PSU-CSAR / bagis-pro

BAGIS for ArcGIS Pro
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BAGIS Pro - Interactive Mode UI Enhancement #56

Open jdduh opened 6 days ago

jdduh commented 6 days ago

This is a request for information for future improvement of the UI.

  1. When layers are checked to determine if an AOI is ready for generating a basin analysis report? There is messagebox notifying users when they select an AOI that still has missing layers.
  2. What are the dependencies between the clipped AOI layers and the analysis layers (and attributes)? Let's use this document to keep track of the information:
  3. Which data layer is produced by which GUI control (checkbox)?
lbross commented 5 days ago

I answered Q1 by adding notes to the AOI data section. The other 2 questions will take more time/effort.

jdduh commented 5 days ago

Thanks! This is not an urging request. I will try to fill out some of the information by testing out the BAGIS Pro interactive mode.