PSeitz / lz4_flex

Fastest pure Rust implementation of LZ4 compression/decompression.
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Uncompress lz4ultra files? #97

Closed richarddd closed 1 year ago

richarddd commented 1 year ago


Thanks for an awesome crate!

I'm facing issues when trying to decompress files that have been compressed with I'm using block::decompress_size_prepended and ofc prepended the size of the uncompressed data into my compressed byte array as LE.


let bytes = fs::read(&filename)?;

let mut compressed = Vec::with_capacity(4);

compressed.truncate(4 + compressed.len());

fs::write(&filename, compressed)?;

Failes with: thread 'main' panicked at 'assertion failed: start_ptr >= output_base

In here

let start_ptr = unsafe { output_ptr.sub(offset) };
debug_assert!(start_ptr >= output_base);
PSeitz commented 1 year ago

Does lz4ultra use the frame or the block format? Probably the frame format

the truncate line doesn't make sense

compressed.truncate(4 + compressed.len());
richarddd commented 1 year ago

You're right, I think it's the frame format.

So then i'm probably using the wrong format. Do you have any examples how this could be done? (reading from compressed byte array, or similar)

PSeitz commented 1 year ago

Yes in the docs:

Or the tests:

richarddd commented 1 year ago

Yes in the docs:

Or the tests:

Thank you. I tired that but getting: "read after the end of the buffer"

Maybe lz4ultra uses the hc format which i know isn't supported yet 🤔

PSeitz commented 1 year ago

there is no hc format, just a hc algorithm which outputs the same format

Can you try if it decompresses with the official lz4 cli ? If not, then it's just incompatible with lz4

richarddd commented 1 year ago

there is no hc format, just a hc algorithm which outputs the same format

Can you try if it decompresses with the official lz4 cli ? If not, then it's just incompatible with lz4

Yeah that works.

Tested with simple data and it works:*%0A%5Bdependencies%5D%0Alz4_flex%20%3D%20%7B%20version%20%3D%20%220.10%22%2C%20default-features%20%3D%20false%2C%20features%3D%5B%22frame%22%5D%20%7D%0A%0A*%2F%0A%0Afn%20main()%20%7B%0A%0A%20%20%20%20let%20ultra%3AVec%3Cu8%3E%20%3D%20vec!%5B0x04%2C0x22%2C0x4d%2C0x18%2C0x40%2C0x40%2C0xc0%2C0x0c%2C0x00%2C0x00%2C0x80%2C0x48%2C0x65%2C0x6c%2C0x6c%2C0x6f%2C0x20%2C0x57%2C0x6f%2C0x72%2C0x6c%2C0x64%2C0x21%2C0x00%2C0x00%2C0x00%2C0x00%5D%3B%0A%20%20%20%20let%20std%3AVec%3Cu8%3E%20%3D%20%20%20vec!%5B0x04%2C0x22%2C0x4d%2C0x18%2C0x64%2C0x40%2C0xa7%2C0x0c%2C0x00%2C0x00%2C0x80%2C0x48%2C0x65%2C0x6c%2C0x6c%2C0x6f%2C0x20%2C0x57%2C0x6f%2C0x72%2C0x6c%2C0x64%2C0x21%2C0x00%2C0x00%2C0x00%2C0x00%2C0x88%2C0x97%2C0xd6%2C0x0b%5D%3B%0A%20%20%20%20let%20ultra%3A%20%26%5Bu8%5D%20%3D%20%26ultra%3B%0A%20%20%20%20let%20std%3A%20%26%5Bu8%5D%20%3D%20%26std%3B%0A%20%20%20%20let%20mut%20de%20%3D%20lz4_flex%3A%3Aframe%3A%3AFrameDecoder%3A%3Anew(ultra)%3B%0A%20%20%20%20let%20mut%20out%20%3D%20Vec%3A%3Anew()%3B%0A%20%20%20%20std%3A%3Aio%3A%3ARead%3A%3Aread_to_end(%26mut%20de%2C%20%26mut%20out).unwrap()%3B%0A%20%20%20%20%0A%20%20%20%20%0A%0A%20%20%20%20println!(%22%7B%7D%22%2CString%3A%3Afrom_utf8(out).unwrap())%3B%0A%0A%0A%20%20%20%20let%20mut%20de%20%3D%20lz4_flex%3A%3Aframe%3A%3AFrameDecoder%3A%3Anew(std)%3B%0A%20%20%20%20let%20mut%20out%20%3D%20Vec%3A%3Anew()%3B%0A%20%20%20%20std%3A%3Aio%3A%3ARead%3A%3Aread_to_end(%26mut%20de%2C%20%26mut%20out).unwrap()%3B%0A%0A%20%20%20%20println!(%22%7B%7D%22%2CString%3A%3Afrom_utf8(out).unwrap())%3B%0A%7D

richarddd commented 1 year ago

Doh, it was my misstake. It works fine!