PTFS-Europe / rebus-list-2

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Exporting lists broken #360

Closed hloliver closed 6 years ago

hloliver commented 6 years ago

Problems exporting lists - we're seeing a new error when we try to export lists, I'm going with unicorn-t rex? ie

It doesn't happen on all lists, this one is ok, but it's only got two references

can you take a look? Thanks Helen

AndrewIsh commented 6 years ago

Hi Helen

Thanks for that. I see what you mean. I'm not sure what's happening here, but I'm tagging @mrenvoize as it looks like it's coming from the API. Hopefully he will be able to shed some light on it. I'll create an internal issue and we'll investigate.


Thanks Andrew

hloliver commented 6 years ago

?Thanks Andrew - thought it might be one of yours!

AndrewIsh commented 6 years ago

Hi Helen

Just a quick update on this. We've determined that the problem arises with lists containing Journal material types. We've created a fix and it will be pushed out with the next release.

Many thanks Andrew

hloliver commented 6 years ago

Hi Andrew

This seems to be fixed for some lists ie and

but we're still seeing the t-rex error for others ie and

could you take another look?

thanks Helen

AndrewIsh commented 6 years ago

Hi Helen

The fix for this has yet to be pushed out, which will be why you're still seeing the problem. We're anticipating getting the fix out in the near future. I'm going to close this issue and open a corresponding one on OTRS, where our correspondence can continue, as all support issues should be going via there.

Many thanks Andrew