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[UI suggestion] Changing the way of moving items? #84

Open JoannaBek opened 8 years ago

JoannaBek commented 8 years ago


Would there be any possibility of changing the way the items are moved around on the list? Maybe some kind of copy+paste technique? The issue resembles the one we have with first version of Rebus - it takes really long time, especially with the longer lists. I also wasn't successful with moving the item to the bottom.

This kind of shuffling of readings (from essential to further, from background to essential etc.) is very common among our academics.

I am attaching a video. You can see that I slowed down around 0:56 - that is because I wasn't even sure if I am still dragging the item down.

Thanks a lot, Joanna

AndrewIsh commented 8 years ago

Hi Joanna

This is a very interesting issue and one that has been raised before.

I think there's definitely room for improvement in this area. I'm not sure a copy+paste technique would work necessarily, at least I'm struggling to think how it would work in a logical way in the interface.

We could possible come up with some way of switching all items to be a greatly reduced height (say, just containing the title) when moving them around, this would enable the user to see many more of them at once on the screen, possibly a 'Re-order Mode' or something.

I'll give this a ponder. If you have any further thoughts on it, feel free to share them.

In the meantime, I'll create an issue at our end soliciting feedback internally.

Many thanks Andrew

AndrewIsh commented 8 years ago

JoannaBek commented 8 years ago

Hello Andrew,

With copy and paste I was thinking that maybe it would be possible to select items that required moving, then cut them (either normal ctrl+x way, or add extra functionality to the edit mode strip):


And then add 'paste' functionality to the add button that is available on every item:


to look something like:


All the best, Joanna

AndrewIsh commented 8 years ago

Hi Joanna

Very interesting ideas, thanks for taking the time to put those together. I'll discuss internally and see what transpires.

Many thanks Andrew