PSPReverse / PSPTool

Display, extract, and manipulate PSP firmware inside UEFI images
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Limited APU support (summary is partially broken + cannot replace module) #59

Open belotv opened 5 months ago

belotv commented 5 months ago

I am attempting to replace modules in an APU BIOS and facing some issues:

I guess most of the work was done on normal CPU and not APU so maybe there is some subtle differences, I am attaching 3 BIOS files (all Zen3 Renoir 5825U) for reference (outputs provided are for the file CWWK_CW56-58-0.22).

5825U Renoir APU

Basic output:

Warning: Could not verify sha256 checksum for HeaderEntry(type=0x45, address=0x185400, size=0x1b70, len(references)=1)
Warning: Could not verify sha256 checksum for HeaderEntry(type=0x45, address=0x546000, size=0x1b70, len(references)=1)
Warning: Could not verify sha256 checksum for HeaderEntry(type=0x24, address=0x2af000, size=0x2eb0, len(references)=1)
Warning: Could not verify sha256 checksum for HeaderEntry(type=0x45, address=0x2b1f00, size=0x1b70, len(references)=1)
Warning: Could not verify sha256 checksum for HeaderEntry(type=0x24, address=0x6a0000, size=0x2eb0, len(references)=1)
Warning: Could not verify sha256 checksum for HeaderEntry(type=0x45, address=0x766800, size=0x1b70, len(references)=1)
Warning: Couldn't parse plain entry: 0x62
Warning: Entry of Directory(address=0x215000, type=BIOS, magic=b'$BHD', count=10) at 0xd02000 cannot be parsed
Warning: Couldn't parse plain entry: 0x62
Warning: Entry of Directory(address=0x5f8000, type=secondary, magic=b'$BL2', count=14) at 0xd02000 cannot be parsed
Warning: Couldn't parse entry at: 0x21000. Type: 0x6d. Size 0x40000
Warning: Couldn't parse entry at: 0x61000. Type: 0x6d. Size 0x10000
Warning: Couldn't parse plain entry: 0x62
Warning: Entry of Directory(address=0x3b0000, type=BIOS, magic=b'$BHD', count=10) at 0xd02000 cannot be parsed
Warning: Couldn't parse plain entry: 0x62
Warning: Entry of Directory(address=0x813000, type=secondary, magic=b'$BL2', count=15) at 0xd02000 cannot be parsed
Warning: Couldn't parse entry at: 0x21000. Type: 0x6d. Size 0x40000
Warning: Couldn't parse entry at: 0x61000. Type: 0x6d. Size 0x10000
Warning: Empty FET entry at ROM address 0x0
Warning: Empty FET entry at ROM address 0x5500
| ROM | Addr |    Size   |   FET   |     AGESA     |
|  0  | 0x0  | 0x1000000 | 0x20000 | AGESA_UNKNOWN |
|  | Directory |   Addr  | Type | Generation | Magic | Secondary Directory |
|  |     0     | 0xd2000 | PSP  |   Zen 3    |  $PSP |       0x408000      |
|  |   | Entry |  Address |    Size |                            Type | Magic/ID |   Version |                                     Info |
|  |   |     0 |  0xd2400 |   0x440 |              AMD_PUBLIC_KEY~0x0 |     6C9E |         1 |                            AMD_CODE_SIGN |
|  |   |     1 | 0x408400 | 0x10880 |          PSP_FW_BOOT_LOADER~0x1 |     $PS1 | |                verified(6C9E), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     2 |  0xd2900 |  0xe5c0 | PSP_FW_RECOVERY_BOOT_LOADER~0x3 |     $PS1 | |                verified(6C9E), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     3 |  0xe0f00 | 0x21100 |              SMU_OFFCHIP_FW~0x8 |     $PS1 | 0.40.3F.0 | compressed, veri-failed(96A0), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     4 |      0x1 |     0x0 |          SOFT_FUSE_CHAIN_01~0xb |          |           |                                          |
|  |   |     5 | 0x102000 | 0x11a40 |          SMU_OFF_CHIP_FW_2~0x12 |     $PS1 | 0.40.3F.0 | compressed, veri-failed(96A0), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     6 | 0x113b00 |    0x10 |               WRAPPED_IKEK~0x21 |          |           |                                          |
|  |   |     7 | 0x114000 |  0x1000 |               TOKEN_UNLOCK~0x22 |          |           |                                          |
|  |   |     8 | 0x115000 |  0x2e80 |                 SEC_GASKET~0x24 |     $PS1 | B.10.0.20 |                verified(3005), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     9 | 0x117f00 |   0x290 |                       ABL0~0x30 |          | |                verified(259C), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    10 | 0x17e100 |  0x1900 |               KEY_DATABASE~0x50 |     $PS1 |         1 |                verified(6C9E), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    11 | 0x17fa00 |  0x5940 |              VBIOS_PRELOAD~0x3c |     $PS1 | 11.A.0.1D |                           verified(DE39) |
|  |   |    12 | 0x185400 |  0x1b70 |        TOS_SECURITY_POLICY~0x45 |     $PS1 | B.10.1.20 |      verified(3005), sha256_inconsistent |
|  |   |    13 | 0x408000 |   0x400 |   !PL2_SECONDARY_DIRECTORY~0x40 |          |           |                                          |

