PX4 / PX4-Avoidance

PX4 avoidance ROS node for obstacle detection and avoidance.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
616 stars 321 forks source link

[ERROR] [1697103503.997314647]: TF Buffer: could not retrieve requested transform from buffer, unregistered #709

Open ghost opened 8 months ago

ghost commented 8 months ago

I want to run PX4-Avoidance on the actual hardware, I did the generate_files.sh and setup eveything else, but whenever I run the avoidance.launch I get the TF Buffer error.

Hardware: Cubepilot Orange + PX4 Firmware: 1.14.0rc

roslaunch local_planner avoidance.launch fcu_url:=/dev/ttyTHS1:921600 ... logging to /home/username/.ros/log/596352aa-68e3-11ee-a752-0242c2fe0e1c/roslaunch-username-21693.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt WARNING: disk usage in log directory [/home/username/.ros/log] is over 1GB. It's recommended that you use the 'rosclean' command.

started roslaunch server http://........../




NODES / drop_camera_main_depth (topic_tools/drop) drop_camera_main_ir (topic_tools/drop) dynparam (dynamic_reconfigure/dynparam) local_planner_node (local_planner/local_planner_node) mavros (mavros/mavros_node) rqt_param_toggle (local_planner/rqt_param_toggle.sh) tf_camera_main (tf/static_transform_publisher) /camera_main/ points_xyz_sw_registered (nodelet/nodelet) realsense2_camera (nodelet/nodelet) realsense2_camera_manager (nodelet/nodelet)

auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [21709] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311

setting /run_id to 596352aa-68e3-11ee-a752-0242c2fe0e1c process[rosout-1]: started with pid [21722] started core service [/rosout] process[mavros-2]: started with pid [21740] process[tf_camera_main-3]: started with pid [21741] process[camera_main/realsense2_camera_manager-4]: started with pid [21742] process[camera_main/realsense2_camera-5]: started with pid [21759] process[camera_main/points_xyz_sw_registered-6]: started with pid [21766] process[drop_camera_main_depth-7]: started with pid [21777] process[drop_camera_main_ir-8]: started with pid [21787] process[dynparam-9]: started with pid [21800] [ INFO] [1697103619.953988379]: Initializing nodelet with 6 worker threads. process[local_planner_node-10]: started with pid [21821] process[rqt_param_toggle-11]: started with pid [21830] [ INFO] [1697103620.136340652]: Initializing nodelet with 6 worker threads. [ INFO] [1697103620.196697138]: RealSense ROS v2.3.1 [ INFO] [1697103620.196817330]: Built with LibRealSense v2.48.0 [ INFO] [1697103620.196899154]: Running with LibRealSense v2.48.0 [ INFO] [1697103620.352084389]:
[ INFO] [1697103620.404019392]: FCU URL: /dev/ttyTHS1:921600 [ INFO] [1697103620.433283938]: serial0: device: /dev/ttyTHS1 @ 921600 bps [ INFO] [1697103620.437483655]: GCS bridge disabled [ INFO] [1697103620.527253774]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded [ INFO] [1697103620.546561988]: Device with serial number 043322070976 was found.

