PTFS-Europe / rebus-list-2

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rollover lists - hidden #343

Open jomnz opened 7 years ago

jomnz commented 7 years ago


We have had some issues with lists going missing when rolled over.

We discovered that this was caused by the 'visible from' date on the rolled list being set to a date in the future:

Original list: Valid From: Sept 2016

Roll-Over list: Valid From: Sept 2017

When this list is rolled over in July, it becomes hidden (not visible) until September. While we understand that this is likely intentional behaviour, one-click rollover automatically suppresses all content outside of 'term-dates' or whatever was specified when the list was first created.

Any thoughts on this?

AndrewIsh commented 7 years ago

Hi Joe

Many thanks for this. I'll ping @mrenvoize on this one as he's the expert on rollover, hopefully he'll have some thoughts.

Many thanks Andrew