PUGX / PUGXMultiUserBundle

An extension for FOSUserBundle to handle users of different types. Compatible with Doctrine ORM.
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Registration Error #155

Closed fcpauldiaz closed 6 years ago

fcpauldiaz commented 6 years ago

I updated to Symfony 3.4 and I'm getting this error:

Could not load type "fos_user_registration": class does not exist. Error is here:

 public function registerAction()
        return $this->container

I tried changing fos_user_registration to fos_user_registration_register in the form but no luck.

How do I fix this?

fcpauldiaz commented 6 years ago

I fixed this by changing the form method to this:

 public function getParent()
      return 'FOS\UserBundle\Form\Type\RegistrationFormType';