PX4 / PX4-Autopilot

PX4 Autopilot Software
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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FLASH space analysis #9460

Closed bkueng closed 5 years ago

bkueng commented 6 years ago

I analyzed the FLASH space usage on the v2 target, mostly with a focus on strings. These are the results:

Symbols & Source files

Output of bloaty, we've seen this before (via bloaty -s vm -d compileunits nuttx_px4fmu-v2_default.elf -n 25):

     VM SIZE                                                                        FILE SIZE
 --------------                                                                  --------------
  53.4%   443Ki [867 Others]                                                      8.75Mi  78.7%
   6.6%  55.0Ki ROMFS/nsh_romfsimg.c                                              55.4Ki   0.5%
   6.4%  52.8Ki [section .text]                                                   52.8Ki   0.5%
   2.7%  22.7Ki ../../src/lib/ecl/EKF/covariance.cpp                              61.5Ki   0.5%
   2.6%  21.2Ki ../../src/modules/mavlink/mavlink_messages.cpp                     285Ki   2.5%
   2.2%  18.6Ki ../../src/modules/mc_pos_control/mc_pos_control_main.cpp           144Ki   1.3%
   2.2%  17.9Ki ../../src/modules/ekf2/ekf2_main.cpp                               352Ki   3.1%
   2.1%  17.2Ki ../../src/modules/commander/commander.cpp                          116Ki   1.0%
   1.9%  16.0Ki [LOAD [RWX]]                                                      16.0Ki   0.1%
   1.9%  15.9Ki ../../src/modules/mavlink/mavlink_receiver.cpp                     135Ki   1.2%
   1.7%  14.5Ki ../../src/lib/ecl/EKF/mag_fusion.cpp                              58.6Ki   0.5%
   1.6%  13.2Ki ../../src/modules/fw_pos_control_l1/FixedwingPositionControl.cpp   138Ki   1.2%
   1.4%  11.5Ki src/modules/systemlib/param/px4_parameters.c                      25.3Ki   0.2%
   1.4%  11.3Ki ../../src/lib/ecl/EKF/ekf_helper.cpp                               101Ki   0.9%
   1.2%  10.1Ki ../../src/drivers/px4io/px4io.cpp                                 63.2Ki   0.6%
   1.2%  10.0Ki ../../src/lib/ecl/EKF/control.cpp                                 76.2Ki   0.7%
   1.2%  9.62Ki ../../src/modules/mavlink/mavlink_main.cpp                         113Ki   1.0%
   1.1%  9.16Ki ../../src/modules/mc_att_control/mc_att_control_main.cpp           164Ki   1.4%

Output of nm, sorted by size (nm -C --print-size --size-sort --radix=d nuttx_px4fmu-v2_default.elf):

134745305 00002700 T Ekf::fuseAirspeed()
134888617 00002744 T __ieee754_pow
134359929 00003336 T GPSDriverAshtech::handleMessage(int)
134693965 00003480 T MulticopterPositionControl::control_auto()
134298057 00003516 T __dtoa
134543813 00003664 T Mavlink::task_main(int, char**)
134653537 00003820 T Ekf2::Ekf2()
134653537 00003820 T Ekf2::Ekf2()
134827009 00005174 T Ekf::fuseDrag()
134847045 00005618 T Ekf::fuseSideslip()
134644889 00006252 T Ekf2::run()
134796869 00008318 T Ekf::fuseOptFlow()
134493369 00009104 T Commander::run()
134833521 00011356 T Ekf::fuseMag()
135033448 00011764 R px4_parameters
134750177 00021108 T Ekf::predictCovariance()
134977096 00056320 T romfs_img


The following shows the iterative reduction of the binary size when removing more and more strings:

                    file size,     size reduced by
- full:             1021.0kb
- airframes:         987.2kb       33.8kb
- mixers:            967.8kb       19.4kb
- ROMFS (rest: scripts):944.2kb    23.6kb
  -> total romfs strings: 76.8 (plus 57.3kb for the IO firmware binary)
     IO FW binary                  57.3kb
- PX4_WARN:          924.2kb       20.0kb
- PX4_INFO:          910.5kb       13.7kb
- PX4_ERR:           886.4kb       24.1kb
- PRINT_MODULE_*:    875.2kb       11.2kb
- printf:            853.8kb       21.4kb
  - most of these are module help & status outputs, some errors & warnings
- mavlink log:       833.7kb       20.1kb
- uorb message format: 815.2kb     18.5kb


Possible Actions

dagar commented 6 years ago
dagar commented 6 years ago

There are some relatively easy (small) savings in the ROMFS. Nearly identical mixers and airframe configurations can be merged. The init scripts could be refactored so that there isn't anything board specific. For example each board could provide an rc.sensors. Here's the full listing from px4fmu-v2.

