elabel):
msg = f'for {cname} expected label is {elabel} but found {alabel}'
sys.stderr.write(f'READ: {msg}\n')
return None
return cbodf
def check_arguments(args):
Check validity of command-line arguments returning one if there
are problems or zero if there are no problems.
rcode = 0
fname = args.CBOFILENAME
if len(fname) <= 0:
msg = 'must specify CBOFILENAME command-line argument'
sys.stderr.write(f'ERROR: {msg}\n')
return 1
if not fname.endswith('.xlsx'):
msg = f'CBOFILENAME {fname} does not end with .xlsx'
sys.stderr.write(f'ERROR: {msg}\n')
rcode = 1
if not os.path.exists(fname):
msg = f'CBOFILENAME {fname} does not exist'
sys.stderr.write(f'ERROR: {msg}\n')
rcode = 1
return rcode
def main():
High-level script logic.
# parse command-line arguments:
usage_str = 'python CBOFILENAME [--help]'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
'Writes to standard output chained CPI-U values that are '
' extracted from the downloaded CBOFILENAME spreadsheet. '
'IMPORTANT NOTE: always inspect a new CBO spreadsheet to '
'see which CBO_* data structures at the top of this script '
'need to be updated.')
parser.add_argument('CBOFILENAME', nargs='?',
help=('file name of CBO .xlsx spreadsheet.'),
args = parser.parse_args()
# check command-line arguments
rcode = check_arguments(args)
if rcode != 0:
sys.stderr.write(f'USAGE: {usage_str}\n')
return rcode
# read and check structure of CBO tax parameters spreadsheet
cbodf = read_check_spreadsheet(args.CBOFILENAME)
if not isinstance(cbodf, pandas.DataFrame):
sys.stderr.write('ERROR: CBO spreadsheet has unexpected structure\n')
return 1
# write chained CPI-U values for each year in CBO spreadsheet
for year in range(CBO_YEAR['first']['year'], CBO_YEAR['last']['year']+1):
val = cbo_value(cbodf, 'c_cpiu', year)
print(f'{year} {val:.6f}')
return 0
# end main function code
if __name__ == '__main__':
As mentioned in this comment (which is part of the Tax-Calculator pull request 2732 discussion), future updates of the
file need to use CBO projections of chained CPI-U to compute theACPIU
factor.Below is a Python script that extracts chained CPI-U values from a downloaded CBO spreadsheet. Feel free to use this code in any way that is helpful in switching over to the new procedures in the
taxdata @bodiyang @jdebacker