[ INFO] [1697103620.547571718]: Device with physical ID 2-3.3-14 was found. [ INFO] [1697103620.548886311]: Device with name Intel RealSense D435I was found. [ INFO] [1697103620.552346379]: Device with port number 2-3.3 was found. [ INFO] [1697103620.552650251]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized [ INFO] [1697103620.552685931]: Device USB type: 3.2 [ INFO] [1697103620.552795308]: Resetting device... [ INFO] [1697103620.553045004]: Plugin actuator_control loaded [ INFO] [1697103620.609219021]: Plugin actuator_control initialized [ INFO] [1697103620.636197164]: Plugin adsb loaded [ INFO] [1697103620.680355806]: Plugin adsb initialized [ INFO] [1697103620.681039295]: Plugin altitude loaded [ INFO] [1697103620.695182127]: Plugin altitude initialized [ INFO] [1697103620.695891088]: Plugin cam_imu_sync loaded [ INFO] [1697103620.705514043]: Plugin cam_imu_sync initialized [ INFO] [1697103620.706446716]: Plugin camera loaded [ INFO] [1697103620.714134853]: Plugin camera initialized [ INFO] [1697103620.714881350]: Plugin cellular_status loaded [ INFO] [1697103620.738526849]: Plugin cellular_status initialized [ INFO] [1697103620.739324994]: Plugin command loaded [ INFO] [1697103620.820561152]: Plugin command initialized [ INFO] [1697103620.821193600]: Plugin companion_process_status loaded [ INFO] [1697103620.862705584]: Plugin companion_process_status initialized [ INFO] [1697103620.864337234]: Plugin debug_value loaded [ INFO] [1697103620.922146261]: Plugin debug_value initialized [ INFO] [1697103620.922291125]: Plugin distance_sensor blacklisted [ INFO] [1697103620.923034998]: Plugin esc_status loaded [ INFO] [1697103620.935050243]: Plugin esc_status initialized [ INFO] [1697103620.935780260]: Plugin esc_telemetry loaded [ INFO] [1697103620.942133548]: Plugin esc_telemetry initialized [ INFO] [1697103620.944213326]: Plugin fake_gps loaded [ INFO] [1697103621.075175877]: Plugin fake_gps initialized [ INFO] [1697103621.076244966]: Plugin ftp loaded [ INFO] [1697103621.201246806]: Plugin ftp initialized [ INFO] [1697103621.203224408]: Plugin geofence loaded [ INFO] [1697103621.258340823]: Plugin geofence initialized [ INFO] [1697103621.259197304]: Plugin global_position loaded [ INFO] [1697103621.438586343]: Plugin global_position initialized [ INFO] [1697103621.440462857]: Plugin gps_input loaded [ INFO] [1697103621.467062536]: Plugin gps_input initialized [ INFO] [1697103621.468736041]: Plugin gps_rtk loaded [ INFO] [1697103621.491476356]: Plugin gps_rtk initialized [ INFO] [1697103621.492631909]: Plugin gps_status loaded [ INFO] [1697103621.506887957]: Plugin gps_status initialized [ INFO] [1697103621.508706871]: Plugin guided_target loaded [ INFO] [1697103621.546095874]: Plugin guided_target initialized [ INFO] [1697103621.546981956]: Plugin hil loaded [ INFO] [1697103621.623327323]: Plugin hil initialized [ INFO] [1697103621.624225596]: Plugin home_position loaded [ INFO] [1697103621.647892024]: Plugin home_position initialized [ INFO] [1697103621.649902298]: Plugin imu loaded [ INFO] [1697103621.700294132]: Plugin imu initialized [ INFO] [1697103621.701256021]: Plugin landing_target loaded [ INFO] [1697103621.771621798]: Plugin landing_target initialized [ INFO] [1697103621.772512967]: Plugin local_position loaded [ INFO] [1697103621.830642986]: Plugin local_position initialized [ INFO] [1697103621.831326891]: Plugin log_transfer loaded [ INFO] [1697103621.870234743]: Plugin log_transfer initialized [ INFO] [1697103621.870885656]: Plugin mag_calibration_status loaded [ INFO] [1697103621.887451819]: Plugin mag_calibration_status initialized [ INFO] [1697103621.890128814]: Plugin manual_control loaded [ INFO] [1697103621.911844263]: Plugin manual_control initialized [ INFO] [1697103621.912729672]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded [ INFO] [1697103621.947628976]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized [ INFO] [1697103621.948667090]: Plugin mount_control loaded [ WARN] [1697103622.016329536]: Could not retrive negate_measured_roll parameter value, using default (0) [ WARN] [1697103622.023811144]: Could not retrive negate_measured_pitch parameter value, using default (0) [ WARN] [1697103622.029055598]: Could not retrive negate_measured_yaw parameter value, using default (0) [ WARN] [1697103622.054257835]: Could not retrive debounce_s parameter value, using default (4.000000) [ WARN] [1697103622.059443121]: Could not retrive err_threshold_deg parameter value, using default (10.000000) [ INFO] [1697103622.059813394]: Plugin mount_control initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.062172884]: Plugin nav_controller_output loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.078773287]: Plugin nav_controller_output initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.079857449]: Plugin obstacle_distance loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.135533033]: Plugin obstacle_distance initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.136291466]: Plugin odom loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.174256917]: Plugin odom initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.176193623]: Plugin onboard_computer_status loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.232124472]: Plugin onboard_computer_status initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.233066905]: Plugin param loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.266581215]: Plugin param initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.267286528]: