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Turn off prayer after task, restore prayer at bank, utilize antipoisons at bank #157

Open meatFlaps opened 7 months ago

meatFlaps commented 7 months ago

I noticed if you're using prayer during a task, it will not turn prayer off before walking to the slayer master. This drains prayer unnecessarily

Side note off of this, any way to add rejuvenation pool support? Or at the bare minimum drinking prayer pots to restore prayer while at the bank? Antipoisons too, it will walk past the lizards (I think that's what they are, I can't remember off the top of my head) going to Kunar and get poisoned sometimes. Last time this happened I caught it before it started walking to its next task while still poisoned

PTYB commented 7 months ago

Rejuv pool should work, whats your exact name of the pool?

meatFlaps commented 7 months ago

Rejuv pool should work, whats your exact name of the pool?

"Ornate pool of Rejuvenation" I've just now seen it use it but using it after each task would be nice, I have my con cape equipped so teleing to house after each task would be nice. It could be teleing to POH and then using the jewellery box to tele to the farming guild to get back to Kunar a lot easier too, instead it goes extremely long ways

PTYB commented 7 months ago

Haven't added Jewellery box yet, will eventually. I do plan to add a way to configure how to tele to slayer master.

meatFlaps commented 7 months ago

Haven't added Jewellery box yet, will eventually. I do plan to add a way to configure how to tele to slayer master.

Sounds good, lmk if you need any IDs

adjustabundant commented 7 months ago

second this, does not turn off prayer on last mob and does not loot final mob

iamharmor commented 7 months ago

ive asked for this months ago yes fucking please.

PTYB commented 7 months ago

ive asked for this months ago yes fucking please.

have a ticket #?

iamharmor commented 7 months ago

i think i shot the idea in a pm but never made a ticket, couldnt remember how the convo went.

iamharmor commented 7 months ago

I think it looks bot like when you finish a task and youre running through the ge as the only guy with protect prayer on grabbing a task, waiting for 56/99 prayer to drain, probably helps out irons too

meatFlaps commented 6 months ago

I think it looks bot like when you finish a task and youre running through the ge as the only guy with protect prayer on grabbing a task, waiting for 56/99 prayer to drain, probably helps out irons too