|  | Directory |   Addr   |    Type   | Generation | Magic | Secondary Directory |
|  |     1     | 0x408000 | secondary |   Zen 3    |  $PL2 |                     |
|  |   | Entry |  Address |    Size |                        Type | Magic/ID |    Version |                                     Info |
|  |   |     0 | 0x408400 | 0x10880 |      PSP_FW_BOOT_LOADER~0x1 |     $PS1 | |                verified(6C9E), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     1 | 0x418d00 |   0x440 |          AMD_PUBLIC_KEY~0x0 |     6C9E |          1 |                            AMD_CODE_SIGN |
|  |   |     2 | 0x419200 | 0x16370 |       PSP_FW_TRUSTED_OS~0x2 |     $PS1 | |                verified(24C6), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     3 |  0x71000 | 0x20000 |             PSP_NV_DATA~0x4 |          |            |                                          |
|  |   |     4 | 0x42f600 | 0x21100 |          SMU_OFFCHIP_FW~0x8 |     $PS1 |  0.40.3F.0 | compressed, veri-failed(96A0), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     5 | 0x450700 |   0x440 |      SEC_DBG_PUBLIC_KEY~0x9 |     10AC |          1 |     verified(6C9E), unknown_key_usage(3) |
|  |   |     6 |      0x1 |     0x0 |      SOFT_FUSE_CHAIN_01~0xb |          |            |                                          |
|  |   |     7 | 0x450c00 | 0x20100 | PSP_BOOT_TIME_TRUSTLETS~0xc |     $PS1 | |                           verified(CC7D) |
|  |   |     8 | 0x470d00 | 0x11a40 |      SMU_OFF_CHIP_FW_2~0x12 |     $PS1 |  0.40.3F.0 | compressed, veri-failed(96A0), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     9 | 0x482800 |  0x2100 |           DEBUG_UNLOCK~0x13 |     $PS1 | |                verified(B034), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    10 | 0x484900 |   0x670 |     HARDWARE_IP_CONFIG~0x20 |     $PS1 | |                verified(118D), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    11 | 0x485000 |    0x10 |           WRAPPED_IKEK~0x21 |          |            |                                          |
|  |   |    12 | 0x486000 |  0x1000 |           TOKEN_UNLOCK~0x22 |          |            |                                          |
|  |   |    13 | 0x487000 |  0x2e80 |             SEC_GASKET~0x24 |     $PS1 |  B.10.0.20 |                verified(3005), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    14 | 0x489f00 | 0x2fb36 |                 MP2_FW~0x25 |          | |                verified(C04C), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    15 | 0x4b9b00 | 0x1d770 |         DRIVER_ENTRIES~0x28 |     $PS1 | |                verified(24C6), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    16 | 0x4d7300 |  0x3100 |              KVM_IMAGE~0x29 |     $PS1 | 1C.8.60.70 |                verified(CC7D), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    17 | 0x4d7300 |  0x3100 |            S0I3_DRIVER~0x2d |     $PS1 | 1C.8.60.70 |                verified(CC7D), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    18 | 0x4da400 |   0x290 |                   ABL0~0x30 |          | |                verified(259C), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    19 | 0x540600 |  0x5940 |          VBIOS_PRELOAD~0x3c |     $PS1 |  11.A.0.1D |                           verified(DE39) |
|  |   |    20 | 0x546000 |  0x1b70 |    TOS_SECURITY_POLICY~0x45 |     $PS1 |  B.10.1.20 |      verified(3005), sha256_inconsistent |
|  |   |    21 | 0x547c00 |   0x210 |             FW_INVALID~0x44 |     $PS1 | |                verified(ADC2), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    22 | 0x54e300 |  0x4100 |                DRTM_TA~0x47 |     $PS1 | |                           verified(61CE) |
|  |   |    23 | 0x552400 |  0x1900 |           KEY_DATABASE~0x50 |     $PS1 |          1 |                verified(6C9E), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    24 | 0x553d00 |  0x12c0 |         TOS_PUBLIC_KEY~0x51 |     $PS1 |          1 |                verified(6C9E), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    25 | 0x555000 |  0x5b70 |                        0x58 |     $PS1 | |                           verified(EBDF) |
|  |   |    26 | 0x55ac00 |   0xb20 |                   WMOS~0x5c |     $PS1 | |                verified(8A19), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    27 | 0x55b800 |   0x220 |                        0x59 |     $PS1 | |                           verified(EBDF) |
|  |   |    28 |  0x91000 | 0x40000 |              PSP_NVRAM~0x54 |          |            |                                          |

