PSU-CSAR / vb-bagis

Source code for BAGIS V3 ESRI Add-In
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Title in wrong place when maps are generated #67

Closed lbross closed 4 years ago

lbross commented 5 years ago

When you run the Maps dialog immediately after creating an AOI the map title is outside of the map frame. If you run the maps tool after changing to a new AOI, it is fine. Problem occurs on both versions of AGS

lbross commented 5 years ago


jdduh commented 5 years ago

If the AOI name is shorter, then this won't happen. BAGIS users are expected to know how to fix this manually with ArcGIS layout tools. Alternatively, we can move the title a little lower when creating it. The placement is determined in VB codes.

lbross commented 5 years ago

My concern was that the placement is better when you run the maps tool on an existing AOI rather than running it on an new AOI immediate after creating the AOI (in the same session). Upon closer examination it appears that if you have a basin selected, the basin title is appended to the AOI name, making it longer. When I select an AOI using the AOI Info tool, a basin isn't selected so it isn't appended to the title. See image below. Do we want to continue to include the basin in the map title even though it is inconsistent, depending on how the AOI is selected? maptitle

jdduh commented 5 years ago

Good observation! Please remove the basin name from the title. The basin-aoi hierarchical structure is not enforced by the end user.

lbross commented 5 years ago

Set basin_name to empty string before setting title on map. This way behavior is consistent but we can add the basin name back in if need be