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ROS2/ROS interface with PX4 through a Fast-RTPS bridge
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No ROS2 topics via micrortps-bridge published #120

Open hsu-ret opened 2 years ago

hsu-ret commented 2 years ago

Hey everyone, I'm currently trying to set up a micrortps-connection between a pixhawk 2 cube (black) flight controller (https://docs.px4.io/master/en/flight_controller/pixhawk-2.html) and a Raspberry Pi. The flight controller is running the default Firmware version of fmu_v3 where "micrortpsbridge"-module has been added to the cmake file. The Raspberry Pi is using a 20.04 Ubuntu LTS Server-Edition with ROS2-Foxy. As a connection I use the Tele2-Port of the pixhawk and a usb2uart ftdi-adapter (CP2102 USB UART Board(type A)).


To set up a connection between the Raspberry Pi and the flight controller I start the micrortps_client via Mavlink-Console from Q-GroundControll. I can also call a listener on any available topic there, which produces an output with a timestamp and some data. Starting the micrortps_agent on the RPi I get notifications, that topics are published now. Entering ros2 topic list in a new console on the RPi, none of the topics are listed. Also starting the sensorCombined listener-node doesn't give me any data, staying at the stage of "Starting listener node...". After closing the agent and the client, the notifications on both consoles show me an amount of messages "sent" and "received". The Console-Code can be seen below.

This leaves me wondering, whether the micrortps-bridge is not working correctly (for this setup?) or messages are correctly exchanged but not published into ros2. Is there anything I'm missing about setting up the connection, that causes this problems or did anyone else already have this problem? Any help or advices are welcome, since I'm pretty new to ROS2.


Output from Pixhawk (Mavlink-Console from QGroundControll):

NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-10.1.0 nsh> micrortps_client start -d /dev/ttyS2 -b 921600 -t UART INFO [micrortps_client] UART transport: device: /dev/ttyS2; baudrate: 921600; poll: 1ms; flow_control: No nsh> listener sensor_accel

TOPIC: sensor_accel 3 instances

Instance 0: sensor_accel_s timestamp: 465679695 (0.007060 seconds ago) timestamp_sample: 465679429 (266 us before timestamp) device_id: 2359330 (Type: 0x24, SPI:4 (0x00)) x: -0.2087 y: 0.2006 z: -9.9163 temperature: 50.0412 error_count: 0 clip_counter: [0, 0, 0] samples: 5

Instance 1: sensor_accel_s timestamp: 465728511 (0.000594 seconds ago) timestamp_sample: 465728485 (26 us before timestamp) device_id: 1114146 (Type: 0x11, SPI:4 (0x00)) x: 2.4120 y: -2.8786 z: -7.9107 temperature: 45.1250 error_count: 0 clip_counter: [0, 0, 0] samples: 1

Instance 2: sensor_accel_s timestamp: 465776512 (0.000456 seconds ago) timestamp_sample: 465776239 (273 us before timestamp) device_id: 2359306 (Type: 0x24, SPI:1 (0x00)) x: 0.0962 y: -0.0699 z: -9.7784 temperature: 55.3128 error_count: 0 clip_counter: [0, 0, 0] samples: 5 nsh>

Output from Raspberry Pi Agent:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ micrortps_agent -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 921600 -t UART --- MicroRTPS Agent --- [ micrortps_agent ] Starting link... [ micrortps_agent ] UART transport: device: /dev/ttyUSB0; baudrate: 921600; poll: 1ms; flow_control: No --- Subscribers ---

---- Publishers ----

321thijs123 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm running into the exact same issue, were you able to solve it?

321thijs123 commented 2 years ago

The cause of this problem for me was that ROS_DOMAIN_ID needs to be set to 0