|  | Directory |   Addr   | Type | Generation | Magic | Secondary Directory |
|  |     2     | 0x26d000 | PSP  |   Zen 3    |  $PSP |       0x623000      |
|  |   | Entry |  Address |    Size |                            Type | Magic/ID |   Version |                                     Info |
|  |   |     0 | 0x26d400 |   0x440 |              AMD_PUBLIC_KEY~0x0 |     144E |         1 |                            AMD_CODE_SIGN |
|  |   |     1 | 0x623400 | 0x10880 |          PSP_FW_BOOT_LOADER~0x1 |     $PS1 | |                verified(144E), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     2 | 0x26d900 |  0xe5c0 | PSP_FW_RECOVERY_BOOT_LOADER~0x3 |     $PS1 | |                verified(144E), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     3 | 0x27bf00 | 0x20fb0 |              SMU_OFFCHIP_FW~0x8 |     $PS1 | 0.37.5B.0 | compressed, veri-failed(2C92), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     4 |      0x1 |     0x0 |          SOFT_FUSE_CHAIN_01~0xb |          |           |                                          |
|  |   |     5 | 0x29cf00 | 0x10070 |          SMU_OFF_CHIP_FW_2~0x12 |     $PS1 | 0.37.5B.0 | compressed, veri-failed(2C92), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     6 | 0x2ad000 |    0x10 |               WRAPPED_IKEK~0x21 |          |           |                                          |
|  |   |     7 | 0x2ae000 |  0x1000 |               TOKEN_UNLOCK~0x22 |          |           |                                          |
|  |   |     8 | 0x2af000 |  0x2eb0 |                 SEC_GASKET~0x24 |     $PS1 |  B.9.0.85 |      verified(BCC5), sha256_inconsistent |
|  |   |     9 | 0x2b1f00 |  0x1b70 |        TOS_SECURITY_POLICY~0x45 |     $PS1 |  B.9.1.85 |      verified(BCC5), sha256_inconsistent |
|  |   |    10 | 0x2b3b00 |   0x290 |                       ABL0~0x30 |          | |                verified(CF65), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    11 | 0x323800 |  0x5940 |              VBIOS_PRELOAD~0x3c |     $PS1 | 11.A.0.1D |                           verified(2FCA) |
|  |   |    12 | 0x329200 |  0x1900 |               KEY_DATABASE~0x50 |     $PS1 |         1 |                verified(144E), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    13 | 0x623000 |   0x400 |   !PL2_SECONDARY_DIRECTORY~0x40 |          |           |                                          |

