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[UI suggestion] Size/depth of items #65

Open SharonCocker opened 8 years ago

SharonCocker commented 8 years ago

In Preview, the size of each entry (in particular the depth) and the 'item type' icon is much larger than rebus:list v.1 - for example I am only able to view 3 entries at one time on a PC monitor and as a reading list can contain many entries, this would mean the user will have scroll a great deal to see all the material. Would it be possible to make entries slimmer?

Thanks, Heather

SharonCocker commented 8 years ago

Apologies I should have also added to my previous comment that in connection with the large size of items, printing of lists also appears very large and so long lists will take up a considerable amount of paper.


AndrewIsh commented 8 years ago

Hi Heather

Many thanks for your comments, this is very useful feedback.

Customers are able to determine themselves how an item looks, including the size of the text and cover image. This is done via a combination of the "Material type templates" and the "Custom content & CSS" sections of the Global Settings page. This will be covered during training for RL2.

I agree that our default appearance of an item is large, but we felt this was in keeping with the overall look and feel of the default "look" of rebus:list 2. Given the amount of control customers have to customise the appearance themselves, we felt the default appearance was acceptable.

The appearance of lists when printing is still a work in progress and is something we're aware of, I'll update this issue once it has been addressed.

Many thanks Andrew

SharonCocker commented 8 years ago

Hi Andrew,

Possibly related to the appearance being customisable - we felt that the Browse menu and the Admin menu are not very clear for users and they [users] would very likely click on the Admin menu and become confused by trying to login. Although it seems simple to us, on version 1 we use now it is much clearer and we do get email queries from students (and also academics) saying they cannot login. So in short, would the appearance/size of the Browse and Admin menu icons be customisable also?

Many thanks, Heather

AndrewIsh commented 8 years ago

Hi Heather

Thanks for the comments. It is currently not possible for the customer to change the icons for the Browse and Admin menus, however it is possible to change their size via the user defined CSS.

I do take your point about their similarity though and will create an issue to address this.

Many thanks Andrew