I have to admit that I'm newbie and maybe what I ask is not so serious and related to the development. My problem is that when I launch in ros worlds like:
roslaunch rotors_gazebo ardrone_house_world.launch
and the ardrone with:
roslaunch px4 ardrone.launch ns:="ardrone"
or any other launch files in rviz when I add the robot model there are errors with all the frames marked as "No transform from [] to [world]. World is my fixed frame. I'm sure that I missing something important. Can you help me?
Dear friends,
I have to admit that I'm newbie and maybe what I ask is not so serious and related to the development. My problem is that when I launch in ros worlds like:
roslaunch rotors_gazebo ardrone_house_world.launch and the ardrone with:
roslaunch px4 ardrone.launch ns:="ardrone" or any other launch files in rviz when I add the robot model there are errors with all the frames marked as "No transform from [] to [world]. World is my fixed frame. I'm sure that I missing something important. Can you help me?
Thanks in advance