Plugin play_tune loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.308568304]: Plugin play_tune initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.309197168]: Plugin px4flow loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.403536541]: Plugin px4flow initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.404663326]: Plugin rallypoint loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.456667162]: Plugin rallypoint initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.456830970]: Plugin rangefinder blacklisted [ INFO] [1697103622.457664827]: Plugin rc_io loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.480239829]: Plugin rc_io initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.480577142]: Plugin safety_area blacklisted [ INFO] [1697103622.481233366]: Plugin setpoint_accel loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.538006936]: Plugin setpoint_accel initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.538950937]: Plugin setpoint_attitude loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.603332739]: Plugin setpoint_attitude initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.604286276]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.695274893]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.696218126]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded [ WARN] [1697103622.753974640]: thrust_scaling parameter is unset. Attitude (and angular rate/thrust) setpoints will be ignored. [ INFO] [1697103622.754161872]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.754862961]: Plugin setpoint_trajectory loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.779864846]: Plugin setpoint_trajectory initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.780731951]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.816204664]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.817686970]: Plugin sys_status loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.877121278]: Plugin sys_status initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.877965183]: Plugin sys_time loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.913873768]: TM: Timesync mode: MAVLINK [ INFO] [1697103622.917521452]: TM: Not publishing sim time [ INFO] [1697103622.923543667]: Plugin sys_time initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.924317012]: Plugin terrain loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.928067609]: Plugin terrain initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.928773529]: Plugin trajectory loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.963412865]: Plugin trajectory initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.964184098]: Plugin tunnel loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.983336504]: Plugin tunnel initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.984518489]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded [ INFO] [1697103622.988483902]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized [ INFO] [1697103622.988745630]: Plugin vibration blacklisted [ INFO] [1697103622.989442111]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded [ INFO] [1697103623.036309013]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized [ INFO] [1697103623.037159926]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded [ INFO] [1697103623.056425644]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized [ INFO] [1697103623.057283149]: Plugin waypoint loaded [ INFO] [1697103623.082607914]: Plugin waypoint initialized [ INFO] [1697103623.082799787]: Plugin wheel_odometry blacklisted [ INFO] [1697103623.083546059]: Plugin wind_estimation loaded [ INFO] [1697103623.087236080]: Plugin wind_estimation initialized [ INFO] [1697103623.088718129]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4 [ INFO] [1697103623.089202450]: Built-in SIMD instructions: ARM NEON [ INFO] [1697103623.089315954]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2022.12.30 [ INFO] [1697103623.089443730]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega ASLUAV AVSSUAS all cubepilot development icarous matrixpilot paparazzi standard storm32 uAvionix ualberta [ INFO] [1697103623.089588850]: MAVROS started. MY ID 1.240, TARGET ID 1.1 [dynparam-9] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/username/.ros/log/596352aa-68e3-11ee-a752-0242c2fe0e1c/dynparam-9*.log Waiting for service /camera_main/stereo_module/set_parameters... [ERROR] [1697103626.038977204]: PR: Unknown parameter to get: MPC_ACC_HOR [ERROR] [1697103626.044761530]: PR: Unknown parameter to get: MPC_ACC_DOWN_MAX [ERROR] [1697103626.050330401]: PR: Unknown parameter to get: MPC_ACC_UP_MAX [ERROR] [1697103626.056658856]: PR: Unknown parameter to get: MPC_XY_CRUISE [ERROR] [1697103626.061944718]: PR: Unknown parameter to get: MPC_Z_VEL_MAX_DN [ERROR] [1697103626.066219763]: PR: Unknown parameter to get: MPC_Z_VEL_MAX_UP [ERROR] [1697103626.072078906]: PR: Unknown parameter to get: CP_DIST [ERROR] [1697103626.078085153]: PR: Unknown parameter to get: MPC_LAND_SPEED [ERROR] [1697103626.083058598]: PR: Unknown parameter to get: MPC_JERK_MAX [ERROR] [1697103626.087832012]: PR: Unknown parameter to get: NAV_ACC_RAD [ERROR] [1697103626.092452913]: PR: Unknown parameter to get: MPC_YAWRAUTO_MAX [ INFO] [1697103626.603768701]:
12/10 15:10:26,671 WARNING [547625079168] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: Resource temporarily unavailable, number: 11 [ INFO] [1697103626.860426917]: Device with serial number 043322070976 was found.

