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Basin Analysis Report - Summary Page #21

Closed jdduh closed 6 months ago

jdduh commented 3 years ago

SNOTEL Sites: within basin – 2, outside basin – 0 (See SNOTEL SITES REPRESENTATION map) Snow Courses: within basin – 0, outside basin – 2 (See SNOW COURSE SITES REPRESENTATION map)

Report the buffer distance that are used to clip the SNOTEL and Snow Courses layer. Is this a customizable value for the batch process? The summary would be something like:

SNOTEL Sites: within basin – 2, within a 5 miles buffer distance outside basin – 0 (See SNOTEL SITES REPRESENTATION map) Snow Courses: within basin – 0, within a 5 miles buffer distance outside basin – 2 (See SNOW COURSE SITES REPRESENTATION map)

jdduh commented 3 years ago

Add the follow text to the summary page behind the 4th line indicating the export date.

For more information see the Basin Analysis Reports Users Manual at

lbross commented 3 years ago

I would have bet money that the buffer distance was already on the title page. It was in the requirements but somehow initially missed. The infrastructure was there though and this is now done, along with the requested text.

jdduh commented 2 years ago

The Arkansas R at Salida report's summary page shows that "SNOTEL Sites: within basin – 2, within a 100 Meters buffer distance outside basin – 1". Can you verify that 100 meters is the correct buffer distance? I thought the buffer distance could be longer.

lbross commented 2 years ago

The default buffer distance for clipping the sites layers to the AOI is 100 Meters. This is easy to change if you want too. Let me know. The desired buffer distance is being passed correctly through the code and is being stored correctly in the sites metadata. HOWEVER ... the function that clips the sites starts with the buffered AOI and then adds the desired buffer on top of that which is incorrect. I will fix this in the next release. I used the measure tool and could tell that the actual buffer was longer than what BAGIS-PRO thought it was using.

lbross commented 2 years ago
  1. What do we show for buffer distance when there are no sites? Currently we print “Snow Courses: within basin – 0, within a ? buffer distance outside basin – 0”
  2. The site representation definition should read "5.642 miles planar radius and 500 feet above and below site elevation”
  3. Add a new Data Sources Page immediately following Title Page. Write Data Sources here instead of on Title Page
jdduh commented 2 years ago

See this document ( for the updates on the summary page and the data sources page. Hopefully the data sources information fits on one page.

lbross commented 2 years ago

Can you tell me why the urls are highlighted by magenta in the data sources page? I know that Land Ownership layer url has just changed. I did that yesterday. But the roads layer looks to be the same.

jdduh commented 2 years ago

We have a new source data service for the land ownership layer and will have a new FS roads service. These URLs need to be updated.

lbross commented 2 years ago

I have updated the land ownership layer per your request from late last week. It sounds like there is a separate update coming for roads.

jdduh commented 2 years ago

The new roads layer is published.

lbross commented 2 years ago

I posted a new version of the 06228000_WY_USGS Watershed Report to the NWCC report. Updates include

jdduh commented 2 years ago

The legend looks good. Here are some issues that I spotted in the report.

  1. Summary page: add one blank line above the Network Representation Analysis and one blank line above Potential Site Location Analysis (remove the blank line after it if there is one). Just to confirm that the road buffer distance (e.g., 300) comes from the batch parameter file.
  2. On the Roads, Federal Non-Wilderness & Tribal Land map, change the legend label from "Federal Non-Wilderness Land" to "Suitable Land Ownership Type" (or anything that you think would represent "federal non-wilderness and tribal land".)
lbross commented 2 years ago

The summary page was harder to fix that it should have been. I think there is a bug in the open source library we're using to convert html to pdf. The list seems to throw it off. I came up with a workaround. The buffer distance is actually stored in the buffered feature class and yes, we pull it from there. This way if the batch parameter file changes after the layer is created, we still have the correct distance. I changed the label on that map. I posted a "final" prototype to the basins FTP server in the /BAGIS/BAGIS Reports folder. If this looks good, let me know and I will get the remaining 18 map packages generated and posted.

jdduh commented 1 year ago

descriptions for some of the data sources are listed below. This is related to the information in this file:

New entry - please add this to the data sources page in the report. This entry also has a short description. { "description": "Elevation Data Source - One arc-second (approximately 30 meters) USGS National Elevaton Dataset (NED). Downloaded in 2010. See for more information.", "shortDescription": "30 meter USGS digital elevation model", "uri": "", "layerType": "DEM", "heading": "Digital Elevation Model (DEM)" },

