Open jdduh opened 7 years ago
The calculation is performed based on the steps below: (TBD by Geoffrey)
Suggestion for the calculation:
If you think this would work, I will also need a design for the UI. New button to create and/or display this layer?
Convert grid_zones_v to raster based on the values in TIMBER_ELEV field. Recode raster cell value to "A_REALLY_LARGE_NUMBER" when the cell value is 0. Use the output raster in your Step 2.
Notes: Pay attention to elevation unit. I believe the elevation in the TIMBER_ELEV field is always in Meters. The program also needs to have the capability to identify the default TIMBER_ELEV value (e.g., 0). If TIMBER_ELEV equals 0, then the whole HRU is set to 0.
To clarify 0 = below timberline, 1 = at or above timberline Note: TIMBER_ELEV is always in the units of the filled DEM so no conversion needed
I need a design for how this should be handled in the timberline tool workflow
Where should I store the binary raster? I will put it in the hru folder for now, next to grid_zones_v.
Initial implementation is complete. It's currently initiated by clicking a button called 'Binary Raster'. When the process completes, the binary raster is added to the ArcMap viewer. I'm sure this isn't ideal but let me know when you have the workflow finalized.
Just realized that the timberline tool results depend on the hru selected. @jdduh requested that the output be stored in the layers.gdb at the AOI level. This means that we can only have one timberline layer at a time. I propose pre-pending the HRU name to the timberline file name. For example: hru_prms_timberline so we can have multiple timberline layers in the layers.gdb.
Will check to see if the layer exists before calculating and allow the user to abend processing if they want to keep the old layer. Will pop a MessageBox when the layer is complete informing the user of the location of the layer.
Sounds good to include HRU name in the output timeberline layer.
Great! I just posted a new version of BAGIS-P (1.9.9-b1) that includes the Timberline tool. This way it is available when you would like to demo it for NWCC.
Combine the timberline elevation value for each HRU and the DEM to create a binary raster showing areas above and below the timberline.