PTB-MR / mrpro

MR image reconstruction and processing.
Apache License 2.0
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Clean optional dependencies #338

Open schuenke opened 5 days ago

schuenke commented 5 days ago

Currently we still list a lot of dependencies in our pyproject.toml:

test = [
lint = ["mypy", "flake8", "isort", "pre-commit", "autopep8", "pydocstyle"]
docs = ["sphinx", "sphinx_rtd_theme", "sphinx-pyproject"]
notebook = [

Some of these like flake8, isort etc should not be needed anymore, because we do everything with ruff now. We should remove everything that is not really needed.

fzimmermann89 commented 5 days ago

..and add ruff? or remove the lint completely and only have pre-commit in it, which in turn depend installs mypy ruff etc.

.. and remove pre-comit from tests..