PUGX / PUGXMultiUserBundle

An extension for FOSUserBundle to handle users of different types. Compatible with Doctrine ORM.
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Question about multiusering #87

Closed gyrocopter closed 9 years ago

gyrocopter commented 9 years ago

Hello, guys! Yep, obviously, there is awesome bundle for multiusering! So, i wanna use it and i have a few question. Please, give me answers on them:

I have bundles:

Site1Bundle // site1.com
Site2Bundle // site2.com
SiteNBundle // siteN.com

(each bundle for each site)

For each of this bundles (sites) i need to create single user tables, entities, etc. Can i do it on their's folders or i should do entities, registration controllers for each of this sites just in UserBundle (with UserOne, UserTwo, etc.)?

And how i can render registration form in Site1Bundle for UserOne, for example?

gyrocopter commented 9 years ago

Related on #89

giorrrgio commented 9 years ago

Let's leave only this open

gyrocopter commented 9 years ago

@giorrrgio In this issue doesn't visible the trouble about just one field on user tables

leopro commented 9 years ago

So @gyrocopter which is the question?

gyrocopter commented 9 years ago

@leopro, @giorrrgio My question is:

I use this plugin, because i have in my Symfony project a few web-sites. For each web-site i want to make single User Class, single registration form, ..., and single table in database. So, i installed plugin, did whole actions by documentation, and didn't get what i needed. After registration all users (from user_one, user_two) saves to user (default) table, and they different just by type. And in tables user_one, user_two, ... i see just one field, it is - id. (it was after generating schema of user_one, user_two, etc.) And after registering user, he appears on main table and on secondary table. But in secondary table exist just one field:


But i need single table with single users for each site. For example: i want to register on all sites, and i can't do it, because all users stores on ONE table.

I think, it was more completely :) (and sorry for my english)

leopro commented 9 years ago

The purpose of this bundle is to have a sub-typing of the user. Then you can register, login and so on using fosub. I don't think you can use it for your needs.

gyrocopter commented 9 years ago

@leopro What is sub-types of user? Sub-typing it is synonym of groups/roles (default) ?

I see, that user_one table has just one field and this field is foreign key, relates on main table.

Sorry, i am not newbie and I can't understand idea of your Bundle, if for each entity doesn't creates single table with single data...

gyrocopter commented 9 years ago

"Thanks" for responses, guys. I am very disappointed.