0    NSHInitVol           [0xffffffff, 0xffffffff] 37777777777, sz     0, at 0x0     
1    .                    [0x10301   , 0x17a58a  ] 0040755, sz     0, at 0x20    
1    ..                   [0x10301   , 0x17a589  ] 0040755, sz     0, at 0x40     [link to 0x20    ]
1    mixers               [0x10301   , 0x17c585  ] 0040755, sz     0, at 0x60    
2    FMU_pass.mix         [0x10301   , 0x169e87  ] 0100664, sz   356, at 0x80    
2    dodeca_bottom_cox.aux.mix [0x10301   , 0x169eee  ] 0100664, sz    25, at 0x210   
2    IO_pass.main.mix     [0x10301   , 0x169ef4  ] 0100664, sz   712, at 0x260   
2    firefly6.aux.mix     [0x10301   , 0x169ef6  ] 0100664, sz   440, at 0x560   
2    Viper.main.mix       [0x10301   , 0x169ef9  ] 0100664, sz   621, at 0x750   
2    AAERTWF.main.mix     [0x10301   , 0x169c0c  ] 0100664, sz   889, at 0x9e0   
2    hexa_cox.main.mix    [0x10301   , 0x169f05  ] 0100664, sz    26, at 0xd90   
2    tri_y_yaw-.main.mix  [0x10301   , 0x169e8b  ] 0100664, sz   115, at 0xde0   
2    quad_+_vtol.main.mix [0x10301   , 0x169e96  ] 0100664, sz   466, at 0xe90   
2    octo_cox_w.main.mix  [0x10301   , 0x169f06  ] 0100664, sz    27, at 0x10a0  
2    tri_y_yaw+.main.mix  [0x10301   , 0x169f07  ] 0100664, sz   115, at 0x10f0  
2    mount.aux.mix        [0x10301   , 0x169f09  ] 0100664, sz   356, at 0x11a0  
2    blade130.main.mix    [0x10301   , 0x169f0a  ] 0100664, sz   305, at 0x1330  
2    caipirinha_vtol.main.mix [0x10301   , 0x169f0c  ] 0100664, sz   294, at 0x14a0  
2    .                    [0x10301   , 0x17c585  ] 0040755, sz     0, at 0x1600   [link to 0x60    ]
2    octo_x.main.mix      [0x10301   , 0x169f0e  ] 0100664, sz    26, at 0x1620  
2    coax.main.mix        [0x10301   , 0x169f0f  ] 0100664, sz   444, at 0x1660  
2    hexa_x.main.mix      [0x10301   , 0x169f10  ] 0100664, sz    26, at 0x1840  
2    fw_generic_wing.main.mix [0x10301   , 0x169f11  ] 0100664, sz   354, at 0x1880  
2    AETRFG.main.mix      [0x10301   , 0x169f12  ] 0100664, sz   570, at 0x1a20  
2    delta.main.mix       [0x10301   , 0x169f13  ] 0100664, sz   354, at 0x1c80  
2    ocpoc_quad_x.main.mix [0x10301   , 0x169f14  ] 0100664, sz    29, at 0x1e10  
2    stampede.main.mix    [0x10301   , 0x169f16  ] 0100664, sz   188, at 0x1e60  
2    deltaquad.main.mix   [0x10301   , 0x169f17  ] 0100664, sz   465, at 0x1f50  
2    AERT.main.mix        [0x10301   , 0x169f18  ] 0100664, sz   496, at 0x2160  
2    hexa_+.main.mix      [0x10301   , 0x169f19  ] 0100664, sz    26, at 0x2370  
2    quad_+.main.mix      [0x10301   , 0x169f1b  ] 0100664, sz   204, at 0x23b0  
2    quad_x_vtol.main.mix [0x10301   , 0x169f1f  ] 0100664, sz   371, at 0x24a0  
2    octo_cox.main.mix    [0x10301   , 0x169f20  ] 0100664, sz    26, at 0x2650  
2    vtol_delta.aux.mix   [0x10301   , 0x169f21  ] 0100664, sz   529, at 0x26a0  
2    octo_+.main.mix      [0x10301   , 0x169f23  ] 0100664, sz    26, at 0x28f0  
2    claire.main.mix      [0x10301   , 0x162713  ] 0100664, sz    26, at 0x2930  
2    ..                   [0x10301   , 0x17a58a  ] 0040755, sz     0, at 0x2970   [link to 0x20    ]
