PX4 / PX4-SITL_gazebo-classic

Set of plugins, models and worlds to use with OSRF Gazebo Simulator in SITL and HITL.
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tailsitter crashes after transition to fixed wing V3 #1019

Open Step-one-cool opened 8 months ago

Step-one-cool commented 8 months ago

There is an issue with tailsitters when I click the "Transsition to Fixed Wing" Button on QGC.The tailsitter goes into a death spin and crashes into the ground after transitioning to fixed wing mode in the case of the VTOL models. I only encounter this issue when attempting to start the simulation with the roslaunch scripts . If I launch the vehicle with the _ make px4_sitl gazebotailsitter or similar commands, the tailsitters works as expected. I have tested this issue in v1.12.3,v1.13.2,v1.13.3,and try to solve this issue with VTOL crashes after transition to fixed wing V2,VTOL crashes after transition to fixed wing .Tailsitter still crashes into the ground .

launch scripts:

<!-- MAVROS posix SITL environment launch script -->
<!-- launches MAVROS, PX4 SITL, Gazebo environment, and spawns vehicle -->
<!-- vehicle pose -->
<arg name="x" default="0"/>
<arg name="y" default="0"/>
<arg name="z" default="0"/>
<arg name="R" default="0"/>
<arg name="P" default="0"/>
<arg name="Y" default="0"/>
<!-- vehicle model and world -->
<arg name="est" default="ekf2"/>
<arg name="vehicle" default="tailsitter"/>
<arg name="world" default="$(find mavlink_sitl_gazebo)/worlds/empty.world"/>
<arg name="sdf" default="$(find mavlink_sitl_gazebo)/models/$(arg vehicle)/$(arg vehicle).sdf"/>

<!-- gazebo configs -->
<arg name="gui" default="true"/>
<arg name="debug" default="false"/>
<arg name="verbose" default="false"/>
<arg name="paused" default="false"/>
<arg name="respawn_gazebo" default="false"/>
<!-- MAVROS configs -->
<arg name="fcu_url" default="udp://:14540@localhost:14557"/>
<arg name="respawn_mavros" default="false"/>
<!-- PX4 configs -->
<arg name="interactive" default="true"/>
<!-- PX4 SITL and Gazebo -->
<include file="$(find px4)/launch/posix_sitl.launch">
    <arg name="x" value="$(arg x)"/>
    <arg name="y" value="$(arg y)"/>
    <arg name="z" value="$(arg z)"/>
    <arg name="R" value="$(arg R)"/>
    <arg name="P" value="$(arg P)"/>
    <arg name="Y" value="$(arg Y)"/>
    <arg name="world" value="$(arg world)"/>
    <arg name="vehicle" value="$(arg vehicle)"/>
    <arg name="sdf" value="$(arg sdf)"/>
    <arg name="gui" value="$(arg gui)"/>
    <arg name="interactive" value="$(arg interactive)"/>
    <arg name="debug" value="$(arg debug)"/>
    <arg name="verbose" value="$(arg verbose)"/>
    <arg name="paused" value="$(arg paused)"/>
    <arg name="respawn_gazebo" value="$(arg respawn_gazebo)"/>
Step-one-cool commented 8 months ago

I want to control a tailsitter by QGC。The tailsitter still crashes into the ground in v1.14.0 with the roslaunch scripts,but quadtailsitter works well. That is what I want. 屏幕截图 2023-10-27 162239