PTFS-Europe / rebus-list-2

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Suggestion for improving workflow when adding user list roles #335

Open janetc opened 7 years ago

janetc commented 7 years ago

When you are adding list roles from the Hierarchy: 1) From the menu, select Hierarchy. 2) Select the list to assign. 3) Click on the pencil button to the right of the list ("Modify this hierarchy element") 4) Click on the white button for Edit user roles. 5) In the bottom section "Add new users to this list" - search for the user. 6) Click on the button to the right of the user.

***At this point the user is added to the top box but without user roles until you select the correct roles for the user. If you forget, and click Finish, the user will be removed from the list. Would it be possible to have a prompt - or something - at this point to remind that no roles have been assigned?

The behaviour is slightly different if you go from the Lists as you select the roles as part of adding the user.