Entries with short descriptions: { "units": "Millimeters", "description": "SWE Data Source - Averaged daily SNOw Data Assimilation System (SNODAS) Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) from 2004 to current water year data. See for more information.", "shortDescription": "2004-2020 SNODAS daily data", "uri": "", "layerType": "Snotel SWE", "heading": "Snow Water Equivalent (SWE)" }, { "units": "Inches", "description": "30-year (1991-2020) monthly/quarterly/annual average precipitation data created by the PRISM Climate Group. See for more information.", "shortDescription": "PRISM 1991-2020 precipitation averages", "uri": "", "layerType": "Precipitation", "heading": "Precipitation" }, { "description": "2019 NLCD Land Cover. See for more information.", "shortDescription": "2019 National Land Cover Database (NLCD)", "uri": "", "layerType": "Land Cover", "heading": "Land Cover – for Potential Site Location Analysis" },

This is related to the data sources page and the "shortDescription" information

jdduh commented 1 year ago

See the pdf for specific edits.

Pages1&2 of 06099500_MT_USGS_Watershed-Report_Updates.pdf

lbross commented 1 year ago

Do you want to add the short descriptions to the data sources page? I am concerned that adding the DEM data source along with (potentially) the 2 new sites data sources is going to push this onto 2 pages.

jdduh commented 1 year ago

No need to include shortDescription in the data sources. Please keep the summary page and the data sources page on one page each. I will provide the edits on other pages that use the shortDescriptions.

lbross commented 1 year ago

Is it okay to have the short description apply only going forward? I ask because the data source information is copied to an .xml file in the AOI when the layers are clipped. I pull the information for the Data Sources page from this local file. Any layers clipped prior to this enhancement won't have the short description in their xml. There are things I could do to get the information from the server retroactively, but it is extra processing if its not necessary.

jdduh commented 1 year ago

That would be OK to not have the shortDescription in previously process AOIs. We don't have an official release of the tool yet.

lbross commented 1 year ago

Please review the title and data sources page for the D:\AOIs\2020_NWCC_Basin_Analysis_AOIs\Snake_River\HUC1706\Imnaha_R_at_Imnaha_11272010\13292000_OR_USGS_Watershed-Report.pdf on CS3 to ensure that I picked up all of your edits. For the short description, do you want to provide a matrix of which maps get which short description by map title? Or would you like me to create the matrix and you can review? For example, the DEM description would obviously be on the Elevation Distribution map, but it could also be on the Forested Land Cover map since that is the base map that we use. Although Forested Land Cover is derived from the NLCD layer which has its own short description.

jdduh commented 1 year ago

One more edit (in bold) on the SNODAS SWE metadata, basically indicating the year range of the SWE source data. I will provide a table with maps that need the shortDescription updates.

{ "units": "Millimeters", "description": "SWE Data Source - Averaged daily SNOw Data Assimilation System (SNODAS) Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) from 2004 to 2022 water year data. See for more information.", "shortDescription": "2004-2022 SNODAS daily data", "uri": "", "layerType": "Snotel SWE", "heading": "Snow Water Equivalent (SWE)" },

jdduh commented 1 year ago

I am tempted to create 3 shortDescriptions for the PRISM precip data for monthly/quarterly/annual respectively. Let me know if there is any concern. I will confirm with my final edits on the report.

{ "units": "Inches", "description": "30-year (1991-2020) monthly/quarterly/annual average precipitation data created by the PRISM Climate Group. See for more information.", "shortDescription": "PRISM 1991-2020 precipitation averages", "uri": "", "layerType": "Precipitation", "heading": "Precipitation" },

lbross commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately I can't think of an efficient way to support 3 separate short descriptions for the PRISM precip data with the currently planned infrastructure. The short description is saved to the AOI analysis.xml file as part of the data source entry when the Prism layers are clipped and we only have a single entry for all the layers.

We could add the alternative short descriptions to the configuration file on the server and read it from there, but that will update as the years on the precipitation data are rolled forward, so it will probably get out of sync with what was actually clipped.

