PX4 / FlightPlot

PX4 flight log plotter for ulog format
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Move building to GitHub Actions #33

Closed okalachev closed 2 years ago

okalachev commented 2 years ago

The latest release build in Travis CI didn't work, so there is no release assets. Building the project from sources is not so easy.

This PR moves building to GitHub Actions, including uploading build artifacts to releases.

Also, note, that shown version for release is not get updated automatically, so it should be updated manually here and here. Or some automatisation should be added, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2974106/how-to-lookup-the-latest-git-commit-hash-from-an-ant-build-script.

okalachev commented 2 years ago

On my MacBook (M1) with macOS Monterey and OpenJDK installed, I am able to run the built .jar-file without any issues.

However, I cannot run the .app, seeing this:

Screenshot 2022-04-26 at 10 30 58

So, maybe the .app should not be published, or this problem should be investigated later.

But I guess this is not related to Actions transfer.

bkueng commented 2 years ago

Yes we can look at this independently.

okalachev commented 2 years ago

@bkueng, I guess you have to enable Actions somewhere in the settings, so the 'Actions' tab would appear and workflows begin running.

bkueng commented 2 years ago

Indeed, it tells me This setting has been disabled by organization administrators. @dagar do you have the admin rights to enable? I noticed the same for https://github.com/PX4/flight_review/settings/actions.

dagar commented 2 years ago

Can you try now? It was changed at the org level to be opt in per repo rather than on by default after PX4-Autopilot builds were getting stuck queued all day. I think the free build resources were a bit more generous initially.

bkueng commented 2 years ago

It's working, at least for flight_review, thanks.