PSPDFKit-labs / bypass

Bypass provides a quick way to create a custom plug that can be put in place instead of an actual HTTP server to return prebaked responses to client requests.
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Update cowlib dependency #110

Closed bruno-b-martins closed 3 years ago

bruno-b-martins commented 3 years ago

Hello there 👋

I've just added bypass to my Phoenix project and I get the following error when I run mix deps.get:

Failed to use "cowlib" because
  bypass (version 2.0.0) requires ~> 1.0.1
  mix.lock specifies 2.9.1

I really don't want to downgrade my cowlib dependency (which actually might break some other dependencies...) Would it be possible to upgrade the cowlib dependency on your side or does it break some other stuff somewhere? 😓

feliperenan commented 3 years ago

Hi 👋

Just wanted to say that this PR fix this issue. I was facing the same issue and I was able to solve it just pointing Bypass to this PR branch.

Hopefully it will be merged and we will get a new release soon 🙌

BobbyMcWho commented 3 years ago There is a RC available "2.1.0-rc.0"

ream88 commented 3 years ago

v2.1.0 is out!