|  | Directory |   Addr   |    Type   | Generation | Magic | Secondary Directory |
|  |     3     | 0x623000 | secondary |   Zen 3    |  $PL2 |                     |
|  |   | Entry |  Address |    Size |                        Type | Magic/ID |    Version |                                     Info |
|  |   |     0 | 0x623400 | 0x10880 |      PSP_FW_BOOT_LOADER~0x1 |     $PS1 | |                verified(144E), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     1 | 0x633d00 |   0x440 |          AMD_PUBLIC_KEY~0x0 |     144E |          1 |                            AMD_CODE_SIGN |
|  |   |     2 | 0x634200 | 0x16370 |       PSP_FW_TRUSTED_OS~0x2 |     $PS1 | |                verified(D945), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     3 |  0x71000 | 0x20000 |             PSP_NV_DATA~0x4 |          |            |                                          |
|  |   |     4 | 0x64a600 | 0x20fb0 |          SMU_OFFCHIP_FW~0x8 |     $PS1 |  0.37.5B.0 | compressed, veri-failed(2C92), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     5 | 0x66b600 |   0x440 |      SEC_DBG_PUBLIC_KEY~0x9 |     0475 |          1 |     verified(144E), unknown_key_usage(3) |
|  |   |     6 |      0x1 |     0x0 |      SOFT_FUSE_CHAIN_01~0xb |          |            |                                          |
|  |   |     7 | 0x66bb00 | 0x20100 | PSP_BOOT_TIME_TRUSTLETS~0xc |     $PS1 | |                           verified(CC7D) |
|  |   |     8 | 0x68bc00 | 0x10070 |      SMU_OFF_CHIP_FW_2~0x12 |     $PS1 |  0.37.5B.0 | compressed, veri-failed(2C92), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     9 | 0x69bd00 |  0x2100 |           DEBUG_UNLOCK~0x13 |     $PS1 | |                verified(11F8), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    10 | 0x69de00 |   0x664 |     HARDWARE_IP_CONFIG~0x20 |          | |                           verified(76AC) |
|  |   |    11 | 0x69e500 |    0x10 |           WRAPPED_IKEK~0x21 |          |            |                                          |
|  |   |    12 | 0x69f000 |  0x1000 |           TOKEN_UNLOCK~0x22 |          |            |                                          |
|  |   |    13 | 0x6a0000 |  0x2eb0 |             SEC_GASKET~0x24 |     $PS1 |   B.9.0.85 |      verified(BCC5), sha256_inconsistent |
|  |   |    14 | 0x6a2f00 | 0x2d815 |                 MP2_FW~0x25 |          | |                verified(7C83), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    15 | 0x6d0800 | 0x1d770 |         DRIVER_ENTRIES~0x28 |     $PS1 | |                verified(D945), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    16 | 0x6ee000 |  0x3100 |              KVM_IMAGE~0x29 |     $PS1 | |                verified(CC7D), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    17 | 0x6ee000 |  0x3100 |            S0I3_DRIVER~0x2d |     $PS1 | |                verified(CC7D), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    18 | 0x6f1100 |   0x290 |                   ABL0~0x30 |          | |                verified(CF65), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    19 | 0x760e00 |  0x5940 |          VBIOS_PRELOAD~0x3c |     $PS1 |  11.A.0.1D |                           verified(2FCA) |
|  |   |    20 | 0x766800 |  0x1b70 |    TOS_SECURITY_POLICY~0x45 |     $PS1 |   B.9.1.85 |      verified(BCC5), sha256_inconsistent |
|  |   |    21 | 0x768400 |   0x210 |             FW_INVALID~0x44 |     $PS1 | |                           verified(462E) |
|  |   |    22 | 0x76eb00 |  0x1900 |           KEY_DATABASE~0x50 |     $PS1 |          1 |                verified(144E), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    23 | 0x770400 |  0x1070 |         TOS_PUBLIC_KEY~0x51 |     $PS1 |          1 |                verified(144E), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    24 | 0x771500 |  0x5b70 |                        0x58 |     $PS1 | |                           verified(EBDF) |
|  |   |    25 | 0x777100 |   0x220 |                        0x59 |     $PS1 | |                           verified(EBDF) |
|  |   |    26 | 0x777400 |   0xb20 |                   WMOS~0x5c |     $PS1 | |                verified(8A19), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    27 | 0x778000 |  0x4100 |                DRTM_TA~0x47 |     $PS1 | |                           verified(61CE) |
|  |   |    28 |  0x91000 | 0x40000 |              PSP_NVRAM~0x54 |          |            |                                          |

|  | Directory |   Addr   | Type | Generation | Magic | Secondary Directory |
|  |     4     | 0x215000 | BIOS |   Zen 3    |  $BHD |       0x5f8000      |
|  |   | Entry |  Address |   Size |                          Type | Magic/ID |  Version |                                     Info |
|  |   |     0 | 0x216000 | 0x4000 |                     APCB~0x60 |          |          |                                          |
|  |   |     1 | 0x21a000 | 0x4000 |                APCB_COPY~0x68 |          |          |                                          |
|  |   |     2 | 0x21e000 | 0x4000 |                APCB_COPY~0x68 |          |          |                                          |
|  |   |     3 |      0x0 |    0x0 |                     APOB~0x61 |          |          |                                          |
|  |   |     4 | 0x222000 | 0x4890 |                 PMU_CODE~0x64 |     0x05 | | compressed, veri-failed(4F75), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     5 | 0x226900 |  0x360 |                 PMU_DATA~0x65 |     0x05 | | compressed, veri-failed(4F75), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     6 | 0x226d00 | 0x4ae0 |                 PMU_CODE~0x64 |     0x05 | | compressed, veri-failed(4F75), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     7 | 0x22b800 |  0x340 |                 PMU_DATA~0x65 |     0x05 | | compressed, veri-failed(4F75), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     8 | 0x5f8000 |  0x400 | !BL2_SECONDARY_DIRECTORY~0x70 |          |          |                                          |

