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Koha connector not working #356

Closed hloliver closed 6 years ago

hloliver commented 6 years ago

Trying to add new items to a list but the Koha connector doesn't seem to be working.

In this video the search lists Koha as one of the resources it's searching but doesn't return any results:

However, searching Koha for 'Lanyado' returns 17 results

and 'Handbook of child and adolescent psychotherapy' returns 5 results

Could you look at this asap? thanks Helen

AndrewIsh commented 6 years ago

Hi Helen

I see what you mean, I've contacted Alex to see if he can get to the bottom of it. I'll update here when I have more info.

Thanks Andrew

AndrewIsh commented 6 years ago

Hi Helen

Apologies for that, this is now fixed.

Many thanks Andrew

hloliver commented 6 years ago

?Great, thanks Andrew