PX4 / PX4-Devguide

PX4 Devguide GitBook
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Proposal for updating driver information #379

Open hamishwillee opened 6 years ago

hamishwillee commented 6 years ago

At the moment our guidance is just wrong - "use the DriverFramework" (apparently there is a plan to instead plan to get the existing NuttX drivers working on other platforms?)

The update plan would be to update https://dev.px4.io/en/middleware/drivers.html

Then we'd add some general guidance:

In addition, I want to cross link to other docs when/if more targetted information can be provided. Eg.. https://dev.px4.io/en/sensor_bus/i2c.html

hamishwillee commented 6 years ago

@dagar Need your advice on this :-)

hamishwillee commented 6 years ago

Additional notes/discussion: http://discuss.px4.io/t/how-to-write-a-driver-code-for-external-devices-i2c-messages-from-arduino-to-pixhawk/5011

dagar commented 6 years ago

The full picture of where we think we're headed for driver unification and simplification is TBD, but there's still more than enough detail we can fill in for now that won't change all that much.

dagar commented 6 years ago

@davids5 fyi

hamishwillee commented 6 years ago

Awesome. Anything you gentlemen can provide to answer the above would be useful.

hamishwillee commented 6 years ago

Driver doc moved in https://github.com/PX4/Devguide/pull/389

hamishwillee commented 6 years ago

https://github.com/PX4/Devguide/pull/390 does minimal updates to remove suggestion users should port to DriverFramework and provide minimal "how to get started"

hamishwillee commented 6 years ago

Sensor drivers (and perhaps drivers in general) should include params as part of their definition. See https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/pull/8869/files This is something to mention in driver guide.