|  | Directory |   Addr   |    Type   | Generation | Magic | Secondary Directory |
|  |     5     | 0x5f8000 | secondary |   Zen 3    |  $BL2 |                     |
|  |   | Entry |  Address |    Size |                 Type | Magic/ID |  Version |                                     Info |
|  |   |     0 | 0x5f9000 |  0x4000 |            APCB~0x60 |          |          |                                          |
|  |   |     1 | 0x5fd000 |  0x4000 |       APCB_COPY~0x68 |          |          |                                          |
|  |   |     2 | 0x601000 |  0x4000 |       APCB_COPY~0x68 |          |          |                                          |
|  |   |     3 |      0x0 |     0x0 |            APOB~0x61 |          |          |                                          |
|  |   |     4 | 0x605000 | 0x10000 |    APOB_NV_COPY~0x63 |          |          |                                          |
|  |   |     5 | 0x615000 |  0x4890 |        PMU_CODE~0x64 |     0x05 | | compressed, veri-failed(4F75), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     6 | 0x619900 |   0x360 |        PMU_DATA~0x65 |     0x05 | | compressed, veri-failed(4F75), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     7 | 0x619d00 |  0x4ae0 |        PMU_CODE~0x64 |     0x05 | | compressed, veri-failed(4F75), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     8 | 0x61e800 |   0x340 |        PMU_DATA~0x65 |     0x05 | | compressed, veri-failed(4F75), sha256_ok |
|  |   |     9 | 0x61ec00 |  0x15c0 | MICROCODE_PATCH~0x66 |          |          |                                          |
|  |   |    10 | 0x620200 |   0x248 |      MP2_FW_CFG~0x6a |          | |                verified(C04C), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    11 |  0x21000 | 0x40000 |                 0x6d |          |          |                                          |
|  |   |    12 |  0x61000 | 0x10000 |                 0x6d |          |          |                                          |

|  | Directory |   Addr   | Type | Generation | Magic | Secondary Directory |
|  |     6     | 0x3b0000 | BIOS |   Zen 3    |  $BHD |       0x813000      |
|  |   | Entry |  Address |   Size |                          Type | Magic/ID |  Version |                          Info |
|  |   |     0 | 0x3b1000 | 0x2000 |                     APCB~0x60 |          |          |                               |
|  |   |     1 | 0x3b3000 | 0x2000 |                APCB_COPY~0x68 |          |          |                               |
|  |   |     2 | 0x3b5000 | 0x2000 |                APCB_COPY~0x68 |          |          |                               |
|  |   |     3 |      0x0 |    0x0 |                     APOB~0x61 |          |          |                               |
|  |   |     4 | 0x3b7000 | 0x4890 |                 PMU_CODE~0x64 |     0x05 | | compressed, veri-failed(38D0) |
|  |   |     5 | 0x3bb900 |  0x360 |                 PMU_DATA~0x65 |     0x05 | | compressed, veri-failed(38D0) |
|  |   |     6 | 0x3bbd00 | 0x4ae0 |                 PMU_CODE~0x64 |     0x05 | | compressed, veri-failed(38D0) |
|  |   |     7 | 0x3c0800 |  0x340 |                 PMU_DATA~0x65 |     0x05 | | compressed, veri-failed(38D0) |
|  |   |     8 | 0x813000 |  0x400 | !BL2_SECONDARY_DIRECTORY~0x70 |          |          |                               |

|  | Directory |   Addr   |    Type   | Generation | Magic | Secondary Directory |
|  |     7     | 0x813000 | secondary |   Zen 3    |  $BL2 |                     |
|  |   | Entry |  Address |    Size |                 Type | Magic/ID |  Version |                          Info |
|  |   |     0 | 0x814000 |  0x2000 |            APCB~0x60 |          |          |                               |
|  |   |     1 | 0x816000 |  0x2000 |       APCB_COPY~0x68 |          |          |                               |
|  |   |     2 | 0x818000 |  0x2000 |       APCB_COPY~0x68 |          |          |                               |
|  |   |     3 |      0x0 |     0x0 |            APOB~0x61 |          |          |                               |
|  |   |     4 | 0x81a000 | 0x10000 |    APOB_NV_COPY~0x63 |          |          |                               |
|  |   |     5 | 0x82a000 |  0x4890 |        PMU_CODE~0x64 |     0x05 | | compressed, veri-failed(38D0) |
|  |   |     6 | 0x82e900 |   0x360 |        PMU_DATA~0x65 |     0x05 | | compressed, veri-failed(38D0) |
|  |   |     7 | 0x82ed00 |  0x4ae0 |        PMU_CODE~0x64 |     0x05 | | compressed, veri-failed(38D0) |
|  |   |     8 | 0x833800 |   0x340 |        PMU_DATA~0x65 |     0x05 | | compressed, veri-failed(38D0) |
|  |   |     9 | 0x833c00 |   0xc80 | MICROCODE_PATCH~0x66 |          |          |                               |
|  |   |    10 | 0x834900 |   0xc80 | MICROCODE_PATCH~0x66 |          |          |                               |
|  |   |    11 | 0x835600 |   0x248 |      MP2_FW_CFG~0x6a |          | |     verified(7C83), sha256_ok |
|  |   |    12 |  0x21000 | 0x40000 |                 0x6d |          |          |                               |
|  |   |    13 |  0x61000 | 0x10000 |                 0x6d |          |          |                               |

