PTG-INDIA / HRMS-Version-1.0

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HRMS - Removing the Inline CSS & JS and Making proper Styling in template #5

Open hrmsptgindia opened 5 years ago

hrmsptgindia commented 5 years ago

Business Requirement :

we have inline Css everywhere in the tempalte , remove it fro the tempalte from all tabs and put it in scc file and for JS also should be properly formatted and it must be removed from the view.jsp , view.jsp should only have includes and no other code .

NikithaJayam commented 5 years ago

Hi Venkat, I am started working on removing the inline styles from the HRMS module

NikithaJayam commented 5 years ago

Hi @karthiksuraparaju , I have completed the ticket and committed the code can you please verify once.