[ INFO] [1697103626.860593285]: Device with physical ID 2-3.3-15 was found. [ INFO] [1697103626.860675109]: Device with name Intel RealSense D435I was found. [ INFO] [1697103626.862487879]: Device with port number 2-3.3 was found. [ INFO] [1697103626.862624327]: Device USB type: 3.2

12/10 15:10:27,363 WARNING [547625079168] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 300, error: No data available, number: 3d 12/10 15:10:27,576 WARNING [547625079168] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 300, error: No data available, number: 3d 12/10 15:10:27,658 WARNING [547625079168] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 300, error: No data available, number: 3d 12/10 15:10:28,043 WARNING [547625079168] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 300, error: No data available, number: 3d [ INFO] [1697103628.146303532]: JSON file is loaded! (/home/username/catkin_ws/src/PX4-Avoidance/local_planner/resource/stereo_calib.json) [ INFO] [1697103628.146940621]: ROS Node Namespace: camera_main [ INFO] [1697103628.147243501]: Device Name: Intel RealSense D435I [ INFO] [1697103628.147333453]: Device Serial No: 043322070976 [ INFO] [1697103628.147574157]: Device physical port: 2-3.3-15 [ INFO] [1697103628.147731118]: Device FW version: [ INFO] [1697103628.148011982]: Device Product ID: 0x0B3A [ INFO] [1697103628.148192526]: Enable PointCloud: Off [ INFO] [1697103628.148417038]: Align Depth: Off [ INFO] [1697103628.148608527]: Sync Mode: Off [ INFO] [1697103628.149110095]: Device Sensors: [ INFO] [1697103628.181605717]: Stereo Module was found. [ INFO] [1697103628.209096468]: RGB Camera was found. [ INFO] [1697103628.209852341]: Motion Module was found. [ INFO] [1697103628.210035829]: (Confidence, 0) sensor isn't supported by current device! -- Skipping... [ INFO] [1697103628.210146453]: num_filters: 0 [ INFO] [1697103628.210634646]: Setting Dynamic reconfig parameters. 12/10 15:10:28,582 WARNING [547625079168] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 300, error: No data available, number: 3d hwmon command 0x80( 5 0 0 0 ) failed (response -7= HW not ready) hwmon command 0x80( 5 0 0 0 ) failed (response -7= HW not ready) [ INFO] [1697103628.872807152]: Done Setting Dynamic reconfig parameters. [ INFO] [1697103628.874742482]: depth stream is enabled - width: 640, height: 480, fps: 30, Format: Z16 [ INFO] [1697103628.875586675]: infra1 stream is enabled - width: 640, height: 480, fps: 15, Format: Y8

[ INFO] [1697103628.886543072]: Expected frequency for depth = 30.00000 [ INFO] [1697103628.897473996]: Expected frequency for infra1 = 15.00000

[ INFO] [1697103628.922747593]: insert Depth to Stereo Module [ INFO] [1697103628.922961161]: insert Infrared to Stereo Module 12/10 15:10:28,987 WARNING [547625079168] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: No data available, number: 61 [ INFO] [1697103629.038639535]: SELECTED BASE:Depth, 0 [ INFO] [1697103629.074754552]: RealSense Node Is Up! [ WARN] [1697103629.184048406]: 12/10 15:10:29,185 WARNING [547625079168] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: No data available, number: 61 advertised as /camera_main/depth/image_rect_raw_drop [ERROR] [1697103629.225278565]: TF Buffer: could not retrieve requested transform from buffer, unregistered [ERROR] [1697103629.230086411]: TF Buffer: could not retrieve requested transform from buffer, unregistered [ERROR] [1697103629.235222865]: TF Buffer: could not retrieve requested transform from buffer, unregistered 12/10 15:10:29,236 WARNING [547625079168] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: No data available, number: 61 [ERROR] [1697103629.240345815]: TF Buffer: could not retrieve requested transform from buffer, unregistered [ERROR] [1697103629.245372988]: TF Buffer: could not retrieve requested transform from buffer, unregistered [ERROR] [1697103629.250567394]: TF Buffer: could not retrieve requested transform from buffer, unregistered [ERROR] [1697103629.255727080]: TF Buffer: could not retrieve requested transform from buffer, unregistered advertised as /camera_main/infra1/image_rect_raw_drop [ERROR] [1697103629.260888622]: TF Buffer: could not retrieve requested transform from buffer, unregistered [ERROR] [1697103629.266168276]: TF Buffer: could not retrieve requested transform from buffer, unregistered [ERROR] [1697103629.271359258]: TF Buffer: could not retrieve requested transform from buffer, unregistered [ERROR] [1697103629.276441664]: TF Buffer: could not retrieve requested transform from buffer, unregistered [ERROR] [1697103629.281502694]: TF Buffer: could not retrieve requested transform from buffer, unregistered [ERROR] [1697103629.286628172]: TF Buffer: could not retrieve requested transform from buffer, unregistered