Output of replacement of SMU Part 1:

Warning: Could not verify sha256 checksum for HeaderEntry(type=0x45, address=0x185400, size=0x1b70, len(references)=1)
Warning: Could not verify sha256 checksum for HeaderEntry(type=0x45, address=0x546000, size=0x1b70, len(references)=1)
Warning: Could not verify sha256 checksum for HeaderEntry(type=0x24, address=0x2af000, size=0x2eb0, len(references)=1)
Warning: Could not verify sha256 checksum for HeaderEntry(type=0x45, address=0x2b1f00, size=0x1b70, len(references)=1)
Warning: Could not verify sha256 checksum for HeaderEntry(type=0x24, address=0x6a0000, size=0x2eb0, len(references)=1)
Warning: Could not verify sha256 checksum for HeaderEntry(type=0x45, address=0x766800, size=0x1b70, len(references)=1)
Warning: Couldn't parse plain entry: 0x62
Warning: Entry of Directory(address=0x215000, type=BIOS, magic=b'$BHD', count=10) at 0xd02000 cannot be parsed
Warning: Couldn't parse plain entry: 0x62
Warning: Entry of Directory(address=0x5f8000, type=secondary, magic=b'$BL2', count=14) at 0xd02000 cannot be parsed
Warning: Couldn't parse entry at: 0x21000. Type: 0x6d. Size 0x40000
Warning: Couldn't parse entry at: 0x61000. Type: 0x6d. Size 0x10000
Warning: Couldn't parse plain entry: 0x62
Warning: Entry of Directory(address=0x3b0000, type=BIOS, magic=b'$BHD', count=10) at 0xd02000 cannot be parsed
Warning: Couldn't parse plain entry: 0x62
Warning: Entry of Directory(address=0x813000, type=secondary, magic=b'$BL2', count=15) at 0xd02000 cannot be parsed
Warning: Couldn't parse entry at: 0x21000. Type: 0x6d. Size 0x40000
Warning: Couldn't parse entry at: 0x61000. Type: 0x6d. Size 0x10000
Warning: Empty FET entry at ROM address 0x0
Warning: Empty FET entry at ROM address 0x5500
Replacing PubkeyEntity(96A0, @17ede0)
Resigning SignedEntity(@42f600:40100) (HeaderEntry(type=0x8, address=0x42f600, size=0x40100, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x8, address=0x42f600, size=0x40100, len(references)=1)
        Need to rehash
Resigning SignedEntity(@102000:11a40) (HeaderEntry(type=0x12, address=0x102000, size=0x11a40, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x12, address=0x102000, size=0x11a40, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@e0f00:21100) (HeaderEntry(type=0x8, address=0xe0f00, size=0x21100, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x8, address=0xe0f00, size=0x21100, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@470d00:11a40) (HeaderEntry(type=0x12, address=0x470d00, size=0x11a40, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x12, address=0x470d00, size=0x11a40, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Replacing PubkeyEntity(6C9E, @d2404)
Resigning SignedEntity(@d2900:e5c0) (HeaderEntry(type=0x3, address=0xd2900, size=0xe5c0, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x3, address=0xd2900, size=0xe5c0, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@17e100:1900) (KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x17e100, size=0x1900, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x17e100, size=0x1900, len(references)=1)
        Need to rehash
Resigning SignedEntity(@408400:10880) (HeaderEntry(type=0x1, address=0x408400, size=0x10880, len(references)=2))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x1, address=0x408400, size=0x10880, len(references)=2)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@552400:1900) (KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x552400, size=0x1900, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x552400, size=0x1900, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@450700:440) (PubkeyEntry(type=0x9, address=0x450700, size=0x440, len(references)=1))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code
  File "C:\Users\protoxis\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.12_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python312\Scripts\psptool.exe\", line 7, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\protoxis\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.12_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python312\site-packages\psptool\", line 193, in main
    entry.signed_entity.resign_and_replace(privkeys=privkeys, recursive=True)
  File "C:\Users\protoxis\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.12_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python312\site-packages\psptool\", line 122, in resign_and_replace
    pk.replace_and_resign(privkeys, recursive=recursive)
  File "C:\Users\protoxis\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.12_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python312\site-packages\psptool\", line 250, in replace_and_resign
    se.resign_and_replace(privkeys=privkeys, recursive=True)
  File "C:\Users\protoxis\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.12_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python312\site-packages\psptool\", line 122, in resign_and_replace
    pk.replace_and_resign(privkeys, recursive=recursive)
  File "C:\Users\protoxis\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.12_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python312\site-packages\psptool\", line 238, in replace_and_resign
  File "C:\Users\protoxis\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.12_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python312\site-packages\psptool\", line 111, in resign_only
    signature = privkey.sign_blob(self.entry.get_signed_bytes())
  File "C:\Users\protoxis\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.12_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python312\site-packages\psptool\", line 751, in get_signed_bytes
    return self.get_bytes(0, self.buffer_size - self.signature_size)
  File "C:\Users\protoxis\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.12_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python312\site-packages\psptool\", line 732, in signature_size
    return self.buffer_size - self.HEADER_LEN - self.pubexp_size - self.modulus_size
  File "C:\Users\protoxis\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.12_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python312\site-packages\psptool\", line 722, in pubexp_size
    assert self.pubexp_bits & 0x3 == 0

