PSU-CSAR / vb-bagis-p

VB .NET source code for ArcMap BAGIS Parameters add-in
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Create version of add-in for ArcGIS 10.5 #44

Open lbross opened 5 years ago

lbross commented 5 years ago

It seems that the value for Zone in the zonal statistics as table tool is not retained when a 10.2.2 model is opened in 10.5. This causes the model to fail when BAGIS-P runs it. Example from Hru_Depl_Curve: image

lbross commented 5 years ago

Hru_Depl_Curve and jh_coeff models both use the zonal statistics as table tool. I wasn't able to get these tool to run in BAGIS-P until I opened them, ran them through ModelBuilder and saved them. They are both in the bagis_p_climate_methods.tbx. I uploaded a version of this toolbox to basins in a folder called /BAGIS/BAGIS-P Models/For ArcGIS10.5.X and later. I validated my changes on two different AOIs so hopefully they will work on other computers. ModelBuilder removes the wildcards from some of the paths so I had to set those back before saving my final version.

Updated: This is also a problem with the JH_Coef_AOI model in the bagis_method_building_blocks.tbx. This model is used when exporting the parameters for an AOI. An updated copy of the toolbox is available on basins.

lbross commented 5 years ago

Unable to use ExtractByMask to write to FGDB in this version of ArcGIS. Sent e-mail to @jdduh. This makes the convert DEM to ASCII portion of the parameter export fail.

lbross commented 5 years ago

Writing output for ExtractByMask to file gdb which works while writing to a folder does not. Also replaced the GeoAnalyst code with Geoprocessor in the export functions for increased stability. The same code can be deployed in both 10.2.2 and 10.5.