2    claire.aux.mix       [0x10301   , 0x169f24  ] 0100664, sz   351, at 0x2990  
2    FX79.main.mix        [0x10301   , 0x169f25  ] 0100664, sz   354, at 0x2b10  
2    quad_w.main.mix      [0x10301   , 0x169f26  ] 0100664, sz   204, at 0x2ca0  
2    quad_s250aq.main.mix [0x10301   , 0x169f27  ] 0100664, sz   204, at 0x2d90  
2    vtol_AAERT.aux.mix   [0x10301   , 0x169f2a  ] 0100664, sz   445, at 0x2e90  
2    vtol_convergence.main.mix [0x10301   , 0x169f2b  ] 0100664, sz   553, at 0x3080  
2    mount_legs.aux.mix   [0x10301   , 0x169f2c  ] 0100664, sz   445, at 0x32e0  
2    pass.aux.mix         [0x10301   , 0x169f2e  ] 0100664, sz   356, at 0x34d0  
2    wingwing.main.mix    [0x10301   , 0x169f2f  ] 0100664, sz   354, at 0x3660  
2    dodeca_top_cox.main.mix [0x10301   , 0x169f30  ] 0100664, sz    25, at 0x3800  
2    quad_dc.main.mix     [0x10301   , 0x169efd  ] 0100664, sz    27, at 0x3850  
2    vtol_AAVVT.aux.mix   [0x10301   , 0x169f32  ] 0100664, sz   613, at 0x38a0  
2    CCPM.main.mix        [0x10301   , 0x169ed1  ] 0100664, sz   671, at 0x3b40  
2    phantom.main.mix     [0x10301   , 0x169efa  ] 0100664, sz   354, at 0x3e00  
2    firefly6.main.mix    [0x10301   , 0x169f34  ] 0100664, sz    26, at 0x3fa0  
2    quad_x_can.main.mix  [0x10301   , 0x169f37  ] 0100664, sz    26, at 0x3ff0  
2    caipi.main.mix       [0x10301   , 0x169f39  ] 0100664, sz   354, at 0x4040  
2    ugv_generic.main.mix [0x10301   , 0x169f3a  ] 0100664, sz   188, at 0x41d0  
2    quad_h.main.mix      [0x10301   , 0x169f3b  ] 0100664, sz   204, at 0x42c0  
2    quad_x.main.mix      [0x10301   , 0x169f3d  ] 0100664, sz   204, at 0x43b0  
2    quad_x_vtol_sim.main.mix [0x10301   , 0x169f3f  ] 0100664, sz   299, at 0x44a0  
2    AAVVTWFF.main.mix    [0x10301   , 0x169f40  ] 0100664, sz   880, at 0x4600  
1    init.d               [0x10301   , 0x17a58c  ] 0040755, sz     0, at 0x49a0  
2    13008_QuadRanger     [0x10301   , 0x169f41  ] 0100664, sz  1250, at 0x49c0  
2    rc.autostart         [0x10301   , 0x16237f  ] 0100644, sz  4123, at 0x4ee0  
2    rc.axialracing_ax10_apps [0x10301   , 0x169f42  ] 0100664, sz    11, at 0x5f20  
2    4040_reaper          [0x10301   , 0x169f43  ] 0100664, sz   583, at 0x5f60  
2    3034_fx79            [0x10301   , 0x169f44  ] 0100664, sz   187, at 0x61d0  
2    10015_tbs_discovery  [0x10301   , 0x169f45  ] 0100664, sz   428, at 0x62b0  
2    14001_tri_y_yaw+     [0x10301   , 0x169f46  ] 0100664, sz    68, at 0x6490  
2    rc.ugv_defaults      [0x10301   , 0x169f47  ] 0100664, sz   286, at 0x6510  
2    1000_rc_fw_easystar.hil [0x10301   , 0x169f49  ] 0100664, sz   664, at 0x6650  
2    4031_3dr_quad        [0x10301   , 0x169f4b  ] 0100664, sz   306, at 0x6920  
2    rc.mc_defaults       [0x10301   , 0x169f4c  ] 0100664, sz   294, at 0x6a80  
2    13000_generic_vtol_standard [0x10301   , 0x169f4d  ] 0100664, sz   242, at 0x6bd0  
2    4012_quad_x_can      [0x10301   , 0x169f4e  ] 0100664, sz   438, at 0x6d00  
2    3033_wingwing        [0x10301   , 0x169f4f  ] 0100664, sz   560, at 0x6ee0  