Output of replacement of SMU Part 2:

Warning: Could not verify sha256 checksum for HeaderEntry(type=0x45, address=0x185400, size=0x1b70, len(references)=1)
Warning: Could not verify sha256 checksum for HeaderEntry(type=0x45, address=0x546000, size=0x1b70, len(references)=1)
Warning: Could not verify sha256 checksum for HeaderEntry(type=0x24, address=0x2af000, size=0x2eb0, len(references)=1)
Warning: Could not verify sha256 checksum for HeaderEntry(type=0x45, address=0x2b1f00, size=0x1b70, len(references)=1)
Warning: Could not verify sha256 checksum for HeaderEntry(type=0x24, address=0x6a0000, size=0x2eb0, len(references)=1)
Warning: Could not verify sha256 checksum for HeaderEntry(type=0x45, address=0x766800, size=0x1b70, len(references)=1)
Warning: Couldn't parse plain entry: 0x62
Warning: Entry of Directory(address=0x215000, type=BIOS, magic=b'$BHD', count=10) at 0xd02000 cannot be parsed
Warning: Couldn't parse plain entry: 0x62
Warning: Entry of Directory(address=0x5f8000, type=secondary, magic=b'$BL2', count=14) at 0xd02000 cannot be parsed
Warning: Couldn't parse entry at: 0x21000. Type: 0x6d. Size 0x40000
Warning: Couldn't parse entry at: 0x61000. Type: 0x6d. Size 0x10000
Warning: Couldn't parse plain entry: 0x62
Warning: Entry of Directory(address=0x3b0000, type=BIOS, magic=b'$BHD', count=10) at 0xd02000 cannot be parsed
Warning: Couldn't parse plain entry: 0x62
Warning: Entry of Directory(address=0x813000, type=secondary, magic=b'$BL2', count=15) at 0xd02000 cannot be parsed
Warning: Couldn't parse entry at: 0x21000. Type: 0x6d. Size 0x40000
Warning: Couldn't parse entry at: 0x61000. Type: 0x6d. Size 0x10000
Warning: Empty FET entry at ROM address 0x0
Warning: Empty FET entry at ROM address 0x5500
Replacing PubkeyEntity(96A0, @17ede0)
Resigning SignedEntity(@42f600:21100) (HeaderEntry(type=0x8, address=0x42f600, size=0x21100, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x8, address=0x42f600, size=0x21100, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@102000:11a40) (HeaderEntry(type=0x12, address=0x102000, size=0x11a40, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x12, address=0x102000, size=0x11a40, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@e0f00:21100) (HeaderEntry(type=0x8, address=0xe0f00, size=0x21100, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x8, address=0xe0f00, size=0x21100, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@470d00:40100) (HeaderEntry(type=0x12, address=0x470d00, size=0x40100, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x12, address=0x470d00, size=0x40100, len(references)=1)
        Need to rehash
Replacing PubkeyEntity(6C9E, @d2404)
Resigning SignedEntity(@d2900:e5c0) (HeaderEntry(type=0x3, address=0xd2900, size=0xe5c0, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x3, address=0xd2900, size=0xe5c0, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@17e100:1900) (KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x17e100, size=0x1900, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x17e100, size=0x1900, len(references)=1)
        Need to rehash
Resigning SignedEntity(@408400:10880) (HeaderEntry(type=0x1, address=0x408400, size=0x10880, len(references)=2))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x1, address=0x408400, size=0x10880, len(references)=2)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@552400:1900) (KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x552400, size=0x1900, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x552400, size=0x1900, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@450700:440) (PubkeyEntry(type=0x9, address=0x450700, size=0x440, len(references)=1))
Resigning SignedEntity(@553d00:12c0) (KeyStoreEntry(type=0x51, address=0x553d00, size=0x12c0, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of KeyStoreEntry(type=0x51, address=0x553d00, size=0x12c0, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Replacing PubkeyEntity(6C9E, @418d04)
Resigning SignedEntity(@d2900:e5c0) (HeaderEntry(type=0x3, address=0xd2900, size=0xe5c0, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x3, address=0xd2900, size=0xe5c0, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@17e100:1900) (KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x17e100, size=0x1900, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x17e100, size=0x1900, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@408400:10880) (HeaderEntry(type=0x1, address=0x408400, size=0x10880, len(references)=2))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x1, address=0x408400, size=0x10880, len(references)=2)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@552400:1900) (KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x552400, size=0x1900, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x552400, size=0x1900, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@450700:440) (PubkeyEntry(type=0x9, address=0x450700, size=0x440, len(references)=1))