One thing that might work is to add the starting and ending prism years to the analysis.xml as separate data fields. Then I can compose the short description string on the fly, plugging in the years, for the other maps. Not as straightforward as the original design, but doable.

jdduh commented 1 year ago

Can we add anther attribute to the PRISM and call it, shortDescriptionMonthly? We can reserve the shortDescription for annual precipitation. Something like this:

{ "units": "Inches", "description": "30-year (1991-2020) monthly/quarterly/annual average precipitation data created by the PRISM Climate Group. See for more information.", "shortDescription": "PRISM 1991-2020 annual precipitation averages", "shortDescriptionMonthly": "PRISM 1991-2020 monthly precipitation averages", "uri": "", "layerType": "Precipitation", "heading": "Precipitation" },

lbross commented 1 year ago

We can try your suggestion. I'm not 100% sure how it will work to have a property that only exists in one record. I am using dynamic data structures. But we can try it. I am going to change the name to make it more generic though in case we need to do something similar with another data source down the road. Perhaps shortDescription2?

jdduh commented 1 year ago

Sounds good.

jdduh commented 1 year ago

Add total site # at the beginning of the the individual snow monitoring site summary. See example on the image.


jdduh commented 1 year ago

We have a new PRISM dataset. Please update the description (by adding ", Version M4, released in December 2022" behind 1991-2020. The new dataset overrides the existing 1991-2020 imageservices on the server.

{ "units": "Inches", "description": "30-year (1991-2020, Version M4, released in December 2022) monthly/quarterly/annual average precipitation data created by the PRISM Climate Group. See for more information.", "shortDescription": "PRISM 1991-2020 annual precipitation averages", "shortDescriptionMonthly": "PRISM 1991-2020 monthly precipitation averages", "uri": "", "layerType": "Precipitation", "heading": "Precipitation" },

lbross commented 1 year ago

Both of 2 preceding items are done. Note that the updated description will only be reflected in PRISM layers clipped from here forward. Also, I decided not to implement the "shortDescriptionMonthly" parameter. I use some string replacement in the application to replace annual with monthly where appropriate.

Finally ... I noticed in the desktop_settings.yaml file that the entry for BAGIS V3 in that file is still pointed to Do we want to update that to

jdduh commented 1 year ago

Sounds good with the plan to keep just the shortDescription. Yes, please set the default PRISM of BAGIS V3 to the 1991_2020 version.

jdduh commented 1 year ago

Updated description for the public land ownership layer. The information is updated on the server definition file.

{ "description": "Federal non-wilderness and tribal land data based on the 2020 USGS Protected Areas Data (PAD) version 2.1 and the 2010 USA Indian Reservations dataset. See and for more information.", "uri": "", "layerType": "Land Ownership", "heading": "Public Land Ownership – for Potential Site Location Analysis" },

lbross commented 1 year ago

Thanks for letting me know. I have updated the desktop_settings.yaml in GitHub and confirmed that the new description appears properly on the data sources page for an AOI where the ownership layer was clipped today.

jdduh commented 1 year ago

Thanks! Please update the desktop_settings.yaml for BAGIS V3 so that the PRISM source points to

lbross commented 1 year ago

I did this a couple of weeks ago but you won't see it in BAGIS v3 unless you update to the default settings. I think there is a button for this.

jdduh commented 1 year ago

Thanks for updating the PRISM data source. I have been using BAGIS V3 without having PRISM data clipped to the AOIs. The clipping will happen in the BAGIS Pro batch tool. We will need to update the data sources when running the batch tool on Alaskan AOIs (see #40).

jdduh commented 6 months ago

New data source metadata for fire layers. See #49 and #50.

{ "description": "National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) historic wildland fires webservices accessed on the report creating date (see the report summary page). See for more information.", "uri": "", "layerType": "Wildland Fires - Historic", "heading": "NIFC Wildland Fires" }, { "description": "National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) current wildland fires webservices accessed on the report creating date (see the report summary page). See for more information.", "uri": "", "layerType": "Wildland Fires - Current", "heading": "NIFC Wildland Fires" },

The information for MTBS needs further verification depending on the use of USDA WMS or PSU ArcGIS Imageservice.

{ "description": "Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) burn severity and extent of large fires webservices accessed on the report creating date (see the report summary page). See for more information.", "uri": "", "layerType": "Wildland Fires - Burn Severity", "heading": "MTBS Fire Burn Severity" },

jdduh commented 6 months ago

We will need a separate summary page for the fire reports. Please don't include the original Basin Report data sources that are not used in the fire reports for now. We might need to have a merged document in future projects.

lbross commented 6 months ago

I just checked the algorithm that generates the Basin Report data sources on the title page. We provide a list of the data sources that can appear on this page (if used). If the fire data sources aren't on this list (and they currently are not), they won't be on the title page. I'm going to close this issue again. We can create a new issue if we need to modify the main title page for the fire data.

EDIT: I just added/updated the data source metadata on the server. I simplified the layer types. These values are used by the application to look-up the layer information and aren't exposed to the end user. I try to keep them simple without special characters. They are: Fire History, Fire Current, Fire Burn Severity.

It's no problem to update the MTBS url when it is finalized.