PTFS-Europe / rebus-list-2

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Linking to expanded units in the hierarchy #321

Open hloliver opened 7 years ago

hloliver commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to have a url linking to an expanded unit in the hierarchy?

Ie expanded_unit

Rather than collapsed_unit

We link to reading lists from our VLE, and currently can pick any point in the hierarchy so our students can easily see which lists are available to them ie




I don't know if it's possible to build something into the url, or if we could add something manually when we're creating links in the VLE?

Thanks Helen

AndrewIsh commented 7 years ago

Hi Helen

Thanks for your query. This is not currently possible, but is an excellent idea. It would be a small amount of development to add this, so I'll add it to our short term priorities and update this issue once it has been completed.

Many thanks Andrew

hloliver commented 7 years ago

Great, thanks Andrew

AndrewIsh commented 7 years ago

Also raised by Joe at YSJ

hloliver commented 6 years ago

Hi Andrew I don't know if this is something that you will have a chance to do before you handover, if you do I just wanted to flag that from our perspective we would only really want the unit that you clicked on to be expanded, not all of the sub-units as well.

ie in this case we would only want Year 1 expanded to display the sublists, 2017-09-11_0719 not this! 2017-09-11_0725

Best wishes Helen

AndrewIsh commented 6 years ago

Hi Helen

Thanks for that. Yes, your suggestion makes sense. Thanks very much for the clarification.

Thanks Andrew