Resigning SignedEntity(@553d00:12c0) (KeyStoreEntry(type=0x51, address=0x553d00, size=0x12c0, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of KeyStoreEntry(type=0x51, address=0x553d00, size=0x12c0, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Replacing PubkeyEntity(96A0, @5530e0)
Resigning SignedEntity(@42f600:21100) (HeaderEntry(type=0x8, address=0x42f600, size=0x21100, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x8, address=0x42f600, size=0x21100, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@102000:11a40) (HeaderEntry(type=0x12, address=0x102000, size=0x11a40, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x12, address=0x102000, size=0x11a40, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@e0f00:21100) (HeaderEntry(type=0x8, address=0xe0f00, size=0x21100, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x8, address=0xe0f00, size=0x21100, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@470d00:40100) (HeaderEntry(type=0x12, address=0x470d00, size=0x40100, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x12, address=0x470d00, size=0x40100, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Replacing PubkeyEntity(6C9E, @d2404)
Resigning SignedEntity(@d2900:e5c0) (HeaderEntry(type=0x3, address=0xd2900, size=0xe5c0, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x3, address=0xd2900, size=0xe5c0, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@17e100:1900) (KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x17e100, size=0x1900, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x17e100, size=0x1900, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@408400:10880) (HeaderEntry(type=0x1, address=0x408400, size=0x10880, len(references)=2))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x1, address=0x408400, size=0x10880, len(references)=2)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@552400:1900) (KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x552400, size=0x1900, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x552400, size=0x1900, len(references)=1)
        Need to rehash
Resigning SignedEntity(@450700:440) (PubkeyEntry(type=0x9, address=0x450700, size=0x440, len(references)=1))
Resigning SignedEntity(@553d00:12c0) (KeyStoreEntry(type=0x51, address=0x553d00, size=0x12c0, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of KeyStoreEntry(type=0x51, address=0x553d00, size=0x12c0, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Replacing PubkeyEntity(6C9E, @418d04)
Resigning SignedEntity(@d2900:e5c0) (HeaderEntry(type=0x3, address=0xd2900, size=0xe5c0, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x3, address=0xd2900, size=0xe5c0, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@17e100:1900) (KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x17e100, size=0x1900, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x17e100, size=0x1900, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@408400:10880) (HeaderEntry(type=0x1, address=0x408400, size=0x10880, len(references)=2))
    Checking sha256 checksum of HeaderEntry(type=0x1, address=0x408400, size=0x10880, len(references)=2)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@552400:1900) (KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x552400, size=0x1900, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of KeyStoreEntry(type=0x50, address=0x552400, size=0x1900, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Resigning SignedEntity(@450700:440) (PubkeyEntry(type=0x9, address=0x450700, size=0x440, len(references)=1))
Resigning SignedEntity(@553d00:12c0) (KeyStoreEntry(type=0x51, address=0x553d00, size=0x12c0, len(references)=1))
    Checking sha256 checksum of KeyStoreEntry(type=0x51, address=0x553d00, size=0x12c0, len(references)=1)
        sha256 still valid!
Ragebone commented 4 months ago

I did encounter similar issues in the past. What i specifically remember is that replacing with smaller or equal sized blobs would work. Only larger blobs would fail.

What i find a bit confusing is the messages about resigning. I don't see a reason to sign anything in this case, so why is it printing about that?

OpenSIL AGCL-R has you covered with the official python tool.

Otherwise the amdfwtool from coreboot might be an option as well