PYQ0423 / tdd

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11_11 Daily Journal #6

Open PYQ0423 opened 4 years ago

PYQ0423 commented 4 years ago

Staff I did yesterday

3/3 tasks finished.

Plan for today

Today is that day, 11.11. It's the shopping ceremony for all chinese. I did not buy anything yesterday, but cleared my cart this morning, which cost me approcimately 1000¥, which is not too much.

Today, I have several task to finish.

  1. Exercise.
    • Walk outside
    • Take the commodity
  2. Shopping
    • Gift for Grandparents
  3. Clean house
    • Mop the floor,
    • Put the books to their position,
    • Clean and sort the shelf
  4. Fix my blog
    • Find the url,
    • The SpringBoot code
  5. For get the diploma
    • Check the thesis defense PPT,
    • Modify my paper.
PYQ0423 commented 4 years ago

It's 10:13, and I just take the commodity back, and walked around 2,000 steps, half of the exercise target done.

PYQ0423 commented 4 years ago

I listened 20 mins clean code seminar, and uncle bob talked about the ethics of programmers, which will be set for us by politicians soon. I've never thought about that, but I think it's really an eye-opener.

PYQ0423 commented 4 years ago

I shall take a look at my blog.

PYQ0423 commented 4 years ago

It's 11:17, and I tried to look at my Ali Cloud Server, and found it quite difficult to use. It shall be a starting point for me to learn the cloud technology, and set the environment.

PYQ0423 commented 4 years ago

It's 11:28, and I found back my password to the Ali Cloud Server. I'm so happy~. I can learn Linux and install some software on it. Try to make the blog run today~

PYQ0423 commented 4 years ago

It's 14:26, and I just finished taking care of all the books on the shelf.

PYQ0423 commented 4 years ago

It's 15:12, and I just finished washing myself, and reward myself with a cup of coffee.

PYQ0423 commented 4 years ago

Maybe mopping floor task shall move to tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow.

PYQ0423 commented 4 years ago

I shall send my CV to HR today, which means I need to fix my website today.

PYQ0423 commented 4 years ago

It's 15:49, and I found the Blog project, and learned the dictionary structure on my server. It takes time to restart it.

PYQ0423 commented 4 years ago

It's 16:26, I tried to get the server online, but failed.

PYQ0423 commented 4 years ago

It's 17:00, I made to access the blog via domain name, but there are still problems.

PYQ0423 commented 4 years ago

It's 17:26, and the first problem is fixed. The third problem is understood. The second problem has not been solved.

Next step, I need to find the dashboard for the blog.

PYQ0423 commented 4 years ago

It's 20:48, and I just finished walking. I walked 11,000 steps today. So far, 1 and 3 are finished, 4 are half down. I'm currently watching the Youtube Videos on Data structure.

PYQ0423 commented 4 years ago

It's 21:16, and I just finished 3 videos host by Gayle Laakmann McDowell (such a complex name). She did some very impressive code cracking videos in HackerRank.

The first video solved a problem of matching brackets. The second video solved the problem of using two stacks to immitate a queue. The third video is to make a queue class and a stack class on our own.

The most interesting part of the video is that she showed her way of thinking, such as the top down method —— focus on the main process, and add the details later. Such as in the first video, she uses the isOpenTerm and matches method to simplify the process.

Plus, her variable and method names are really good, for instance the the second video, she used the stackOldestOnTop and stackNewestOnTop, which are very specific and visualized.

In the third video, she demonstrate the Queue class and the Stack class, where she made an inner private class node, and 2 private fields ——head and tail. She said the key difference between the two structures are the deleting way.

It's truly impressive, I shall continue watching this series.