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octomap simulation #612

Open jbourne15 opened 5 years ago

jbourne15 commented 5 years ago

I've been trying to run the simulation provided here and I believe I have successfully installed everything. However when I try launching the octomap_tracking_server.launch I get no occupied_cells_vis_array messages.

I have made changes in ~/catkin_ws/src/rotors_simulator/rotors_gazebo/CMakeLists.txt and package.xml.

I have also made changes in octomap_tracking_server.launch which relabel the fixed frame to world and the pointcloud2 cloud_in to be /firefly/vi_sensor/camera_depth/depth/points.

By opening rviz I can see that I have a pointcloud2, but no occupied_cells_vis_array. I have the following warning from octomap_talker: Nothing to publish, octree is empty. This prints out once and then proceed on by printing: starting server.

I am on kinetic, ubuntu 16.04. Is this tutorial up to date for kinetic?

I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but any help would be great

mhkabir commented 5 years ago

That tutorial is hopelessly out of date and should be removed.

jbourne15 commented 5 years ago

Ok, I still think this should work but maybe this is a question for a different place. thanks anyways.

hamishwillee commented 5 years ago


As @mhkabir says, the tutorial is probably very out of date. I'm not quite so ready to delete - my take is "if you can work out how to fix it we'll be very happy to take a PR".

@TSC21 have you tried this/got any advice? Is the tutorial recoverable? (if not, then deletion is probably a good idea).

TSC21 commented 5 years ago

@hamishwillee yes they are recoverable. It's a matter of sync up things with the current sitl_gazebo available models.

jbourne15 commented 5 years ago

@TSC21 @hamishwillee I got things working with iris_rplidar model. Also I had to convert the laser/scan to a pointcloud2, remap this topic and change the fix frame and use (octomap_server) octomap_mapping.launch, not octomap_tracking_server.launch.

TSC21 commented 5 years ago

@jbourne15 great! Can you please issue a PR to the devguide with the suggested changes you did? Thank you!

hamishwillee commented 5 years ago

@jbourne15 great! Can you please issue a PR to the devguide with the suggested changes you did? Thank you!

Yes please @jbourne15 !

There are instructions on how to do docs updates here. The files are just markdown. As long as you don't want to modify images or create new files you can probably do a "quick update" (ie all the changes in github editor).

jbourne15 commented 5 years ago

I'll see what I can do, it might be a little bit before I can spend sometime on this.

hamishwillee commented 5 years ago

Thanks @jbourne15 - that would be much appreciated. Even pointing to your code branch or jotting some notes down might be useful.