2    14002_tri_y_yaw-     [0x10301   , 0x169f52  ] 0100664, sz    68, at 0x7130  
2    4060_dji_matrice_100 [0x10301   , 0x169f53  ] 0100664, sz   414, at 0x71b0  
2    2106_albatross       [0x10301   , 0x169f54  ] 0100664, sz   390, at 0x7380  
2    4050_generic_250     [0x10301   , 0x169f55  ] 0100664, sz   765, at 0x7530  
2    13007_vtol_AAVVT_quad [0x10301   , 0x169f56  ] 0100664, sz   851, at 0x7860  
2    .                    [0x10301   , 0x17a58c  ] 0040755, sz     0, at 0x7bf0   [link to 0x49a0  ]
2    3037_parrot_disco_mod [0x10301   , 0x169f58  ] 0100664, sz   613, at 0x7c10  
2    rc.axialracing_ax10_defaults [0x10301   , 0x169f59  ] 0100664, sz   159, at 0x7eb0  
2    4009_qav250          [0x10301   , 0x169f5a  ] 0100664, sz   609, at 0x7f80  
2    rc.fw_defaults       [0x10301   , 0x169f5b  ] 0100664, sz   610, at 0x8210  
2    5001_quad_+          [0x10301   , 0x169f5c  ] 0100664, sz    64, at 0x84a0  
2    10017_steadidrone_qu4d [0x10301   , 0x169f5d  ] 0100664, sz   475, at 0x8500  
2    13013_deltaquad      [0x10301   , 0x169f5e  ] 0100664, sz  2425, at 0x8710  
2    3031_phantom         [0x10301   , 0x169f5f  ] 0100664, sz   591, at 0x90b0  
2    10016_3dr_iris       [0x10301   , 0x169f60  ] 0100664, sz   489, at 0x9320  
2    1001_rc_quad_x.hil   [0x10301   , 0x169f61  ] 0100664, sz    48, at 0x9530  
2    3036_pigeon          [0x10301   , 0x169f62  ] 0100664, sz   645, at 0x9590  
2    24001_dodeca_cox     [0x10301   , 0x169f63  ] 0100664, sz   435, at 0x9840  
2    rc.vtol_defaults     [0x10301   , 0x169f65  ] 0100664, sz   322, at 0x9a30  
2    3032_skywalker_x5    [0x10301   , 0x169f67  ] 0100664, sz   492, at 0x9bb0  
2    rc.interface         [0x10301   , 0x169f6a  ] 0100664, sz  4397, at 0x9dd0  
2    rc.vtol_apps         [0x10301   , 0x169f6b  ] 0100664, sz   550, at 0xaf20  
2    15001_coax_heli      [0x10301   , 0x169f6c  ] 0100664, sz   763, at 0xb170  
2    3100_tbs_caipirinha  [0x10301   , 0x169f6d  ] 0100664, sz  1084, at 0xb490  
2    13003_quad_tailsitter [0x10301   , 0x169f71  ] 0100664, sz   256, at 0xb900  
2    3000_generic_wing    [0x10301   , 0x169f73  ] 0100664, sz    87, at 0xba30  
2    13002_firefly6       [0x10301   , 0x169f74  ] 0100664, sz   789, at 0xbac0  
2    16001_helicopter     [0x10301   , 0x169f75  ] 0100664, sz   798, at 0xbe00  
2    4002_quad_x_mount    [0x10301   , 0x169f77  ] 0100664, sz   127, at 0xc150  
2    4011_dji_f450        [0x10301   , 0x169f79  ] 0100664, sz   413, at 0xc200  
2    13005_vtol_AAERT_quad [0x10301   , 0x169f7b  ] 0100664, sz  1121, at 0xc3c0  
2    13012_convergence    [0x10301   , 0x169f7c  ] 0100664, sz  1490, at 0xc860  
2    rcS                  [0x10301   , 0x169f7d  ] 0100664, sz 11988, at 0xce70  
2    ..                   [0x10301   , 0x17a58a  ] 0040755, sz     0, at 0xfd70   [link to 0x20    ]
2    6001_hexa_x          [0x10301   , 0x169f7f  ] 0100664, sz    68, at 0xfd90  
2    rc.fw_apps           [0x10301   , 0x169f83  ] 0100664, sz   244, at 0xfe00  
2    12002_steadidrone_mavrik [0x10301   , 0x169f84  ] 0100664, sz   637, at 0xff20  
