PX4 / px4_ros_com

ROS2/ROS interface with PX4 through a Fast-RTPS bridge
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Bad CRC Errors ; Unexpected byte value in Cdr::deserialize(bool),expected 0 or 1 #152

Open Aravind-Adhith opened 2 years ago

Aravind-Adhith commented 2 years ago

Hi @TSC21 @dagar ,

We am trying to establish the px4 ros2 bridge using serial communication. We tried the following versions but RTPS build for the fmu-v5 fails.

Can you please point us to the right repos. Ubuntu LTS 20.04 px4_ros_com - master px4_msgs - master Fast RTPS version - 1.0.4 PX4 Autopilot - master For this above combination, we are not able to build the RTPS firmware for the Pixhawk 4 and 6C.

Ubuntu LTS 20.04 px4_ros_com - master px4_msgs - master Fast RTPS version - 1.0.4 PX4 Autopilot - v1.13.0 For this combination, the colcon build for the px4_ros_com fails, even when we generate the px4_msgs from the "PX4-Autopilot/blob/main/msg/tools/uorb_to_ros_urtps_topics.py".

Any help for this is appriciated.



Aravind-Adhith commented 2 years ago

Update : The below configuration allows us to run the agent, but we are getting Bad CRC errors. And it still crashes when we set the Baud rate greater than or equal to 115200.

Ubuntu LTS 20.04 px4_ros_com - April 2022 commit ; SHA1 : 1562ff30d56b7ba26e4d2436724490f900cc2375 px4_msgs - master - but msgs generated from Firmware v1.13.0 and copied Fast RTPS version - 1.0.4 PX4 Autopilot - v1.13.0

mengchaoheng commented 2 years ago

the same problem

parallels@ubuntu-linux-20-04-desktop:~/px4_ros_com_ros2/src/px4_ros_com$ micrortps_agent -t UDP
--- MicroRTPS Agent ---
[   micrortps_agent   ] Starting link...
[   micrortps_agent   ] UDP transport: ip address:; recv port: 2020; send port: 2019
[ micrortps_transport ] UDP transport: Trying to connect...
[ micrortps_transport ] UDP transport: Connected to server!

---   Subscribers   ---
- DebugArray subscriber started
- DebugKeyValue subscriber started
- DebugValue subscriber started
- DebugVect subscriber started
- OffboardControlMode subscriber started
- SensorOpticalFlow subscriber started
- PositionSetpoint subscriber started
- PositionSetpointTriplet subscriber started
- TelemetryStatus subscriber started
- Timesync subscriber started
- VehicleCommand subscriber started
- VehicleLocalPositionSetpoint subscriber started
- TrajectorySetpoint subscriber started
- VehicleTrajectoryWaypoint subscriber started
- OnboardComputerStatus subscriber started
- TrajectoryBezier subscriber started
- VehicleTrajectoryBezier subscriber started
- VehicleMocapOdometry subscriber started
- VehicleVisualOdometry subscriber started

----   Publishers  ----
- Timesync publishers started
- TrajectoryWaypoint publisher started
- VehicleControlMode publisher started
- VehicleOdometry publisher started
- VehicleStatus publisher started
- CollisionConstraints publisher started
- TimesyncStatus publisher started
- SensorCombined publisher started
- VehicleTrajectoryWaypointDesired publisher started
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'eprosima::fastcdr::exception::BadParamException'
  what():  Unexpected byte value in Cdr::deserialize(bool), expected 0 or 1
Aborted (core dumped)
vegaf1 commented 2 years ago

Same error as @mengchaoheng

maxpolzin commented 2 years ago

Did you try regenerating the ROS message definitions from your PX4-Autopilot repo using the respective script, see https://discuss.px4.io/t/issues-running-ros2-px4/28400/20?u=maxinho