2    3035_viper           [0x10301   , 0x169f86  ] 0100664, sz    46, at 0x101d0 
2    7001_hexa_+          [0x10301   , 0x169f87  ] 0100664, sz    68, at 0x10220 
2    13006_vtol_standard_delta [0x10301   , 0x169f88  ] 0100664, sz   927, at 0x10290 
2    rc.sensors           [0x10301   , 0x169f89  ] 0100664, sz  3760, at 0x10660 
2    rc.io                [0x10301   , 0x169f8b  ] 0100664, sz    73, at 0x11530 
2    12001_octo_cox       [0x10301   , 0x169f8c  ] 0100664, sz    70, at 0x115a0 
2    10018_tbs_endurance  [0x10301   , 0x169f8f  ] 0100664, sz   527, at 0x11610 
2    11001_hexa_cox       [0x10301   , 0x169f90  ] 0100664, sz    70, at 0x11850 
2    9001_octo_+          [0x10301   , 0x169f91  ] 0100664, sz    68, at 0x118c0 
2    2105_maja            [0x10301   , 0x169f94  ] 0100664, sz   389, at 0x11930 
2    13009_vtol_spt_ranger [0x10301   , 0x169f95  ] 0100664, sz  1834, at 0x11ae0 
2    4010_dji_f330        [0x10301   , 0x169f99  ] 0100664, sz   413, at 0x12240 
2    13001_caipirinha_vtol [0x10301   , 0x169f9b  ] 0100664, sz   678, at 0x12400 
2    4004_H4_680mm        [0x10301   , 0x169f9f  ] 0100664, sz   178, at 0x126e0 
2    rc.ugv_apps          [0x10301   , 0x169fa1  ] 0100664, sz    79, at 0x127c0 
2    2100_standard_plane  [0x10301   , 0x169fa4  ] 0100664, sz    83, at 0x12830 
2    8001_octo_x          [0x10301   , 0x169fa7  ] 0100664, sz    68, at 0x128c0 
2    rc.mc_apps           [0x10301   , 0x169fa8  ] 0100664, sz   489, at 0x12930 
2    3030_io_camflyer     [0x10301   , 0x169fa9  ] 0100664, sz   601, at 0x12b40 
2    4001_quad_x          [0x10301   , 0x169faa  ] 0100664, sz    64, at 0x12dd0 
2    rc.logging           [0x10301   , 0x169fac  ] 0100664, sz   354, at 0x12e30 
1    extras               [0x10301   , 0x17a58b  ] 0040755, sz     0, at 0x12fc0 
2    .                    [0x10301   , 0x17a58b  ] 0040755, sz     0, at 0x12fe0  [link to 0x12fc0 ]
2    px4io-v2.bin         [0x10301   , 0x162596  ] 0100755, sz 56356, at 0x13000 
2    ..                   [0x10301   , 0x17a58a  ] 0040755, sz     0, at 0x20c50  [link to 0x20    ]
dagar commented 6 years ago
    if param compare SYS_AUTOSTART 15001
    sh /etc/init.d/15001_coax_heli
    if param compare SYS_AUTOSTART 24001
    sh /etc/init.d/24001_dodeca_cox
thomasgubler commented 6 years ago

At the dev-call 2018-07-04 the flash space issue on fmuv2 was discussed. Another possibility for a short term solution to unblock development came up:

1) fix cross module params 2) change cmake for fmuv2 to do 3 separate builds for FW, Copter, VTOL and activate in CI system --> development is unblocked 3) without changes to qgc: master for 2 out of 3 vehicle types could not be flashed out of QGC GUI. The thinking was that this could be acceptable as a short term solution

But, overall we need to discuss if creating separating releases for vehicle types is something we want at all because it breaks fundamentally with the model we followed so far.

stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

Closing as stale.